Saturday 8 May 2021

Post No. 1,852 - An example clearing from the news

I write a fair bit on clearing, including clearing from items in the news. 

As an example of what I do, there was a clueless comment made by the management of a community organisation recently in response to reports of a court case against it - remarks that, quite independent of the legal case, show a clueless, patriarchal and probably groupthink afflicted culture. 

My response to that was: 

  • after establishing BPM  protection, and ensuring that my BPM  Guides will limit my efforts to what is for the HSG, explored (this is a little like "remote viewing", which I will touch on in a coming post) the psychic atmosphere of the organisation's headquarters (a public place, given their community role - not a private place) and its key people; 
  • the place was infested with clashes of disharmonious and nonBPM energy, so I created poles of suitable (I won't go into details - different for each situation) energy from Spirit and Earth at around 1 m intervals to block the energy, and then started a clearing of each cubic metre of space, one at a time, using this technique (there are ways to get that process started, and then allow it to continue without more than occassional attention from me: I used those);
  • next, I: 
    • cleared the key (those with publicly accountable roles) people's auras of nonBPM and disharmonious energy, objects and links ("units"),
    • strengthened the BPM energy, objects and links in the key people's aura (and they were present in every person)
    • rescued entities caught in their auras and blocked & isolated several strong controlling nonBPM uncooperative entities (they will become a long term clearing project),
    • sent healing and strength to them and their BPM  Guides and strengthened BPM lines of communication from these people to their Higher Selves and BPM Guides, 
  • after which (and this was up to around an hour by now), I checked how the headquarters was going. It is a big building, so I will tune in from time to time over the next week to check how clearing the nonBPM and healing & strengthening the BPM are going, as well as the long term clearing and rescue of those uncooperatives; 
  • I have also packed the buildings and its surrounds with BPM objects to maintain protection. One was this bindrune:

All of that is good and worthwhile, but it is not enough, so I have also written to my local MP. Issues in the material world need to be addressed from both the material and spirit.