One of the things the controversial author Lobsang Rampa (see has written about is the development of a new "world religion", in the sense that every few hundred years a new major religion seems to come along (e.g., Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, etc). He predicted that a new religion would come, with an inclusive basis (although I suspect his interpretation of "inclusive" may have been cultural and/or racial; Rampa suffers from being quite sexist at times, and shows a limited understanding of homosexuality etc). At the time I read that, when I was young (a teenager), I was quite happy to be Buddhist, and didn't put a great deal of effort into thinking about it. Now, a few decades later, I have been spiritualist, shamanka (which I understand to be the female version of the word "shaman"), Druid, Wiccan, etc, and have friends, family and acquaintances of many other faiths (including Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam) I have asome experience of the commonality behind these various religions. (I also know of some of the differences, but thjat is a topic for another time and place.)
I've talked to people doing religious study courses (and am doing a Coven based study course [see Septen Seethers] which covers a dozen established pathways). Maybe there is "room" (or perhaps "need"?) for a new, major world religion which facilitates bringing people and other paths together?
Rampa said, back in the 70s, that the leader of the new world religion had not yet been born, but that some of the coming leader's supporters were active, and preparing the world for this. I'm not aware of being one of those "supporters", incidentally :) However, it would be nice to be able to contribute to the world being better in a big way, so I'll do that in my little way by suggesting that it could be worth you, dear Reader, thinking about what you would like to see in a new "world religion", what could possibly lead you to change any current belief/disbelief system you have and join it, and what type of movement would lead you to want to be a better person.
Happy musings :)
Love, light, hugs and blessings
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Tags: religion, about me, change, control, inventiveness, commitment, communication, leadership, personal characteristics, personal responsibility,
First published: Saturday 8th November, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 8th November, 2008
This blog ( sub-title "Reflections from the Sideline") passes on my over half a century's worth of knowledge of spiritual and psychic matters, gained as a minor Servant of Life/Earth Empath/recluse/Psychic Warrior in fields such as spirit rescue, clearing, energy work, crystals, activist Paganism/Witchcraft, runes, past lives, healing, and teacher. I also share some of my problems [Content Warning!] and spiritual / psychic innovations. Opinions are mine UNO.
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Saturday, 8 November 2008
Post No. 055 - A Nobody’s Laws of Psychic Stuff
When I was studying engineering, we learned a technique for predicting probable formats of equations called (I think) dimensional analysis. One night, as I idled away the time sleeping, a though came to me that it could be interesting to apply that sort of approach to the psychic (energetic) clearing that I do. I have to admit to being slightly influenced in this by some of the references to such-and-such’s laws on shows like “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” – excuse me while my aura blushes.
Anyway, the laws. I’ll give them first, and add a commentary as time permits.
I’ve called them “a nobody’s laws of psychic stuff”. I’m not quite a nobody in my local area, but I AM unknown to most of the rest of the world (and that is perfectly fine by me!), but I have chosen this step more in reaction to the egotistical addition of names to scientific discoveries, engineering papers, psychic pontifications, etc, etc, etc. Maybe this way people will look at these suggestions, and agree/disagree/pass over as trivial purely on the basis of their assessment of my proposals, rather than either favouring/disfavouring them on the basis of some alleged (or real, in the case of those who know me) source.
1.The strength of psychic effects is a function of the psychic closeness of the effecter and the effected.
2.Psychic closeness is a function of (total) activity and strength of psychic interconnections.
3.The number, activity and strength of psychic interconnections is affected by the number, activity, strength and consciousness of interactions (not only psychic interactions).
4.Psychic interconnections that are passive, whether harmonious, disharmonious or neutral, can be reactivated. Such reactivations can lead to surprising (unexpected) interactions, both pleasant, unpleasant and neutral (not only psychic interactions). They can also be altered, replaced or removed without reactivation.
5.The amount of psychic energy that is required to alter, replace, renew or remove an interconnection is a function of the strength of that interconnection. One may, however, be able to receive help or hindrance from other sources, both known and unknown, in response to matters such as past karma (good, bad or indifferent) and constructive and destructive alliances. One “good” thought does NOT outweigh a thousand “bad” thoughts, but it might trigger nine hundred and ninety nine thoughts worth of help.
6.It is said that the only constant is change. Your psychic and spiritual states of being are also subject to constant change, even if they have attained a dynamic equilibrium. (A good way of managing this constant change of state of being may be to think like a spiritual warrior, including thinking about logistics [supplies, replenishment, etc].)
Love, light, hugs and blessings
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Anyway, the laws. I’ll give them first, and add a commentary as time permits.
I’ve called them “a nobody’s laws of psychic stuff”. I’m not quite a nobody in my local area, but I AM unknown to most of the rest of the world (and that is perfectly fine by me!), but I have chosen this step more in reaction to the egotistical addition of names to scientific discoveries, engineering papers, psychic pontifications, etc, etc, etc. Maybe this way people will look at these suggestions, and agree/disagree/pass over as trivial purely on the basis of their assessment of my proposals, rather than either favouring/disfavouring them on the basis of some alleged (or real, in the case of those who know me) source.
1.The strength of psychic effects is a function of the psychic closeness of the effecter and the effected.
2.Psychic closeness is a function of (total) activity and strength of psychic interconnections.
3.The number, activity and strength of psychic interconnections is affected by the number, activity, strength and consciousness of interactions (not only psychic interactions).
4.Psychic interconnections that are passive, whether harmonious, disharmonious or neutral, can be reactivated. Such reactivations can lead to surprising (unexpected) interactions, both pleasant, unpleasant and neutral (not only psychic interactions). They can also be altered, replaced or removed without reactivation.
