This is only partially done for this week, but, as advised in the previous post, I need to attend to other matters for a while, and these posts take a significant amount of time and energy.
On psychic, spiritual and related matters, including interesting reading:
- this is the first (good) material on the Council of the Nine that I've come across since "Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth": a video by Elena Danaan (I am wary of the linked person for their pro-#45 stance and stupid comments about Australia);
- the 42 Laws of Ma’at (the Negative Confession or the Declaration of Innocence) have been supplemented by 42 Ideals of Ma’at (Positive Affirmations);
- excellent thoughts on media portrayals of witches during the northern hemisphere's Hallowe'en from a witch and author I respect;
From the news this week:
- on the climate crisis and the environment:
as Australia is correctly labelled "a great disappointment", Scott has confirmed he is still committed to trying to pump blood (funds) into the corpse that is the fossil fuel industry; a new documentary on Australia's climate bushfires has been launched; per capita emissions reinforce that it is developed, not developing, nations which need to cut back; an EXCELLENT video on the broader picture that nice initiatives should be judged against; a large area has been donated to conservation to protect my home state's endangered fauna symbol; food production is adapting to the climate crisis; "politicians [catch up with business and] stop lying about the cost of climate change"; the ALP has refused to commit to carbon pricing; from a region where young people are particularly terrified, "images of Tuvalu minister giving COP26 statement in the ocean" have had a major impact; two people in Siberia are using animals to press down snow into thinner, less insulating layers in an attempt to slow the loss of permafrost; even a town of conservatives is getting into renewable energy; a reminder of the successes we had on the ozone layer;(responsibility)
- on international relations including war:
Australia has still not fixed the rupture we caused with France; an assassination attempt on the PM of Iraq (where pro-Iran militias are refusing to accept election results that they lost in) failed; a crackdown on illegal fishing in Australian waters;
- on the COVID-19 pandemic:
"why Chinese citizens support COVID-zero even if it means being cut off from family" (there is NO WAY people can put loved ones at risk by travelling and risking transferring COVID and still claim to love those people); Costa Rica now requires children to be vaccinated against COVID-19; massive resistance to vaccination in PNG; this week's "myths" includes one that governments cannot compel checking in - they can; a nurse has been charged for giving a fake vaccine to a teenager (if guilty, she is both criminal and unprofessional / professionally incompetent);(Berkana - healing & compassion)
- on genocides and other human rights issues:
social and political: a call to RESIST the weaponisation of the Internet - including "the normalisation of the “privacy is dead” rhetoric by tech giants"; time is needed before digital whistleblowing can have an effect; Yazidis are still displaced in Iraq; New Zealand has legalised assisted dying; legal action against Japan for insufficient notice to prisoners about to be legally murdered; the "US Supreme Court [will] hear [a] case [on] FBI surveillance of a mosque";
- on democracy:
an EXCELLENT video on the enemies of democracy that I strongly recommend people watch; sham "election" in Nicaragua; the military are refusing to allow Sudan to return to democracy - and are using banned-in-war chemical weapons against protestors . . . and the UN's Human Rights Council has requested that the High Commissioner for Human Rights designate without delay an Expert on Human Rights in Sudan to monitor the developing human rights situation until the restoration of its civilian-led government; following coups in each nation, "West African regional bloc ECOWAS imposes new sanctions on Mali and Guinea";
Australia: the ALP has proposed an anti-scam centre and called for a "crackdown on social media companies profiting from fraud"; an opinion that "three years after [the Royal Commission into banks], the robber barons are back in charge . . . those who are supposed to secure the public interest are deliberately starved of funds and staff . . . deprived of truly independent power to protect the public interest"; allegations of branch stacking against a Liberal party MP; "the federal government’s handling of the pandemic has been the worst public policy s***w-up in Australian history "; an opinion on a state MP's recent behaviour and "the death of political accountability";(democracy)
- on LGBTIQ+ matters:
Pride celebrations in Argentina; an LGBTIQ+ group in China has been forced to shut down; - on racism:
the impact of modern slavery on Indigenous communities; a call for missing Indigenous children to be treated equally with missing white children; more ancient Mayan artifacts have been returned to Guatemala and Mexico as an expression of private collectors' goodwill; "there can be no Treaty without truth"; "we choose our history to suit who we are, but 'the great Australian' silence is slowly being broken"; - on sexism and misogyny:
Poland's abortion ban has directly led to the death of a pregnant mother; misogynistic violent extremists in Afghanistan are using ruses to lure women to be murdered; a rape victim and women's rights activist has revealed Scott was non-committal - and she will campaign during the next election; "there is a generation of men who have been caught flat-footed" by society no longer accepting an illusory "birthright" that those men wrongly thought they had; - on ableism:
"governments must provide redress for women and girls [some as young as seven] who were forcibly sterilised"; - on animal rights:
the abuse of sentinel chickens has now ended;