Monday 4 July 2022

Post No. 2,239 - no more online community quest :) , plus thoughts from my current reading (~600 words; 2 - 3 min read)

For some time now, I’ve been running a low intensity search for an online community. Ive not found anything yet - apart from a false start (for posts on this, see here, here, and here), and now I've decided to stop the search altogether. 

That came about because of a reading from an online app (the Druid’s Oracle Cards - here, and here on Apple) which pointed out that I was becoming a bit of a fence sitter - looking in at groups whilst forgetting to get involved and do stuff, and using the search for connection as a bit of an excuse. 

I dont need to be part of a group to do valid psychic and spiritual work - I consider this blog is proof enough of that, and this (solitary work) is a topic covered by Josephine  McCarthy in a number of her writings - both on her Quareia free on-line course website (e.g., here), and the associated books (now available as a single e-book on Amazon, Apple, and probably elsewhere)

I first came across Josephine McCarthy through the Quareia website, and then found "The Exorcist's Handbook" (Golem Media, 3rd edition, 2010, ISBN 978-1-937002-43-5, Amazon), which I - sort of - reviewed here. I've been working on making a set of the cards mentioned in that book, with adaptations to my path, which I mentioned here: further to that post, the cards are working out quite well. (My cards are, of course, quite basic, but one day I might break my digital only preference to buy the LXXXI  deck [available here and here, reviews here and here - and probably elsewhere], which came out of the Quareia system.)

I also referred to another of this author's books in Lesson No. 81 of my online course:

If want to know more re connecting to Inner plane, read Josephine McCarthy’s book “The Work of the Hierophant” - but, if you do, also create a way to end the group when it’s function is no longer needed [if you doubt that, consider what reality may be like in, say, a million years].

As I stared reading the combined trilogy, I came across a passage on the problems with committing oneself to oaths that I completely agree with. I can’t find the passage on the website, so you may need to get the book to read the details, but there can be ethical concerns, including egos, and limits on one’s maturing/growth (I hadn’t considered the latter aspects before)

For an idea on the sorts of ethical issues which can occur, the following is from my post at

So the three situations I have written about are: 

  • the problems caused by lack of an appropriate perspective;
  • the problems caused by loyalty to an inappropriate oath or vow (including loss of perspective); and 
  • the problems caused by the lack of an appropriate oath or vow (including lack of perspective).

Some of what I have done in the psychic/spiritual arena over the last decade and a half has been a reaction to problems with knowledge that is hidden behind oaths with groups I have come across - which is part of this post of mine

As Josephine McCarthy writes (not in these words), the skill of discernment is of great importance. 

So far, I cannot fault any of Josephine McCarthy’s books - they’re from a different path than mine, but there is wisdom in them, and thus I recommend you, Dear Reader, consider buying them (or downloading the legitimately offered free versions). 



A few of my other posts may be of interest if you like this post: 


Assumptions / basis 

In writing this, I have assumed / started from the following: 

  • withdrawing from the world to enable development of spiritual strengths needs, in general, to be balanced by applying those strengths to make the world a better place - otherwise one risks being selfish (and thus self-defeating) in one’s spiritual journey
  • there is also a balance between healthy human contact, and over-indulging in human contact out of fear of solitude or being alone;
  • responsible use of/access to knowledge is important, and, just as one wouldn’t put a toddler in charge of nuclear weapons,some knowledge shouldn’t be put in the hands of the irresponsible; 
  • membership of groups, including psychic/spiritual, should be respectful of members other life commitments - including to family, friends, and work.

Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider:

  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking” 
  • I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.