5.The amount of psychic energy that is required to alter, replace, renew or remove an interconnection is a function of the strength of that interconnection. One may, however, be able to receive help or hindrance from other sources, both known and unknown, in response to matters such as past karma (good, bad or indifferent) and constructive and destructive alliances. One “good” thought does NOT outweigh a thousand “bad” thoughts, but it might trigger nine hundred and ninety nine thoughts worth of help.
6.It is said that the only constant is change. Your psychic and spiritual states of being are also subject to constant change, even if they have attained a dynamic equilibrium. (A good way of managing this constant change of state of being may be to think like a spiritual warrior, including thinking about logistics [supplies, replenishment, etc].)
Love, light, hugs and blessings
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Post No. 054 - Superstitions can be codes for guides to use
OK, most cultures, and some people, have a range of superstitions – for instance, throwing salt over your shoulder to “ward off evil/devil/bad luck”, not walking under ladders, not crossing the path of a black cat (anyone ever bother to check what happens to the black cat when someone crosses its path?), wearing lucky socks/bling/underwear. Ask most reasonable people what’s behind superstitions, and they’ll often give an explanation about how superstitions have a core of some truth, and some might even talk about examples like one from Africa (which I think I first read about in one of Lyall Watson’s excellent books) where a long, complicated procedure involving virgins, certain types of food, certain exposure conditions, etc for the purpose of fixing certain types of illness just happened to also create the right conditions for growing a particular type of penicillin. Hmmm – willow bark tea and aspirin all over again, eh? And I can hear the scientific/”rational”/Vulcan minded amongst you lot, my readers (both of you – I know who you are! Ahhhh ... must stop eating certain types of food prepared by virgins in another type of way ...) talking about the value of using objective testing to find out what is essential about procedures so you don’t confuse the waffle with what is of real value.
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Tags: guidance, communication, inventiveness, mirrorology, perceptions, persistence, personal characteristics, personal responsibility,
First published: Saturday 8th November, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 8th November, 2008
Well, you know what? I agree with you.
So there.
I actually do think there is too much blind faith and desire for things to work in too many metaphysically/spiritually inclined people – which, given the sad, unduly sceptical, materialistic state of our world, is understandable (though actually counter productive, as it leads to what does work being swamped in a sea of shoddy details which feed the sceptics). We would be better off maintaining some objectivity, and lots of true scientific enquiry. But that “true scientific enquiry” does not assume things either work or they don’t: there are rules, contraindications, circumstances/people for whom things will work and others for whom it won’t work.
I always tell people, in my crystal workshops, this won’t work for all people. When we cover dowsing with a crystal pendulum, I then talk about theories that this will not work for a couple of hours each day, and that you have to be very precise in your questions (e.g., don’t ask “can you tell me if ...?”, as the crystal may well answer “yes”, meaning it can tell you, which may be WRONGLY interpreted by you to mean the answer to your 2nd question was yes), and check how each combination of you + crystal will indicate yes, no or maybe. The rules for communication can change for each combination.
And that, dear readers (both of you :) ), brings me back to superstitions.
MAYBE the reason there seems to be a kernel of truth in these for some people is that they are true for SOME people. MAYBE those people’s guides know they are inclined towards certain types of beliefs, and so they USE those beliefs to frame their communications. For instance, someone close to me has a superstition that seeing magpies has meanings: one for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl and four for a boy, five for silvery, six for gold, seven for a story never to be told. That works for her – infallibly (well, the one and two do anyway), but doesn’t for me. However, the superstition that owls are a harbinger of death does work for me (as far as physically seing owls is concerned – that doesn’t apply to psychic visions for me, which is fortunate considering owl is one of my power animals).
Well all is said and done, superstitions are superstitions. They don’t necessarily have a rational basis that can be used universally (but neither do, say, all medicines), but, in this irrational, imperfect world, they may be being used a valid means of communication from those who are busting their guts to try and help us as best they can.
Love, light, hugs and blessingsGnwmythr
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Tags: guidance, communication, inventiveness, mirrorology, perceptions, persistence, personal characteristics, personal responsibility,
First published: Saturday 8th November, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 8th November, 2008
Post No. 053 - Reality and money
OK, we have a financial crisis on our hands at the moment: we even have people talking about the end of capitalism as we know it. Well, that may be. This world has experienced such endings before, and will continue to experience them. And, despite such endings, the world will continue to revolve on its axis as it rotates round the sun. Gravity will continue to work in much the same fashion ... sentient beings will continue to think, and living organisms will continue to seek to survive and even flourish.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
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Tags: perceptions, change, life lessons, personal responsibility, personal characteristics,
First published: Saturday 8th November, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 8th November, 2008
The reality is that the current financial crisis means not all humans will flourish, and some may not survive. But THIS crisis, unlike the nuclear threat when I was growing up, and the environmental threat that goes with our materialistic, capitalistic ways, does not threaten the physical survival of this world.
Do you know that a recent article in “The Age” ( found deforestation had annual costs of around $5trillion, and far outweighed the severity of the financial crisis?
A slightly different perspective on the matter there.
Perspective is the issue I wish to consider in this post: perspectives on money. I’ve heard money described as being an energy. Certainly in the literal sense money is a token representing value or units of work. In the case of the stock market, the monetary value of shares is largely – far TOO largely, in my opinion – a perspective on the potential money energy in each share. I have a hard, pragmatic viewpoint on this topic, and consider blue chip shares and investments that lead to tangible results (whether that be more widgets, or better education/health care/quality of life) have a greater reality than things like selling short, or trading in shares and aiming to make money out of changes in perceived value of shares.
Don’t get me wrong: I KNOW that money can be made on the stockmarket – the father of an ex of mine had given up an engineering career and spent twenty years making a very good living off trading shares when I met her. That, however, does not change my view that any system which relies so heavily on perception is in need of a reality check.
