Saturday 11 June 2016

Post No. 877 – For Sunday evening’s meditation-clearing

My apologies, but a cut-down version again this week, this time owing to a combination of 
(a) travel for work during the week (although that led to good environmental outcomes, which helps me feel that losing a week out of my life was worth something :) ), and 
(b) having to reorganise our garage (which is chockers with stuff from two households) so repairs can be done tomorrow and the next day after the ceiling collapsed. 
Again, I may, however, have to retire before I can do these weekly posts as I wish * SIGH *
At least there was one interesting thing from the mess that was this week: for a little while, I was possibly the fastest healer/clearer in the world. On the flight back, another passenger had a medical emergency – something which required the administration of oxygen, and led to a faster flight and landing, and ambulance officers coming on to the plane to attend to the person, who was taken off in a wheelchair, not a stretcher, and not in requirement of
resuscitation etc (I was, incidentally, quite pleased at the good reaction of the other passengers to this). Naturally, as a healer, when I became aware of what was happening, I checked with my BPM  Guides, and then sent the healing that I could for the HSG – although I quickly became aware that what was needed more than the addition of BPM energy was the clearing of nonBPM energy and units, so perhaps this was a panic attack. In any case, for a while I – and my “patient” – were doing healing and clearing whilst travelling at something like 800 kmh, so … I was possibly the fastest (travelling) healer in the world, for a while :)
For everyone’s convenience, I’ve shifted the reminders / explanations about Sunday’s meditation-clearing to this post. I have a simplified blogiography of posts related to this work here, a list of themes I have identified here, and my changing the personality of oppressors and other world leaders post is here. (Also, see here for some investigation into evidence of the effectiveness of this type of work, which shows variability [and mentions causes] and cycles in the energetic/consciousness response … and also here and here are interesting.) A range of information on emotions is here, and suggestions on how to work with emotions is here. This copy of a speech to one of the Parliament of World Religions also has excellent, helpful insights on generational transmission of harm, the cost of war, and ways to heal our hearts. This post reminds us to be patient and persistent (and I like the comment about a sudden “shift” being just another form of apocalyptic thinking).
The purpose of posting these news links is not only to inform: it is also to stimulate a connection to nonBPM units that need to be cleared and BPM units that need to be strengthened. That only works if you don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by this, so take it in small chunks if you need to, but remember to actively clear and heal! … including yourself. Also, it is absolutely VITAL that this psychic / metaphysical / spiritual work be performed non-violently and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good – which is part of being BPM – on all levels and in all ways. Always remember (see here): Do you fight to change things, or to punish? See also here, here, here, here, here, and my comments about “authentic presence” in this post.
Also, in the same way that activists used to argue that “the personal is political”, the energies we use and manifest in our daily lives contribute to the larger soup of energies that influence world events. If you want to, for example, improve the communication of nations, improve yours. To help stop abuses of power, be always ethical in your conduct. Want peace? Then work in an informed, understanding, intelligent and nuanced way for peace in yourself and your life.
Finally, remember that many others are doing this type of work – for instance, the Lucis Trust's Triangles network (which has been running for many decades),   the Correllian Tradition's 'Spiritual War for Peace' (begun in 2014, and the website was recently updated to include many more activities; on that term, see also here and here), the Hope, Peace, Love and Prosperity Spell (also from the Correllian Tradition, in around 2007 or 2008),   the Healing Minute started by the late, great Harry Edwards (held at 10Am and 10PM local time each day, and one can pay to be officially registered. This also has been running for decades);   the “Network of Light”  meditations;   and   also see here and here – even commercial organisations are getting involved (for instance, see here), and there are online groups (e.g. here and here – which I’m not members of, and thus do not know the quality of). No doubt there are many others, so, if you don't like what I am suggesting here, but want to be of service, there are many other opportunities for you.
(Please note that I now specifically have a role for (absent) healers on Saturdays, as explained in the Psychic Weather Report posts. Anyone who wishes to be protector has a role every day :) , including – perhaps particularly - the first permanent issue I list below. At all times, on all levels and in ways, BOTH must ALWAYS be BPM in the way they perform such roles.)
