Monday 3 January 2022

Post No. 2,127 - Grant Cameron interview with Peter Maxwell Slattery

I have just watched a very interesting interview with Peter Maxwell Slattery on Mr Grant Cameron’s YouTube channel.

Peter Slattery came across well in this interview - I might watch his documentary after all (available via here, although it appears to include someone I suspect to be transphobic). The comment in the interview on assessing the validity of information against the yardstick of how well it helps us evolve is excellent - and the discussion on meditation (possibly for several hours each day) was also very good (particularly after having read Daniel  Goleman and Richard Davidson’s book “The Science of Meditation“).

Before I continue, as a digression a better link (than the one provided in the notes) for Grant Cameron’s books on Amazon (which are listed under “Mr Grant Cameron”) is

Other experiencers have also talked, as Mr Slattery does, about being in contact with other aspects of themselves - including from the future, or parallels (which was my experience until that parallel died). Similarly, others have also talked about multiple species. (The information on Peter Slattery’s website [here - and also see here] has interesting similarities AND DIFFERENCES to others’ information. The differences support the independence of this information, so I am pleased to see that, but the underlying similarity of the core or structure of the information is something I will address below.) 

Incidentally, the discussion around “race” (and this is a criticism of the entire UFO / "UAP" field) should actually use the word “species” - failure to do so shows a lack of awareness of the problem of racism (see here for my thoughts on that).

I also definitely agree with Mr Slattery that we have a high psychic / spiritual potential, which, in fact, ties in with what has been written by quite a few others - now, and throughout history (one of the comments on the video states “This is essentially the Theosophical doctrine of esoteric Buddhism. Read Blavatsky’s Divine wisdom, or the commentary on it by Annie Bessant” [I don’t know to link to specific comments, and the handle doesn’t lead to a useful channel] ).

In fact, one of my cautions about Mr Slattery’s work to date has probably been over this apparent lack of awareness of what others have done (the book Mr Slattery wrote on CE-5, for instance, does give some attribution at the start (although my understanding is that J. Allen Hynek developed the first three categories, and Stephen Greer I though originated [popularised?] the CE-5 category, but the rest of the sample of the book I read didn't seem to deeply appreciate the work of those before - which, of course, may be different in the entire book). I don’t, however, consider that arrogance, or a refusal to acknowledge what others have experienced / known - it could also be a case of this is coming through independently, which is something I have also done (for instance, see here), and also has happened with a few inventions, discoveries, etc, such as Darwin and Wallace (see here). That apparent independent channelling / access to information with strong similarities basically provides support for the universality of spiritual principles. (Incidentally, I consider there is a need for better thinking in the UFO / “UAP” field - see here.)

A few other comments:

  • orbs are interesting: an ex- and I used to occasionally watch them come in one wall and slowly drift across the room and out the other wall (these were bigger and slower than the ones in the trailer for Mr Slattery’s documentary trailer / videos);
  • the discussion on deity aligns with the definition in Stuart Holroyd’s book Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth (page 286):
    “a unified infinite intelligence supported by pure love and which grows with pure love”;
  • the comments about lens flare are correct;
  • the description of UFO movement/navigation tied in well with what Bob Lazar has described (see here);
  • phrases like “implosion-explosion toroidal field” do NOT impress me. Terms like “breaking down to an electron” are, in my opinion, a reasonable attempt to describe what is happening, but I suspect the phrasing is slightly off. On the other hand, expressions such as “body computer” or “bio-computer” (instead of “meat suit”) are excellent;
  • as a crystal worker, I like the references to crystals / crystalline units (I always do);
  • “black helicopters” as phenomena / manifestations (because of the orbs seen in them and the discontinuity with air flight physics) is an interesting thought;
  • progressive disclosure to match our rate of growth / development matches my experience and that of others, and the comments about changes in one’s life (gain / lose friends, etc) and the importance of increased tolerance / acceptance and being a decent human being as one grows also resonate (strongly);
  • the interconnection / overlap between physical and nonphysical contact experiences are good;
  • the consideration of chemical substances (as used on alleged shamanic experiences in South America - I won’t name the drug) to cause experiences are a dead end path.

In my opinion, the interview is worth a look.

Also, Whitley Strieber has interviewed Mr Slattery recently - see here for that one.