I think that also applies to the house owner who thinks that, because their house has gone up in value (according to the market) they are better off. The house has not changed in its functionality, or size. Nothing in the real world sense has changed. Be careful not to mistake perceptions for reality. If the change in value was realised by selling the house and having more tokens [“money”] “in the bank”, I would consider it real: in that case, the potential energy has been changed into tokens which have a reasonable form of reality.
Those tokens, however, are not always assured. Financial crises – such as the one we are currently facing – have the potential to, if not managed properly, lead to inflation which – through a common, shared perception called “the financial market/reality” – can rob the tokens of their previously assigned value. And that leads to the situation of using wheelbarrows to collect pay cheques and the like.
I think I’ve possibly spent too much time running household budgets to be impressed by economists/financial advisors’ preaching.
It’s not that I have a great inherent distrust of markets. In my day job, as an engineer, I’ve seen the good and bad of public and private enterprise, and advise clients to use market forces – when it is appropriate, and in ways that are appropriate. Which includes ethical. Because karma is also an energy.
As a digression, I’m currently experiencing great problems in my life because of stress caused by a bureaucratic, bloody-minded, penny-pinching approach being taken by a public sector organisation. This approach is costing the community money, and making the projects timelines impossible to meet. On the other hand, I’m aware of times when the private sector does work which will cost the community money (e.g., using higher velocities in pipes, which increases power consumption – such matters typically happen when design & construct approaches to work are badly written).
Both parts of the market have advantages and disadvantages – one matter I am very aware of is that a healthy public sector avoids problems such as those associated with the rampant individualism and greed of the US economy, where, for instance, poverty exit-rates are FAR lower than those of the more socially aware and responsible European market, and where health care is unaffordable for many people. (I have seen people in the US Wiccan community ask for help with financial costs; I wrote to the US ambassador about these problems in a general sense, but was a bit stumped by privacy considerations when the ambassador [or ambassador’s lackey] did the Margaret Thatcher thing of “what are these people’s names?”)
Another part of saying things have advantages and disadvantages is that there are times when they are appropriate, and times when they are not.
In my opinion, the current financial crisis is showing, as the 89-92 recession did with the decade of greed, that there are limits to milking people out of money (my veiled reference to the sub-prime mortgage market, where people were duped into loans they could not afford – and approach I found starting to sneak into Australia in recent years). To put this more nicely, there are possibly limits to situations where capitalism is “good”.
You know what? That is OK. Things can evolve – for instance, democracy nowadays is far better than the free-male-only version the ancient Greeks invented.
On a personal level, I consider everything you do you should be aware of your needs and wants, and your risks. For instance, in undertaking psychic development, is your want really, perhaps, something like fostering friendships? Perhaps your need is spiritual self discipline, rather than adding one or two more healing techniques to your resume? In any case, are you actually applying your personal/spiritual/psychic development to making you a better sentient being, and your life a “better” (whatever that is!) life? I’ve had two major changes of path (away from Christianity, and away from [westernised] Buddhism) because I became fed up with people who failed to apply their beliefs to make themselves better people.
As I wrote: things change and evolve, and those “things” can include spiritual paths.
Are you being genuine in your spiritual beliefs with respect to this financial crisis, or are you writing it off as something afflicting only either the rich or the ignorant? Shame on you if you are, as the effects are being felt by many hard working, honest people who deserve help.
If you are working on the financial crisis, are you ideologically committed to capitalism, or are you open minded, fair and objective?
Life has a way of bringing us lessons we would rather avoid at times. What lessons is this current crisis bringing to you?
Love, light, hugs and blessings
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Tags: perceptions, change, life lessons, personal responsibility, personal characteristics,
First published: Saturday 8th November, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 8th November, 2008
Post No. 052 - Who is in YOUR family?
A view that I come across from time to time is to the effect of “Why should I help them? They’re not family!”. In a slightly different form, it is often expressed as “Family is all that matters”.
Such views actually have a useful place – for instance, the comment about the importance of family is often about the only way people can convince greedy bosses to back off and allow them some time to have a life. In my view, however, “I need more time to spend with my friends”, or “I need some time to have a life” should be just as credible as “I need more time with my family”. That it isn’t is a sad reflection on our world.
I know that the experience of love for a family, including “add ons” to that family (e.g., parent’s new partners, fostered/adopted children – ALL of whom are as legitimately part of the family as the original members) has benefits. With respect to spiritual growth, for example, these benefits are that one begins to think of others before oneself, which is a good step along the way towards attaining the spiritual ideal of “universal love/goodwill” that many faiths espouse (albeit, in some cases, a bit nominally). I personally consider attaining a state of universal goodwill/neutrality a key part of spiritual evolution, and I see the progression as typically being something like:
- realisation (as a toddler/young child, usually) that you have a separate identity/consciousness
- self absorbance as this separateness is relished
- self love as one emotionally and/or spiritually matures (which, IF it occurs, may be at any stage between young child and venerably aged)
- love for those about oneself (family and friends – and this I by no means universal: there are families and “friends” who are abusive; this can also be a struggle where such family/friends are “not nice”, or where the love impacts - or seems to impact - on one’s earlier self absorbance/self love, possibly because there is a fear that there is a limit to such love)
- realisation (or stirrings of realisation) that we are all connected, and that the initial realisation of separateness of identity/consciousness may not be quite as clear-cut as it initially seemed
- struggles to develop some universality of love/goodwill (or at least a genuine neutrality), which will be exacerbated by inappropriate/wrong views on the Universe/Deity/the nature of our interconnectedness/basic reasons (“rewards”) for doing this, as well as where other people are “not nice” or where the universality impacts - or seems to impact - on one’s earlier self absorbance/self love/family love/love of friends, possibly because there is a fear that there is a limit to such love.