Now, if I am ever late getting my Psychic Weather Report up any week, the default plan is to build up energy in the “Shield of Hope” on Sunday, send energy to West Asia / the Middle East on Monday, and then extend that to include Europe on Tuesday, the USA on Wednesday, East and South East Asia on Thursday and Africa on Friday.
Now, the themes – short, medium and long term - that come to mind for my work this week, after I review all this news, are (and no apologies if this repeats the themes of any previous weeks – in fact, given the size of this task, that is to be expected):
(a)   based on my interpretation of information here and here with Saturn in Sagittarius contributing to finding an authentic balance (until 20th December, 2017), Uranus in Aries contributing to fresh and possibly radical starts (until some date in the Year 2018), and Pluto in Capricorn contributing to a transformation of power and business (and careers) (until some date in the Year 2024), conditions are ripe for a change for the better in world politics;
(b)   there is an enormous need to clear nonBPM energy – the thought forms, unattached energy and scars of the collective unconscious created by millennia of violence. This need includes rescuing those who have been trapped by that history, and healing the warped views, seemingly “inherent” biases, and other damage done by the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual violence committed on scales large and small in that timeframe;
(c)   viewing the overall emotional state of the world from an elemental point of view, this week we need more of the steadiness of BPM Earth and the clear thinking of Air and the ethics of Aether;
(d)   all attributes can be applied badly – physical strength can be used to intimidate, a desire for a more spiritual life can be warped into unbalanced paths such as neochristianity (Christianity is a different matter – and the catholic church is neochristian, although some individuals in it are Christian), and intelligence can be deliberately used to harm others, or used without consideration of context (i.e., used unwisely), just as easily as it can be used for good – hence the importance of clear thinking;
(e)   people being sheeple continues to be a MAJOR problem;
(f)   to state the obvious, violence in all its many forms, including war, poverty, discrimination, control, etc, also continue to be a MAJOR problems;
(g)   power needs to be balanced by a commitment to ethics;
(h)   the closed minds of bigots need to be opened;
(i)   acting superficially on the basis of an immediate emotional reaction is never wise – and has NOTHING to do with intuition or clairsentience;
(j)   actions speak louder than words;
(k)   where problems exist, advocating for BPM responses, and being as BPM as one can be, and constructive solutions - as is clearing nonBPM units;
I also take this opportunity to repeat that it is absolutely VITAL that this psychic / metaphysical / spiritual work be performed non-violently and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good – which is part of being BPM – on all levels and in all ways. Always remember (see here): Do you fight to change things, or to punish? See also here, here, here, here, here, and my comments about “authentic presence” in this post.
News and other matters from this week include the following (opportunities/good news are shown in green; comments are shown in purple; WARNING: some of these links may contain triggers around issues such as violence, sexual assault, discrimination, etc).
