Saturday 13 November 2021

Post No. 2,082 - Elena Danaan

Someone whose work I've been reviewing of late is a French-born woman now living in Ireland: Elena Danaan (website here, YouTube channel here, Amazon page here)

In general, I find a lot that she covers is on the same sort of "wavelength" as what I do - including a recent video (see 1st dot point below) that covered the "Council of Nine". I also consider her personal experiences, as explained in this book, to be credible.

However, I'm wary of her view that much of the conflict that is happening is physical, rather than non-physical (which, in a general sense, is part of this post of mine - but I do agree a struggle is underway, only I consider most of it nonphysical). I'm also concerned about her connection to someone in the USA who has a pro-#45 stance and has made utterly stupid comments about Australia, and I am in favour of measures to manage the pandemic, including being vaccinated - including compulsorily. Such measures are saving lives, including that of my immunocompromised partner.

Be that as it may, I consider her work sound enough to post for your consideration, Dear Reader, so here are a few items I'm satisfied with thus far (I may add more over time), beginning with the video on the Council of Nine:

PS - I'm pleased that the book I'm reading views "Source" (another term sometimes used for what others term "Deity", etc) as female, and mentions some extraterrestrial species having up to eight genders (way beyond binary, but no mention of gender fluidity, for instance).
However, the comments from one of her ET colleagues about love creating links with nonBPM ETs are questionable IMO (and unclear on the difference between love and compassion), and I dispute that Ebola and COVID were engineered/introduced diseases - that is dismissive of the variety and power of this planet's natural world, which has a long history of zoonotic diseases (including malaria and rabies).
Overall, though, I still recommend this person as someone to pay attention to and then genuinely consider the message being conveyed - and then make up your own mind. Note that, as I commented at the end of this post, my doubts could be wrong.
(The digitisation for the Kindle edition unfortunately leaves a fair bit to be desired.)