Also, just to complicate matters, things are not just a simple always moving forward matter. We backslide in the one life, and with some lives interspersed between other more clearly forward moving lives. As an example of that, one of my partners in this life (actually most of them, but I am thinking of one ex- in particular) was someone who I have known in previous lives. We’ve been marrier previously, with both of us swapping male and female genders at times, we’ve been friends, we’ve shared lives including piracy and frontier lifestyles, and we’ve also been “enemies”, in the sense of being on opposite sides of war, where we have been responsible for each other’s death. Our paths differed in the last thousand years or so in a couple of significant ways. Firstly, I am of the opinion that I probably had a life in a Tibetan “monastery” (of sorts) in about the 1200s/1300s, and had a significant reawakening of my spirituality as a result of that. I also learned a great deal about self discipline through a life in the British Navy in the early 1800s (no, I was NOT at Trafalgar, and I was NOT anyone famous in either of these lives). My ex didn’t, so wound up leading a less disciplined, more family oriented lifestyle in this incarnation, whereas I wanted to focus more on my broader family: all humanity (maybe even all sentient life?). How does this illustrate the backsliding? Well, the piracy life was after the Tibetan life. So, despite the long term reawakening and flowering of my spirituality owing to that life, that did NOT mean I was continually thereafter a “spiritual” or “good” person.
(Incidentally, if you want to ask “can I prove any of these lives?”, the answer is “most probably not”. If you’re asking that, the sort of verifiable detail you are after is such that I could probably only provide that if I had been hypnotised. I wasn’t, and cannot be bothered stuffing around with such trivialities for the sake of others’ uncertainties about such matters. I have too much to do with getting on with life and growth to waste time and energy on such. There is evidence that I am satisfied with – such as being “recognised” by a former colleague from my most recent life – but what matters about that is that it matches MY standards on veracity, NOT yours.)
Going back to family, those who fail to understand the inherent abundance of the Universe (I have always liked the definition of Deity, from Stuart Holroyd’s “Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth”, that “Deity” is to the effect of “a universal intelligence which grows on love”) may feel that it isn’t possible to care deeply about strangers. This may show in statements like:
- “Why help them? I don’t know them!” or “They’re not family”
(which I’ve heard sometimes about people overseas struck by some terrible disaster, sometimes about people who may or may not be “blameless” with respect to their conduct [such as the homeless – and the assessment of blame is in the mind of the beholder, in this case], sometimes about acquaintances who are not family by blood or relationship)
- “What matters most is the support of your family”
(which is a slightly reverse view of the topic, where one is prepared to expect to be loved by others for whom one is related, but not others)
- “How can you really care for them? They’re not blood!”
(heard, for instance, when some people comment about adopting or fostering; such people should (a) read “The Selfish Gene”, by Richard Dawkins (see, and (b) think about how this could possibly be different to other people coming is as, for example, new partners)
- “You’re part of this family now”
(whoop-de-frickin’-do; I was always a person in my own right, with my own inherent right to exist – I don’t need someone else’s approval or validation)
I think it is high time such family-only apologists thought seriously about the lessons of exemplary people such as Mohandas K. Gandhi (“Mahatma” is an honorary title), Christ (I’m not a member of the book religions: I don’t see Christ as being any more God than the rest of us already are), Martin Luther King, Bishop Desmond Tutu, and (in his later life) Nelson Mandela. (Mother Theresa has been excluded because of her views on same sex attracted people; I don’t know what Bishop Tutu’s views on homosexuality are, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.) We’re all part of the same, big family, on the one small planet. We’re all in this together, so let’s start respecting each other equally, and pull together by AT LEAST not hating or inferring or treating as second rate anyone not in our blood/intimate relationship family.
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Tags: arrogance, about me, control, family, growth, interpersonal interactions, judging others, life lessons, personal characteristics,
First published: Saturday 8th November, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 8th November, 2008
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Post No. 051 - Superstitions
Well, you know what? I agree with you.
So there.
I actually do think there is too much blind faith and desire for things to work in too many metaphysically/spiritually inclined people – which, given the sad, unduly sceptical, materialistic state of our world, is understandable (though actually counter productive, as it leads to what does work being swamped in a sea of shoddy details which feed the sceptics). We would be better off maintaining some objectivity, and lots of true scientific enquiry. But that “true scientific enquiry” does not assume things either work or they don’t: there are rules, contraindications, circumstances/people for whom things will work and others for whom it won’t work.
I always tell people, in my crystal workshops, this won’t work for all people. When we cover dowsing with a crystal pendulum, I then talk about theories that this will not work for a couple of hours each day, and that you have to be very precise in your questions (e.g., don’t ask “can you tell me if ...?”, as the crystal may well answer “yes”, meaning it can tell you, which may be WRONGLY interpreted by you to mean the answer to your 2nd question was yes), and check how each combination of you + crystal will indicate yes, no or maybe. The rules for communication can change for each combination.
And that, dear readers (both of you :) ), brings me back to superstitions.
MAYBE the reason there seems to be a kernel of truth in these for some people is that they are true for SOME people. MAYBE those people’s guides know they are inclined towards certain types of beliefs, and so they USE those beliefs to frame their communications. For instance, someone close to me has a superstition that seeing magpies has meanings: one for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl and four for a boy, five for silvery, six for gold, seven for a story never to be told. That works for her – infallibly (well, the one and two do anyway), but doesn’t for me. However, the superstition that owls are a harbinger of death does work for me (as far as physically seing owls is concerned – that doesn’t apply to psychic visions for me, which is fortunate considering owl is one of my power animals).