  • Permanent issue: may all actual and potential BPM [1] Leaders be kept BPM safe, including keeping them undetectable to the nonBPM and keeping all their Significant Others inviolable against being used for indirect  psychic attack, and may they have all the BPM opportunities and assistance (so-called “good luck”) for them to be BPM effective at influencing the world’s direction, development and unfoldment, all as is for the Highest Spiritual Good;
  • Permanent issue: may all humans recognise, irrespective of the appearance of difference, the essential shared humanness of other people, the inherent resilience, the dynamic power, the strength of BPM collaboration, and the opportunities of having a diverse, inclusive and welcoming population, and may all people choose fairness, when such decisions are before them;
  • Permanent issue: may all humans choose to live modestly – to forgo outdoing others, or trying to have more than they need - for the sake of an easier, more manageable life, if they cannot do it for the sake of the planet;
  • With regard to democracy, freedom and governance (e.g., here and here):
       the insane modelling used to support “trickle down” economic theory;   a comparison of the Australian and US presidential elections;
       Papua New Guinean police have opened fire on an anti-government protest – a wrong act which was compounded by the University getting a court injunction against the protests;   those leading the campaign for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union appear to have resorted to inflaming racist fears (seen on TV news while sitting in my motel room one evening this week [about the only time I watch TV] – have not found a media link, although there is some reference to it here);   an example of the sorts of problems created by the lack of social welfare and judgemental attitudes;
       presidential elections in Peru;
       protests against Poland’s conservative (preservationist?) government;   protests in Viêt Nám calling for greater government transparency over recent fish deaths;
       an Australian political candidate has quite rightly been sacked from the military reserve for allowing photos of himself in uniform to be used;   an investigation is underway into possible bribery;   on balance, although I dislike the MP’s policies, I am actually more inclined to believe the version supporting his view of this pub confrontation (and this sort of incident is one of the reasons I avoid both being an MP, and going into bars);
  • With regard to violent extremism (aka, terrorism - e.g., Da’esh) (and, incidentally, I consider ALL people advocating hate or discrimination in response to violent extremism to actively be doing the work of violent extremists. This PARTICULARLY includes those cretins [including in the media, and Amnesty International] who use the acronym ISIS (see also here), which is actually the Greek name of the Egyptian Goddess Aset – and others (see also here and here) - and actively perpetuates the patriarchal and sacrilegious evil that terrorists are trying to accomplish in this world – which will be countered, in part, by the sort of approach advocated by “Cure Violence”, and, in part, by addressing real and perceived disempowerment and acknowledging the variety in what provides genuine, BPM fulfilment as a counter to fanaticism as a source of meaning. I also am inclined, personally, to include here the last two millennia of neochristian and colonialist social engineering, which has led to suppression of women, child abuse, the Crusades, the Inquisition, etc, as violent extremism, but that would take too much explaining):
       terrorist attacks have occurred in Niger, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Bangladesh (2nd), Israel, and there is a more comprehensive list here, may be being planned/prepared for/developing in South Africa, prevention has or may have occurred in Ukraine, and actions have occurred against terrorists in Libya;   an Indian man has been freed 23 years after he was convicted of terrorism, as a result of forced confessions and torture;   United Kingdom prosecutors have decided they lack evidence to charge anyone in MI6 with the rendition and torture of a couple (including a pregnant woman) in 2004 (the wording suggests to me that they  could be guilty … );
  • With regard to refugees:   a survey of Australian voters shows that the rhetoric of politicians (one of whom is bleating about managing discrimination by enforcing an acceptable level of invisibility) is causing misperceptions with voters wanting boats turned back for allegedly safety reasons (any of these cretins notice how many people the Italian navy has saved by simply doing its job under the Safety of Life at Sea convention – which Australia breached at the time of the Tampa affair, and has consistently breached ever since?), and yet they would accept more refugees through other means!;   the man who founded the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre, himself a victim of profound racism in Australia, has accused the Labor and neoliberal parties – correctly, in my view - of cowardice on refugees;
  • With regard to human rights and discrimination (including associated violence / crime):
       a Uber driver has – very deservedly – been sacked for homophobic abuse (and should be charged with threatening assault);
       more racism in the football world;   author JK Rowling has slammed racists who criticised a non-white Hermione in a stage play;   calls for a crackdown on charlatans who are targeting indigenous communities;   social media has stopped attempts to whitewash tributes to Muhammed Ali;
