Sunday 9 May 2021

Post No. 1,856 - Dowsing The World’s Psychic Weather - Air: Lesson Twelve - Techniques

(1) Establish the Intent of the Ritual

A ritual or psychic working can have an intent established - a them, if you prefer - much as a crystal can be programmed to have a particular intent. (My first ever post, here, was my workshop notes about working with crystals, and included programming of crystals.)

In a psychic working context, establishing intent is largely done by maintaining the goal in part of your mind as a clear focus. While doing specific actions, such as establishing protection, those tasks are at the centre of your attention, but the intent should be “at the back of your mind”, and brought to the focus of your attention regularly.

Note that if you get too distracted, you may get sloppy results. As an example, if you ask your pendulum “is the sun shining outside?” but then think of icecream in your freezer, you might get a “no” on a sunny day because the pendulum receives something like “is the sun shining in the freezer?” (Sometimes, if the question isn’t clear because your thinking was confusing, the pendulum will not respond, or will indicate a “dithering” of some sort by not responding in a normal way - e.g., just quivering instead of swinging in lines.) Mindfulness may help with awareness of thoughts, as will proper meditation.

In fact, that focus should start when you are planning the working - and in planning the working, you may be choosing to work with BPM  Guides, helpers, power animals (e.g., see part of this post), or Matron/Patron Deities. If you do, you will have an opportunity to clearly and precisely state (or think) your intention to them - saying it aloud helps with most people who are not highly practised at maintaining a focus, and can often help those who are.

It can also help to think or state the intent to yourself - possibly several times.


(2) Atmosphere

For each location, I ask “what is the overall non-physical _<specify whether BPM or nonBPM> energy in this place?”
(I have used more complex systems in the past, but I lack the time to keep doing that - a large group of, say, a thousand dowsers might be able to do a more accurate dowsing . . . )

For others, they may find the remote viewing idea of asking “what is the atmosphere like?” useful.

A lot of RV newbies apparently want to focus on physical details (e.g., “the door is 1.8 m tall and 4 m from the window”, which might miss the significant people, objects and intentions also in that room), or are unsure about what they are sensing, and the question about atmosphere is reported to help overcome - or bypass - that doubt.


(3) Selecting a Surrogate / Indicator

In my case, the device I find best for both indicating the location I wish to dowse and record my result, is a flat map of the world (I’m interested in maps and they are, as a result, familiar). I use one that doesn’t have the distortion of the widely used Mercator projection (the Peters projection would be a reasonable alternative).

I also use a green sphere in left hand that points at flat map, which helps maintain a combination of selecting location and being aware of the planet being a sphere.

Others may prefer the grid reference of remote viewing, latitude and longitude, or even holding a book or photo about that place (or a memento, although that needs to be free of too much personalised influence - e.g., if it is a gift from a friend, you may wind up dowsing that friend rather than the locale.

For many people, there’s no way out of experimenting to see what works best for you.


(4) Tools

The tools I use for this are a pendulum, a spherical crystal, my blank maps, and a set of pens. To avoid having to deal with the influence of other workings, I reserve these tools for this work and nothing else. Even with that reservation, I have to cleanse them, keep the friendship going with them, and so on - but if also had to deal with influences as a result of using those tools for other work (e.g., healing people), I run the risk of getting some interference from that other work.


Past Lessons

Earth: First principles:

Water: Dowsing

Air: Sensing and dowsing at a distance