Well all is said and done, superstitions are superstitions. They don’t necessarily have a rational basis that can be used universally (but neither do, say, all medicines), but, in this irrational, imperfect world, they may be being used a valid means of communication from those who are busting their guts to try and help us as best they can. Love, light, hugs and blessings
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Tags: communication, correspondences, cross-fertilisation (ideas), daily life, divination, interpersonal interactions, inventiveness, judging others,
First published: Sunday 28th September, 2008
Last edited: Sunday 28th September, 2008
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Post No. 050 - World Peace
World peace is an issue that is of considerable interest for me; it is one of my passion’s. As I was reading today’s online edition of “The Age”, I came across a couple of good articles about current events.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
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Tags: energy work, forgiveness, emotions, Global Consciousness (EGG) Project, Grove of Gyhldeptis, love, mirrorology, personal responsibility, prayer, rituals,
First published: Saturday 30th August, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 30th August, 2008
Good article by, of all people, Malcolm Fraser on the problems the US is causing.
America has lost its way in the world August 29, 2008
To view the entire article, click on: opinion/america-has-lost-its- way-in-the-world-20080828- 44zk.html
To view the entire article, click on:
The troubles in Georgia and South Ossetia are also extremely concerning, and do - in my opinion, at least - protend a second Cold War.
Why we should look to history for Russia's future August 29, 2008
To view the entire article, click on: world/why-we-should-look-to- history-for-russias-future- 20080828-451b.html
To view the entire article, click on:
I think I'll start working on a ritual around these issues. Anyone interested in being part of that?
There are also other sites which may be of interest to those seeking to further the cause of world peace:
- the UK based World peace Campaign, which also suggests actions (e.g., contacting MPs), at http://www.worldpeacecampaign.
- http://www., which includes the importance of personally finding peace (on that, have a look at
-, which is based around prayer
- http://www., which has published a number of policy briefs
- http://www.attractworldpeace. com/ (which is seeking 5,000 people to attract world peace)
And, of course, there is good ol’ Wikipedia, at World_peace
Love, light, hugs and blessings
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Tags: energy work, forgiveness, emotions, Global Consciousness (EGG) Project, Grove of Gyhldeptis, love, mirrorology, personal responsibility, prayer, rituals,
First published: Saturday 30th August, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 30th August, 2008
Friday, 22 August 2008
Post No. 049 - Precognitive dreams: what do you do about them?
I have a habit of having precognitive dreams – for instance, the tragic crash of a plane in Spain yesterday explained a dream I had recently where a jet seemed to disappear into the bottom of a sports arena. In yesterday’s crash, the ravine was identical to the effect of what I had seen in my dream, and the combination of “spectators” (witnesses at the airport) and the shape of some of the background mountains reminded me, as I watched last night’s news, of a stand in a sports field.
Perhaps because I died as a result of a plane crash in my most recent incarnation, I seem to be quite tuned into incidents involving planes (that may also be because I was a night fighter pilot, and shot down a lot of bombers: maybe I have some karma to clear up ...). They’re not all serious ones: I once dreamed of a plane doing a doughnut (360degree spin), and a couple of months later, heard of a plane doing exactly that.
However, on the issue of serious dreams, I had many terrifying dreams about plane crashes, including rolls, before 9/11. Other people did as well, and as one of the alternative world’s follow ups to that, I joined a Yahoo group based on recording dreams. Unfortunately, by the time I had joined the group, it seemed to have degenerated into a normal dream interpretation group, rather than one which watched for trends/themes which warned of impending events, and then did something about them.
That leads me back to: what does one do?
Well, there is almost always something one can do – no matter how small, tiny, insignificant and emotionally unsatisfying that may be – apart from anything else, you are showing to the Universe your quality as a human being by deciding whether or not to try and do something, or even just wish for something to do. You can ALWAYS ask the Goddess to protect those involved in, or affected by, the incident, and to minimise it’s extent and harm - or prevent it happening, if that is for the Highest Spiritual Good. If you are familiar with the energy clearing techniques I’ve written about in very early posts on this blog, you can always use those to try to help alleviate the situation.
After the clarity of understanding I received watching the newscast last night, I am going to try to dissect such dreams a little more, and then fine tune the work I do. For instance, the plane that crashed yesterday appears to have had control problems. I could have realised that from an analysis of my dream and worked specifically on the plane being able to be glided to a safer location.
I’m tempted to say I’d use the Grove of Gyhldeptis to analyse reported dreams which could be precognitive, and look for trends that people could work on (through psychic means – I don’t see any of this as being accurate and clear enough to report to authorities and be taken credibly, but I could be wrong there, too :) ). I suspect I would be swamped (it would have to be a necessary condition that NO personal interpretations would be given about any dream).
Well, now it is time to get back to my day job.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is Yet to be posted
Tags: dreams, precognition, personal responsibility, inaction, action, karma,
First published: Friday 22nd August, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 26th June, 2010 (added tags)
Perhaps because I died as a result of a plane crash in my most recent incarnation, I seem to be quite tuned into incidents involving planes (that may also be because I was a night fighter pilot, and shot down a lot of bombers: maybe I have some karma to clear up ...). They’re not all serious ones: I once dreamed of a plane doing a doughnut (360degree spin), and a couple of months later, heard of a plane doing exactly that.
However, on the issue of serious dreams, I had many terrifying dreams about plane crashes, including rolls, before 9/11. Other people did as well, and as one of the alternative world’s follow ups to that, I joined a Yahoo group based on recording dreams. Unfortunately, by the time I had joined the group, it seemed to have degenerated into a normal dream interpretation group, rather than one which watched for trends/themes which warned of impending events, and then did something about them.
That leads me back to: what does one do?