       fighting against the stupid  and unhealthy pressure to marry in Indonesia;   Turkey’s Grand Sultan Erdogan has spoken and tried to turf women back towards being barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen – whether he fully realises it or not;   appalling leniency in the sentencing of a rapist in the USA, with concerns that it will stop other victims coming forward – see also here, and here, which has some excellent comment about media portrayals, and here;   more murders of women over marriage issues – one by a mother;   Egypt’s president has shown – again – how much of a bigoted cretin he is, with his offensive remark about this appalling assault on a grandmother;   on the other hand, Indonesia’s President has shown how decent he is by directing that a plan be found to stop Indonesian women being subjected to abuse through their lives as domestic workers overseas;
       fighting against the appalling and stupid prejudices shown against people with albinism in Africa;   Indonesia has jailed members of a religious minority for “blasphemy;   slavery in Australia;   although this incident, where a university lecturer was sacked for allegedly joking about communism, has been portrayed as being about freedom of speech, this sort of comment is exactly why the lives of LGBT kids are now under threat again. No matter what it says – validly - about the university, it also shows that the lecturer was politically naïve at best, and, not to beat about the bush, basically a bloody idiot who has committed a culpable act. This is the sort of blatant stupidity that those involved in any form of community activism / education know they cannot afford;   a women with disability argues in support of euthanasia;   the number of “rough sleepers” in my home city has nearly doubled over the last two years – and our attitudes towards them shows nasty aspects of ourselves;
  • With regard to crime, judicial matters and policing:   the neochristian catholic church has finally decided to sack bishops who cover up child abuse – see also here;   canings under sharia law in Indonesia have increased;   the Philippines' president-elect has urged the public to join his anti-crime crackdown, offering people huge bounties for killing drug dealers (and welcome, in a few years time, to chaos and the law of the bully … - which may well be the outcome from such as immature act);   backpedalling on medical marijuana;   a proposal for international exchanges to build the experience of judges;   calls for an independent enquiry after police shooting a mentally ill man led to wounding of three bystanders (having seen the film of this incident, I understand why some witnesses considered a Taser would not have worked, but I don’t consider that necessarily the case. I also understand why the police considered they were threatened and took action, although I do not have enough information to have an opinion as to whether their shots were reasonable, and didn’t breach what is termed “firing discipline” [e.g., by forgetting about people behind]: I’ll wait for the enquiry results) - see also here;   a report says police colluded with the murderers of six catholic men over two decades ago in Northern Ireland;   two men have been charged after allegedly using excessive force during a citizen’s arrest – and, whilst I do not know the details of this case, I do know that such arrests are subject to the same sort of expectations of proportionality and reasonableness as police arrests;
  • With regard to press aka the media, and freedom of expression (keeping in mind that claims of presenting “both sides” of a debate can be WRONG if the other side is RUBBISH –as is the case on LGBTIQ issues):   a Malaysian artists has been charged after depicting that nation’s Prime Minister, currently facing corruption allegations, as a clown;   dispute over whether or not Indonesia has tried to apply pressure for removal of a pro-West Papuan independence mural in Australia;   this sort of stupidity does not help the media at all;   the mother of a shark attack victim is appalled at a photoshopped image – and this shows the side of the media which is effectively shooting itself in the foot, and undermining attempts for respect for the better and necessary work the media does;   the lack of diversity in Australian media;
  • With regard to overcrowding and “modern” lifestyle issues (is YOUR smart phone free of conflict  minerals and child labour? I was recently pleasantly to find IT manufacturers now making at least some effort in this regard. Do you suffer from FOMO? Are you being duped by modern mantras? Does your AI use ethics? Does your corporation misuse mindfulness as a distraction from working conditions? Do you understand embedded emissions?):
