Friday 18 December 2020

Post No. 1,724 - Reading

I am quite enjoying Freddy Silva's "Secrets In The Fields: The Science And Mysticism Of Crop Circles" (Amazon) in my spare time at the moment (which will increase after today if I get my work done on time) - although I'm not very far through it (about a third of the way). I hadn't paid much attention to crop circles before now - the term didn't give me any particular cause for interest, although I had heard there were more complicated designs than just circles. 

I'm now catching up on the history of all this - including the staggeringly blatant and illegal actions by the UK military on this matter. 

Although I didn't know how close the UK military came to killing people, it was always blindingly obvious that the two old geezers who tried to claim they were responsible back in the 90s were liars. (A number of people I have worked with subsequently and drank the ideological Kool Aid by saying crop circles were all faked showed (a) how inept they were at being adult humans, (b) how flawed their thinking was - not only on the topic of crop circles, but also their jobs [bigots are bigots because of their mental defects - whatever the cause and manifestation of that is: it basically means you should never trust a racist / sexist / homo-/bi-/trans-phobe on anything], and (c) what intellectual COWARDS they are.) The book's comparison of this to the discrediting of UFOs (aka "UAPs") was useful, and raises serious concerns about the mindset of right wing authoritarians in power (as does, in Australia, things like their indifference to human suffering, their ideological blindness, etc).

I'll do a proper review once I finish the book. In the meantime, I'm enjoying finding out more about this topic, and may start checking in regularly on websites such as this one.