Well, there is almost always something one can do – no matter how small, tiny, insignificant and emotionally unsatisfying that may be – apart from anything else, you are showing to the Universe your quality as a human being by deciding whether or not to try and do something, or even just wish for something to do. You can ALWAYS ask the Goddess to protect those involved in, or affected by, the incident, and to minimise it’s extent and harm - or prevent it happening, if that is for the Highest Spiritual Good. If you are familiar with the energy clearing techniques I’ve written about in very early posts on this blog, you can always use those to try to help alleviate the situation.
After the clarity of understanding I received watching the newscast last night, I am going to try to dissect such dreams a little more, and then fine tune the work I do. For instance, the plane that crashed yesterday appears to have had control problems. I could have realised that from an analysis of my dream and worked specifically on the plane being able to be glided to a safer location.
I’m tempted to say I’d use the Grove of Gyhldeptis to analyse reported dreams which could be precognitive, and look for trends that people could work on (through psychic means – I don’t see any of this as being accurate and clear enough to report to authorities and be taken credibly, but I could be wrong there, too :) ). I suspect I would be swamped (it would have to be a necessary condition that NO personal interpretations would be given about any dream).
Well, now it is time to get back to my day job.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is Yet to be posted
Tags: dreams, precognition, personal responsibility, inaction, action, karma,
First published: Friday 22nd August, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 26th June, 2010 (added tags)
personal responsibility,
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Post No. 048 - Opportunities
Last night I took my partner’s daughter’s dog for a walk. It was a pleasant experience, and good exercise to boot. More than that, though, it was an opportunity.
I’m generally wary of saying things like “do good”, but I have to say that is possibly one of the best phrases I could apply to this opportunity. As I walked the streets, I can lay a trail of positive energy and – in my case – remove any undesirable (I’m aware there’s a whole debate in each of these terms!) energy, such as clearing clouds of anger energy that others may have left floating round the place.
Other psychic opportunities present themselves to us, concordant with our abilities.
To understand this, think about attitudes to littering: in the 70s (if you were there). I can recall many people not caring about dropping rubbish: now, most people won’t litter, and many will actually pick up rubbish (or join in things like Ian Kiernan’s “Clean Up Australia” day). This is the psychic equivalent: caring about our psychic environment and (psychic) pollution in it as much as the physical environment.
I’m generally wary of saying things like “do good”, but I have to say that is possibly one of the best phrases I could apply to this opportunity. As I walked the streets, I can lay a trail of positive energy and – in my case – remove any undesirable (I’m aware there’s a whole debate in each of these terms!) energy, such as clearing clouds of anger energy that others may have left floating round the place.
Other psychic opportunities present themselves to us, concordant with our abilities.
To understand this, think about attitudes to littering: in the 70s (if you were there). I can recall many people not caring about dropping rubbish: now, most people won’t litter, and many will actually pick up rubbish (or join in things like Ian Kiernan’s “Clean Up Australia” day). This is the psychic equivalent: caring about our psychic environment and (psychic) pollution in it as much as the physical environment.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is of Mt Wellington, which is near Hobart, Tasmania (see
Tags: attitudes, commitment, daily life, energy work, mirrorology,
First published: Thursday 7th August, 2008
Last edited: Thursday 7th August, 2008
This post's photo is of Mt Wellington, which is near Hobart, Tasmania (see
Tags: attitudes, commitment, daily life, energy work, mirrorology,
First published: Thursday 7th August, 2008
Last edited: Thursday 7th August, 2008
daily life,
energy work,
Post No. 047 - A new symbology for invocation
I like to try doing things differently from time to time, and something I tried recently, and quite like, is a set of hand gestures for the various quarters to invoke the Goddess. Basically, I use my two hands to draw a crescent Moon in the east for the Maiden, and the west for the Crone, a full Moon in the north for the Mother, and simply point to the south (for invocation of either the God, or more frequently now, Lilith). To invoke, I commence drawing at the top; to devoke I commence the drawing from the bottom (and use an open palm to the south).
(By the way, the issue of balance is something to be viewed, in my opinion, in a broad context: if, for instance, a woman has lots of recent past lives expressing masculine energy [which doesn’t mean “was male”], she may need to focus on the female to get the balance at a soul level right. Or, if she is living in a male dominated society, she may need to invoke more female energy to get the balance of energy in her life correct. Or, a male may feel the need to invoke more male energy in ritual because his personal circumstances result in an excess of feminine energy. Now reread that swapping the gender of the person I have referred to, but not the energy.)
I have got into a habit of drawing the crescents “facing” into the full moon (I’ll post some diagrams in the near future), whereas they should, to be accurate, be “facing” away from the full moon. I have tried both ways, and feel more comfortable as I have been doing it: if you try it, try both (or other variations: I’m in the southern hemisphere, so those in the northern may want to swap my associations for north and south).
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo will be a diagram, when it gets posted :)
Tags: correspondences, inventiveness, invocation, symbology,
First published: Thursday 7th August, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 26th June, 2010
(By the way, the issue of balance is something to be viewed, in my opinion, in a broad context: if, for instance, a woman has lots of recent past lives expressing masculine energy [which doesn’t mean “was male”], she may need to focus on the female to get the balance at a soul level right. Or, if she is living in a male dominated society, she may need to invoke more female energy to get the balance of energy in her life correct. Or, a male may feel the need to invoke more male energy in ritual because his personal circumstances result in an excess of feminine energy. Now reread that swapping the gender of the person I have referred to, but not the energy.)
I have got into a habit of drawing the crescents “facing” into the full moon (I’ll post some diagrams in the near future), whereas they should, to be accurate, be “facing” away from the full moon. I have tried both ways, and feel more comfortable as I have been doing it: if you try it, try both (or other variations: I’m in the southern hemisphere, so those in the northern may want to swap my associations for north and south).
