Saturday 9 July 2022

Post No. 2,242 - Crystals and ... illogic?

When I was a kid, I used to pick up happy” rocks - rocks that appealed to me in some way. I’d take them home for a few days, and then, when they - as I thought of it at the time - “missed their families”, I would take them back to roughly where I found them, and return them to where they had. On one occasion I took a rock home from somewhere we had been visiting by car, and was so distressed that I couldn't return it, that I never did that again. 

As I moved into my later teens and early adulthood, I came across crystals - and took to the alternative concepts associated with crystals around energy like a duck to water, as the saying goes. 

I was pleased by the notion of sending healing back to where crystals had come from, which fitted in well with my earlier experiences, and working with crystals to achieve healing, raise consciousness, or provide protection. 

Ah - provide protection. 

Ill come back to that in a moment, but for now, I also want to point out that I dont only buy crystals that will benefit me or, if they’re a gift, others: I have also deliberately bought crystals that needed healing (one needed six months of fairly intensive healing work). Crystals are a form of life, and deserve consideration and respect. 

And that’s where illogic, crystals, and protection comes into play. 

I often won't take a crystal with me into a stressful or disharmonious situation for protection of myself, as I consider it unwarranted of me to expose the crystal to that stress or disharmony - notwithstanding that I can cleanse, clear and heal the crystal afterwards.

It’s a little like being entrusted with someone else’s child: how am I going to justify putting that (crystal) child at risk when I communicate with their “parent” - i.e., the place where the crystal came from? 

The answer to that lies in: 

(a) knowing that crystals are undergoing a form of growth and development as well, just as human children do; 

(b) discerning between unwarranted risk (e.g., putting an untrained child into a high wire circus act, or relying on a small crystal to turn back all the nonBPM influences in the Universe) and what is part of the normal extending experiences of growing up (such as a child learning to ride a bicycle, or a crystal learning to work with other crystalline / natural energies - or to do so more effectively); and 

(c) working with consent.

On that last one, before going out of the house I’ll often (mentally) ask my crystals “who wants to come with me today?”

What I need to learn to do, is to trust my crystals and respect the friendship they wish to offer me and their right to grow as well, by making the same request before going into a situation where I could use their help - that is, ask “listen, I'm going in to situation X, which involves energies Y: of those of you who are able to cope with that, do any of you wish to come along? If so, well have a quick chat about what could happen, preparation and after-care.”

Something else for my learning and growth.



Assumptions / basis 

In writing this, I have assumed / started from the following: 

  • life is not limited to that which is biologically living;
  • all of existence, whether sentient or not, biologically living or not, is deserving of respect and consideration.

Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider: 

  • sentience takes many forms, and, while I am vegan, I am not going to claim that I never affect sentient life as plants have a certain amount of sentience and capacity to experience pain. I am thinking through the implications of that, and will, one day - maybe a few years from now - consider I am able to write something about that, but not today; 
  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking” 
  • I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.


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