Friday 11 December 2020

Post No. 1,719 - Update of a portion of a previous post on postulated extraterrestrial species / civilisations

This is an update of a portion of my post Post No. 115 - “Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth” and “Aliens Among Us”: a Personal View.

Please note: I do NOT necessarily accept all of the contents of the articles I republish.

In this update, I’ve inserted some comments about the more objectionable matter I disagree with, but I haven’t done so with all disagreements.

In particular, it is important for us to NOT blame an external “other” for problems of our own making - humanity has enough of a tendency for human rights abuses, violence, etc, and we MUST face and deal with that, irrespective of any external meddling. Blaming others for exacerbating what we already have is an unhelpful diversion.

Most importantly, though, Dear Reader, it is up to YOU to “keep your thinking cap on” through all of this, and make up your own mind. 

Original source: (which cites a 17,000 word essay at as the source for this material, although the second site does not appear to exist now, and I have trouble finding the original article on the first site).

I first (re)published this material in May, 2010 at, using jPEG tables.

I have added some links / references to additional information and tidied up some of the presentation of the original in this table.

The site also covers Blue Avians, Tall Whites (“the real Men in Black”), Mantis (insectoid), Sassani / Shakani (more evolved than humans, collective consciousness), Iargan, YahYel (similar to us, may be first open contact). MUFON members (I’m not - seems to be not possible to join when living in Australia - can also access an “almanac” which apparently lists 82 species/civilisations - see

So, other sites cover other species/civilisations. I don’t see any logic in assuming the number of species / civilisations is limited, nor that we know the full range of personalities within any species (think of the variety within the human species), nor that a civilisation is limited to one species (consider the mix of ethnicities in current nations and past civilisations on Earth).

I also don’t know how reliable these websites are (there is at least one angry comment by someone who writes that they are “an experiencer”). I do, however, have reasonable trust in Steven Greer and Whitley Strieber’s websites (see links below), and I have very good confidence in Stuart Holroyd’s objective assessment of the channelling of The Nine, as described in “Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth” (my review here), and the work being done by ET Let’s Talk (website here, YouTube channel here).

What all of this basically boils down to is the importance of strengthening mind, knowing self, and rigorous application of basic psychic good health and wellbeing principles

ET Civilisation

Main activities

Benefits / problems



(constellation Pleiades)

Helping humanity find freedom from oppressive structures through consciousness raising.

(On consciousness, see Steven M. Greer on “the Holographic Universe”, and also here, and here.)

·         universal human rights;

·         participatory democratic systems;

·         evolution of human consciousness;

·         global education.

(star Arcturus)

Integrating spiritual values with advanced technologies, providing strategic advice on transforming planetary systems, crop circles.

“One of the most advanced species in the galaxy, the Arcturians are multidimensional beings with three fingers. They are great teachers and vibrational beings. They sense the vibrational aspect of reality. Their society and personal lives are based on vibration. The highest ranking members of society are those with the highest frequency. Mating takes place on a non-physical level.

Arcturians assist the human race to attain peace and spiritual development.

You can thank them for protecting our planet since our beginning.”

·         global governance;

·         integrating global financial, political and societal systems;

·         coordinating relationships with ETs;

·         diplomacy and conflict resolution;

·         extraterrestrial communications.

Alpha Centaurians
(triple star system Alpha Centauri)

Promoting social justice and human freedom, and responsible use of advanced technology.

·         social justice at a global level;

·         zones of peace;

·         human rights;

·         sustainable development.

(planet “Ummo”)

Sharing technical information, transferring scientific culture, and global education.

·         Transforming scientific paradigms;

·         Developing alternative technologies;

·         Educational reform.

(star Sirius A)

Assisting in building a suitable ecological system for (human) evolution on Earth by altering the “bio-magnetic energy grid” of the planet.

“The Sirians helped to create the human race, and guided the early civilizations of this planet, including Atlantis, Lemuria, the Mayans, the Dogon tribe, and Egypt.

They were masters of crystal energies and healing, the reason that Atlantis was able to create the machines that powered their powerful machines.

‘Sirian alien races are very different. Some extraterrestrials from the Sirius star system are benevolent and good (mostly around the Sirius A), others are evil (mostly around Sirius B). There are many humanoid and non-humanoid species. Some are reptilian, others are aquatic. Famous aquatic extraterrestrial race, is the Nommos people, who visited Earth many years ago, and contacted the Dogon tribe from Africa in the region of Mali.’ ”

·         environmental protection;

·         promoting biodiversity;

·         raising human consciousness;

·         evolution of the biosphere.

(galaxy Andromeda)

Facilitating decisions of the galactic community in dealing with the current Earth situation, innovative strategies for resolving conflict, the education of youth, and crop circles.

·         education of psychic / “crystal” children;

·         peace education,

·         exposing manipulation of elites;

·         improved global governance;

·         diplomacy and conflict resolution;

·         extraterrestrial communications.

Tau Cetians
(star Tau Ceti, which is similar to Sol)

Exposing ET subversion and control, identifying corrupt elites and institutions, uplifting human consciousness, negating ET mind control and dealing with militarism.