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo will be a diagram, when it gets posted :)
Tags: correspondences, inventiveness, invocation, symbology,
First published: Thursday 7th August, 2008
Last edited: Saturday 26th June, 2010
Post No. 046 - Grounding and flexibility: a note/update, and Ouspensky
Grounding and flexibility: a note/update, and Ouspensky
I’ve written elsewhere in this blog about the importance of grounding. I would, however, like to make a couple of points about this – very quickly, as my time is limited.
Firstly, I find techniques such as “visualising” a tree root extending from one’s centre into the earth work best when I FEEL them happening, not just use my mental visualisation. Feeling engages other parts of my being, and is closer to using magic to accomplish this goal, than a purely head based exercise - which the word “visualisation” may conjure.
Interestingly, most good authors I’ve read on the topic also talk about using other senses, and emotions. I find, as a generalisation, there is a tendency to rely on using visual senses in psychic development matters generally – for instance, in guided meditations. How about trying a meditation based solely on sounds, or scents? I recall scenes in Star Wars and other films where characters would practice blindfolded: that could be useful for us in everyday life.
What sounds can you hear as you read this? What is furthest away? Now keep listening to the sounds that are closer, until you get in to your body? Can you hear your breathing? The blood rushing through your veins (I recall recently reading about medical problems where people hear blood in their ear drums, so be a bit careful about that one :) )? Can you hear your heart beat? (I can’t, but when I do this exercise I have some sort of awareness of it.) OK, so next, what are you feeling (as in, sense of touch)? Where do you feel your clothes, and which layers? Where do you feel your chair (if you are on one)? What do your fingertips feel? Can you feel you hair? OK, now: do both exercises at the same time.
In it’s full extent, where you gradually add in all the five physical senses (including sight, but looking more intently – e.g., how many colours can you see?), is an exercise I first came across in the writings of (I think – this was more than three decades ago, when I was a teenager) a Russian called Ouspensky. If my recollection is true (Wikipedia’s article, at, didn’t help me on that), Ouspensky taught that humanity was mostly asleep, and believed that exercises such as this would help us to wake up and be more alive. I think that view has merit. I used the word merit deliberately: it isn’t something that applies beneficially to everyone, and not everyone is “asleep”, and the technique can possibly be adapted or improved for individuals or modern cultures. As one adaptation, what about adding in one’s psychic senses?
Right: I’m going back to grounding.
Some people I teach this to feel that they can’t physically move once they have done this. That’s not so. What you have done with this technique is create an astral thought form – its essence is non-physical, so its location/orientation in the physical world is a bit like asking where a radio should be placed within a paddock (with good signal strength) in order to pick up a radio station what matters for the radio is the tuning, not the physical details (I specified a paddock to rule out interference from objects blocking radio signals). When you have created a tree root astral thought form, you can move and keep it intact, and hence stay grounded. I should know, as I have successfully done so countless times, just as I have created sacred space within cars, planes etc that were on the move.
Don’t limit yourself.
I’ve written elsewhere in this blog about the importance of grounding. I would, however, like to make a couple of points about this – very quickly, as my time is limited.
Firstly, I find techniques such as “visualising” a tree root extending from one’s centre into the earth work best when I FEEL them happening, not just use my mental visualisation. Feeling engages other parts of my being, and is closer to using magic to accomplish this goal, than a purely head based exercise - which the word “visualisation” may conjure.
Interestingly, most good authors I’ve read on the topic also talk about using other senses, and emotions. I find, as a generalisation, there is a tendency to rely on using visual senses in psychic development matters generally – for instance, in guided meditations. How about trying a meditation based solely on sounds, or scents? I recall scenes in Star Wars and other films where characters would practice blindfolded: that could be useful for us in everyday life.
What sounds can you hear as you read this? What is furthest away? Now keep listening to the sounds that are closer, until you get in to your body? Can you hear your breathing? The blood rushing through your veins (I recall recently reading about medical problems where people hear blood in their ear drums, so be a bit careful about that one :) )? Can you hear your heart beat? (I can’t, but when I do this exercise I have some sort of awareness of it.) OK, so next, what are you feeling (as in, sense of touch)? Where do you feel your clothes, and which layers? Where do you feel your chair (if you are on one)? What do your fingertips feel? Can you feel you hair? OK, now: do both exercises at the same time.
In it’s full extent, where you gradually add in all the five physical senses (including sight, but looking more intently – e.g., how many colours can you see?), is an exercise I first came across in the writings of (I think – this was more than three decades ago, when I was a teenager) a Russian called Ouspensky. If my recollection is true (Wikipedia’s article, at, didn’t help me on that), Ouspensky taught that humanity was mostly asleep, and believed that exercises such as this would help us to wake up and be more alive. I think that view has merit. I used the word merit deliberately: it isn’t something that applies beneficially to everyone, and not everyone is “asleep”, and the technique can possibly be adapted or improved for individuals or modern cultures. As one adaptation, what about adding in one’s psychic senses?
Right: I’m going back to grounding.
Some people I teach this to feel that they can’t physically move once they have done this. That’s not so. What you have done with this technique is create an astral thought form – its essence is non-physical, so its location/orientation in the physical world is a bit like asking where a radio should be placed within a paddock (with good signal strength) in order to pick up a radio station what matters for the radio is the tuning, not the physical details (I specified a paddock to rule out interference from objects blocking radio signals). When you have created a tree root astral thought form, you can move and keep it intact, and hence stay grounded. I should know, as I have successfully done so countless times, just as I have created sacred space within cars, planes etc that were on the move.