       renewable energy sources have experience their greatest annual growth – 9% - last year – see also here;   Finland is planning on trying to permanently bury its nuclear waste;   recent floods and storms have led to a call for Australia to start seriously planning for climate change. I am somewhat conflicted about some of these reports: on the one hand, that people are losing their homes is terrible (although I suspect the sympathy for people who appear to be better off than others is probably lower as a result), but, on the other hand, it is equally terrible – and trebly offensive - that so many people (developers and Councillors and government officials and MPs, not necessarily the home owners) have been ignoring warnings from engineers for so long, or arrogantly and stupidly thinking they are “better” / stronger than Nature, or that others should fund highly questionable “defences” – and that was with coastal changes BEFORE climate change, which has changed everything and requires the sort of thinking being called for (this is also not the first time developers have done stupid thinks: the name “Shark Bay” in my home state was, according to rumour, changed to “Safety Beach” to enable houses to be sold. See also here);   an expert has stated that one solar power company’s claims about a competitor are misleading and incorrect;   a noted green campaigner wants to open a walking trail to help save a wilderness. Whilst this proposal would probably work, it does also tend to emphasis the problems of “out of sight, out of mind”, and human-centric arrogance – assuming that the existence of something only has validity in relation to its connection to / use / value for humans;   the mother of a shark attack victim is appalled at a photoshopped image – and this shows the side of the media which is effectively shooting itself in the foot, and undermining attempts for respect for the better and necessary work the media does;
       a penguin has received a 3D printed prosthetic foot;   Yay! Someone else who doesn’t want a “smart” phone: "I don't want more practicality. "It's more poetry that we need", but, because of the stupid inflexibility of her daughter’s school, she may have to yield :( ;   hands free phone use while driving is also distracting (no kidding, Einstein);   an anti-Semitic app has been removed by Google;   the best and worst of internet connectivity in my nation;   the problem of “private” (is that a euphemism for illegal?) gun sales on facebook;
       extreme financial distress is the main cause for those Australians who have their power cut off;   the grimy debt collection business in the USA;
       a town in Cornwall, in the United Kingdom, has banned second homes;   a food precinct in my home city has reduced food waste by 90% by recycling;   more on the problems of renting in Australia;   a report in my home state has recommended legalisation of euthanasia for those suffering from incurable and serious conditions;   the valid benefits of “mental health days” (term used partly as a euphemism);   light pollution;
  • With regard to education:   a tool has been developed to get kids to stop and think before making online comments that could bully others;
  • With regard to Africa, the Africa Center for Strategic Studies (and other sources) also has:
       an article on “reclaiming the head scarf” in South Africa as a sign of cultural pride;
  • With regard to China and East and South East Asia:   on the eve of the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, Taiwan has told China that democracy is nothing to fear;   criticism of unethical behaviour over a fund raising campaign for children in Cambodia;   concerns over the extent of Australia’s economic reliance on China;   “police” in China have given lawyers there a powerful image of the abuses and problems they regularly face;
  • With regard to the Indian sub-continent, The Hindu and other sources have:
       incompetent police presuming those helping at accidents are doing so out of guilt, attempts to hit bystanders for hospital fees and fears of being caught up in protracted legal cases as witness are some of the reasons bystanders do not help at road accidents in India;   the leader of an illegal market in human organs has been arrested;   the 150th anniversary of the appalling Orissa famine;
  • With regard to the conflict in Iraq (noting that Iraq was once a peaceful and prosperous society, before the USA / CIA backed revolution – see here):   more reports of civilians fleeing Fallujah being shot;
  • With regard to South and Central America:   Brazil’s recession is hitting hard;   the problems in Venezuela;
  • with regard to the conflict in Syria:   more air strikes in Aleppo, including of hospitals, and suburbs just after aid deliveries;
  • with regard to Turkey:   Turkey’s Grand Sultan Erdogan has spoken and tried to turf women back towards being barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen – whether he fully realises it or not;
  • With regard to West Asia / the Middle East, the Middle East Eye and other sources have:
       Egypt’s president has shown – again – how much of a bigoted cretin he is, with his offensive remark about this appalling assault on a grandmother;
       an utterly appalling admission by the UN that Saudi Arabia was removed from a blacklist of nations which had abused children’s rights in war because of political pressure;
  • With regard to the war in Yemen:   the UN has hit a low by appearing to respond to pressure and removing Saudi Arabia from a blacklist of nations violating children’s rights in war;
  • With regard to natural and other catastrophes:   more lightning strikes in Europe;
  • With regard to peace and/or spirituality generally, and the occasional nice story:   the former Yugoslavia is still showing the ongoing damage caused by war two decades ago;
and from a range of other sites:
  • inappropriate behaviour of friends;
  • shark attacks in Western Australia have been linked to cooler water temperatures; 
  • an Australian lizard shows very non-standard gender characteristics and behaviour;

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