·         exposing government / financial corruption and manipulation of elites;

·         monitoring ET infiltration;

·         multidimensional consciousness;

·         deprogramming mind control;

·         conflict resolution.

(the star Procyon, brightest star in the constellation Canis Minor)

Promoting effective resistance to extraterrestrial subversion, developing “multidimensional consciousness”, using mental imagery to prevent ET mind control, monitoring unfriendly ET activity.

·         exposing ET subversions;

·         ending global secrecy on ETs;

·         multidimensional consciousness;

·         deprogramming mind control;

·         universal human rights;

·         internet and global communication.


Helping surface humanity learn of its ancient Earth history, restore human longevity, changing unhealthy belief systems and protecting the environment.

·         environmental protection;

·         promoting biodiversity;

·         human health and longevity;

·         recovery of humanity’s history.

(northern hemisphere constellation Lyra)

Disseminating the unique history of Nordic humans in the galaxy, and assisting in understanding human motivations and potentials.

“Associated with the star system Lyra, these ancient beings are feline in appearance. They descended from nonphysical beings from a completed universe, at the invitation of the creators of this universe. These spirits evolved into physical form as cat-like creatures, then evolving into more humanoid creatures.

A long long time ago, there was a Great Galactic War between the Reptilians and the Lyrans. The Lyrans won this war, ensuring our eventual existence as the human race.

In the war, the Lyrans were forced to leave their homeworld and broke into three distinct groups that settled the Pleiades and Orion star groups, as well as Andromeda. Much like the reptilians are no longer dragon-like Alpha Draconians, the original Lyrans have evolved past their ancestors.

“The Felines are a bipedal race that stand 12 to 16 feet tall. Their skin is covered by a sort of soft fuzz, and though they don’t have fur, they do have manes and both the males and females have long hair.”

·         recovery of humanity’s and Lyran history;

·         understanding galactic history;

·         discovery of the human essence;

·         diplomacy and conflict resolution;

·         global education.

(Vega is the brightest star of the northern hemisphere constellation Lyra)

Disseminating the unique history of darker / blue skinned humans in the galaxy, and assisting in understanding human motivations and potentials.

·         recovery of humanity’s and Lyran history;

·         understanding galactic history;

·         discovery of the human essence;

·         diplomacy and conflict resolution;

·         global education.

Harmful (originally described, in an adaptation of the phrase popularised by Eisenhower, as “cooperating with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex”)


“Short Greys”
(constellation Orion and southern hemisphere star Zeta Reticulum)

Abducting civilians, genetic experiments, mind programming, monitoring humans through implants, cloning and creation of human-Grey hybrids.

Note - see rethinking by Whitley Strieber, who was initially traumatised by his contact experiences, but now sees an advantageous sharing of consciousness (within limits), proof of survival after death, and other mutual benefits as a result of contact. He writes of the physical proof of contact in Confirmation, proof of survival after death in The Afterlife Revolution, and his new thoughts on contact in the recent A New World. His blog is at

·         traumatised “abductees”;

·         genetically modified humans;

·         humans monitored with implants;

·         mind programmed “abductees”.

“Tall Greys ‘ Tall Whites”
(constellation Orion)

Genetic experiments, creating a hybrid human-Grey species, mind control, and diplomatic agreements with the “shadow government”.

Note: I personally consider the notional “shadow government” and similar allegations to be unsubstantiated - I don’t consider there is any credible evidence of such, and hence do not accept its existence.

·         genetically modified humans;

·         humans monitored with implants;

·         mind programmed “abductees”;

·         compromised political elites;

·         infiltration of national security agencies;

·         human rights abuses.

Indigenous Reptilians

Manipulating human elites, institutions and financial systems; influencing religious belief systems; militarism; and removal of the history of human civilisation.

·         human rights abuses;

·         corruption and domination of elites;

·         control of the media and corporations;

·         divisive religious dogma;

·         historical amnesia;

·         culture of violence.

Draconian Reptilians
(northern hemisphere star Alpha Draconis, also known as Thuben, in the constellation Draco)

Controlling human elites, institutions and financial systems; militarism; creating a climate of scarcity, struggle and insecurity; harvesting humans; manipulating Greys and Earth Reptilians.

·         unequal and iniquitous concentration of global wealth, causing poverty;

·         corrupt elites and institutions;

·         ethnic and religious violence;

·         human rights abuses;

·         culture of violence and terrorism;

·         drug trade and organised trade.

(star Sirius B)

Participate in technology exchange programmes that promote military cooperation to potential extraterrestrial threats.

Note: see videos by Steven Greer on “false flag” or pseudo-threats here and here.

·         covert weapons research;

·         use of exotic weapons;

·         abuse of civilians in time travel experiments.

(dwarf star “Nibiru”)

Control long term human evolution through elite groups, systems and institutions, and through manipulating human consciousness. Compete with Draconians for control of Earth.

·         manipulation of elites;

·         religious fundamentalism;

·         patriarchal global culture;

·         culture of violence.