Friday 6 August 2010

Post No. 142 - Grief

I've just come back from a funeral for a young friend of the family, a kid who was not perfect, but touched many people with love. His death was accidental; the grief and other effects (I've seen some maturing in young people as a result of this loss, for instance, and there have been some other benefits out of the pain) were a natural consequence of who he was.

That's not what I want to write about here, though. I want to cover two points:
1. the blockage that grief can cause; and
2. the psychic effects of the grief at the funeral.

That first point. Well, the energy that is grief is capable of blocking (psychic) contact with loved ones who have passed over. This energy can become, for the person who is grieving, a black cloud within which they wrap themselves - literally: that is the psychic impression seen under some circumstances. [1] The person concerned may then wail about not having contact from the loved one, not realising that it is the still living person themselves who is blocking the contact - and, in the process, ironically possibly causing some pain to the person who died. [2]

I'm currently writing a post on the topic of "Self Indulgence", from the shamanistic perspective written about by Castenada, and I'm going to steal the thunder from that post by stating here that, in general, I consider the philosophy expressed in the saying "feel the fear and do it anyway" applies to most emotions: acknowledge the emotion, feel it, and get on with (constructive) life anyway ... It is a philosophy which, in my opinion, applies to grief: acknowledge the various stages of grieving [3], work with them constructively (i.e., grow), adjust and then continue living.

OK, the second point. Well, basically, quite a few earthbound spirits who were themselves earthbound because of their grief (not always over the death of a loved one: losing relationships or opportunities can also lead to this) were drawn in to the outpouring of grief at the funeral. So, while I was sitting there, as well as dealing with my own reactions and supporting those around me, I also was performing spirit rescues [4] - quite a few, in fact [5], of people who had become trapped by their grief (including some who had died of it).

That's OK, but there were also a few entities there who could probably be technically classified as vampires: they were enjoying the grief - feeding on it, in a sense. The influence of these entities (all human, by the way) was to exacerbate and prolong the grief that incarnate ("living") people felt. Those entities were isolated from the incarnates they were feeding off, and will be given rather intensive clearing of energy (this is also used to free those who these entities had been controlling - including other earthbound entities [6]) and healing, and will be given (by the Guides) a choice of passing over or being left in a place where they cannot feed on others.

Sounds bit tough, doesn't it? Well, they've been actively harming other people for long enough, and now they are going to be stopped from doing that any more. They're free to pass over any time they want, but they will not be allowed to harm others.

This action is a last resort, approved by the entity's own Higher Self.

These sorts of entities are the sort of reasons usually quoted when talking of the need for protection, grounding, clearing & releasing, etc: the truth is, they're rare - most times people need protection it is simply because of incompatible energy.

There is an interesting article on (the history of) possession here: it might be worth a read before judging this last action too much one way or another.

And now, I will resume my own grieving process - not just for this death, but for other sad news I have had recently [7]. May the Goddess bless, nurture, heal and protect you and all who are near and dear to you.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


  1. Not always, though: some grief is the normal, painful but healthy adjustment to loss, and it doesn't necessarily form a blanket around the grieving person. It is useful to refer to the work of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross on this topic.
  2. Usually the grief is like a constant drag on the person who has passed over, interfering with them settling in to the afterlife. This, incidentally, is part of the reason some indigenous people do not mention the name of people who have passed over.
  3. It can be useful to be familiar with the work on stages of grieving: I know this through the work of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross on grieving (the "Kubler-Ross model, or "the five stages of grieving"), but there have no doubt been others since, and may well have been others before her. She also contributed to the hospice care movement, including care for people with AIDS (which may have led to an arson attack on her home).
  4. You can find some of my previous posts on this topic here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
  5. I have a habit of asking my Guides how many entities have been rescued, as often, for every one entity rescued by "work" (talking with them, healing them, clearing energy, opening portals, etc), there will be a few others around who will see what is going on, who also pass over. In this case, my Guides (who have a sense of humour) responded to my questions "how many" with "42". "Yeah, right - the meaning of life" (an allusion to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy") "I get it, doing rescue is my life purpose ... How many?" The answer was a smaller number, but still quite surprising enough.
  6. Apparently this was dealt with in the episodes of "Ghost Whisperer" featuring the character "Romano", in Season Two. I regret that I have missed seeing all the episodes of this series ... I'll have to grit my teeth over the technical technique problems, and enjoy the entertainment (and the fact that, effectively, spirit rescue is on a mainstream TV series - two, if you add in the British "Afterlife").
  7. I've written previously about "living in chakras" (see here [8]), which is basically a concept based on "how much do you focus on the different levels of life/existence". I'm aware that I'm being affected by a negative frame of mind, caused by exhaustion as much as anything else, but it seems to me that people in this world are overly living in the Solar Plexus chakra, which is the third to most people, fourth to me, as there is too much focus on emotions, and not enough on other things like caring for the planet, spiritual life and honour. I think that is a key feature of this level of reality, but, in the interests of evolution, there is a need for balance with other aspects of life as well.
  8. And see here, here, here, here and here

This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: control, earthbound, emotions, grief, death, Castenada, shamanism, rescue, purpose, Vampires, possession, honour, chakras

First published: Friday 6th August, 2010

Last edited: Friday 6th August, 2010