Sunday 21 November 2010

Post No. 174 - Fear of difference

Today I happened to drive up to some shops to do some shopping. Nothing particularly remarkable in that, except I was abused my an elderly "gentleman" because I was driving with my headlights on during daylight hours. Now, I happen to drive with my headlights on for very good reason: safety.

When I don't, I get all sorts of idiots who seem to assume that because I drive a small car I don't matter, and therefore they can cut me off. When I drive with my headlights on, which is recommended in some areas of New South Wales and, I understand, is compulsory in some parts of Canada, I don't get the same extent of problem.

But this particular idiot this morning - and I have come across others like him - was affronted at someone doing something so unnatural as driving during daylight hours with her headlights on that he had to show his beak into the situation.

Ah well, at least he didn't attack me for it, unlike the bigot at yesterday's Equal Marriage rally who attacked one of the (straight) supporters there.

The things people do because they cannot handle difference.

It's quite a widespread problem, actually. Have you ever made an assumption, for instance, that a loved one/friend/colleague will like something because you do? The energy of that assumption is very much akin to the sort of bigotry that led to yesterday's assault and this morning's rant.

Remember, if something you see is not ACTIVELY HARMING others, you may well be supposed to just keep your nose out of it. If someone is different to you, that isn't necessarily a problem ... for instance, if you're a particular sexuality, and they have a different (but consensual) for of sexuality or relationship orientation, then their sexuality (which is far more fundamental than is implied by calling it a flippant "preference") is none of your business. Butt out!

For those readers who do NOT have these problems, I apologise for this rant: I needed to vent.

Normal service will now resume :D

Oh, and I might be able to try some Ranger techniques with someone in the near future, so I will hopefully be able to report on something good, soon.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: discrimination, bigotry, prejudice, minding others business,

First published: Sunday 21st November, 2010

Last edited: Sunday 21st November, 2010