Don’t limit yourself.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo was taken on the Derwent River in Tasmania (see
Tags: grounding, Ouspensky, limitations, cross-fertilisation (ideas), flexibility, senses,
First published: Thursday 7th August, 2008
Last edited: Thursday 7th August, 2008
This post's photo was taken on the Derwent River in Tasmania (see
Tags: grounding, Ouspensky, limitations, cross-fertilisation (ideas), flexibility, senses,
First published: Thursday 7th August, 2008
Last edited: Thursday 7th August, 2008
Post No. 045 - The spoken word
A close relative of mine was married to an aboriginal man for a few years, spent living up in the Kimberleys. It was quite an experience, good and bad, and she has given me some interesting insights from time to time. One recent one was a reason that aborigines don't mention the dead: to help them pass over.
When I heard this, it resonated with me, as it actually ties in with other material I've learned over the years, particularly from my spiritualist days and from reading Rampa’s books. Calling a name in the physical will, if the person is within earshot and has sufficient hearing (not all do; one of my friends is profoundly deaf), get that person’s attention. Calling mentally to someone, particularly if they are close to you emotionally, can accomplish the same sort of thing – get their attention on non-physical levels. Screaming at someone with all the emotion of grief will also forcibly get the attention of a deceased loved one, and may actually tend to pull them back – after all, the person grieving is, in part, not wanting the loved one to go. The description in Rampa is of trying to talk to someone while someone else is tugging at one’s clothes.
I find that just thinking of someone close to me who has passed over will possibly be enough to establish a connection (an awareness of presence), but that may be because I have done so much rescue work and am sensitive to pathways/connections between this world and the next. For others, if you wish to avoid holding your loved one in an earthbound condition, maybe there is reason to consider something like this – although I do not consider it should be for forever: for most people, a week or two would be sufficient. Unfortunately, I don’t see how this could be combined with normal, healthy grieving.
I’ll keep thinking. I might also expand on this topic to cover avoiding calling something in by not referring to it vs. aiming to be strong enough to cope with energies that are drawn in when mentioned (or even using that to draw energies in to be cleared, which is a very specific variation to mantra work).
When I heard this, it resonated with me, as it actually ties in with other material I've learned over the years, particularly from my spiritualist days and from reading Rampa’s books. Calling a name in the physical will, if the person is within earshot and has sufficient hearing (not all do; one of my friends is profoundly deaf), get that person’s attention. Calling mentally to someone, particularly if they are close to you emotionally, can accomplish the same sort of thing – get their attention on non-physical levels. Screaming at someone with all the emotion of grief will also forcibly get the attention of a deceased loved one, and may actually tend to pull them back – after all, the person grieving is, in part, not wanting the loved one to go. The description in Rampa is of trying to talk to someone while someone else is tugging at one’s clothes.
I find that just thinking of someone close to me who has passed over will possibly be enough to establish a connection (an awareness of presence), but that may be because I have done so much rescue work and am sensitive to pathways/connections between this world and the next. For others, if you wish to avoid holding your loved one in an earthbound condition, maybe there is reason to consider something like this – although I do not consider it should be for forever: for most people, a week or two would be sufficient. Unfortunately, I don’t see how this could be combined with normal, healthy grieving.
I’ll keep thinking. I might also expand on this topic to cover avoiding calling something in by not referring to it vs. aiming to be strong enough to cope with energies that are drawn in when mentioned (or even using that to draw energies in to be cleared, which is a very specific variation to mantra work).
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is of Mt Wellington, near Hobart, Tasmania (see
Tags: daily life, emotions, energy work, indigenous, invocation, earthbound, grief,
First published: Thursday 7th August, 2008
Last edited: Thursday 7th August, 2008
This post's photo is of Mt Wellington, near Hobart, Tasmania (see
Tags: daily life, emotions, energy work, indigenous, invocation, earthbound, grief,
First published: Thursday 7th August, 2008
Last edited: Thursday 7th August, 2008
daily life,
energy work,
Monday, 21 July 2008
Post No. 044 - More reading
Some reading to get a few different views on topics of some relevance to this blog for you: enjoy :)
"Invalidation Bullies" by Madrona
"Invalidation Bullies" by Madrona
"Kathy Lee Apologized...Sort of" by Greymentality
"Healing Magickal Paranoia" by PanSpiritus
"Defending On-Line Witch Schools" by Silverwolf
This time, just for something different, I'm also including a link to a book review. This has me intrigued, as I'd like to know if they cover the way I draw trees: "Flower and Tree Magic" by Richard Webster (pub. Llewellyn)
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is from the Women's Factory, Hobart, Tasmania, a truly dreadful place (amongst it's horrors, almost 1,000 infants died while it was operated) - see and
Tags: reading, charging, perceptions, bullying, attitudes, interactions, healing,
This post's photo is from the Women's Factory, Hobart, Tasmania, a truly dreadful place (amongst it's horrors, almost 1,000 infants died while it was operated) - see and
Tags: reading, charging, perceptions, bullying, attitudes, interactions, healing,
First published: Monday 21st July, 2008
Last edited: Monday 21st July, 2008
Friday, 11 July 2008
Post No. 043 - Workplaces
I’ve been making a few decisions lately: one of the key ones was whether to stay in my current job, or accept an offer from another company. My decision was based on what was best for my personal growth, not necessarily what was easiest. As I wrote on another online article:
Work has been interesting for me of late because the company I am in is being sold. Effectively that means we get transferred to another company (this is the 3rd time this has happened to me - I have held the same job for 23 years, but the desk has been slid around a bit), but I have also been considering another job offer that would involve less staff, less stress and less work (they said I wouldn't have much on my plate for a while): in a sense I turned that down because it involved less stress - where I am now, and where I am going to, will be stressful (there's the stress of a brand new company and new systems for a start, whereas the other offer is from people I know and have worked with; both roles would involve building teams - in the case of the other offer from from scratch), but that will lead to me refining my ability to manage people (and hence work with group dynamics) and personal growth (if nothing else, how to manage stress :) , although I have more chance of learning from others this way as well: the new offer would have meant I was the only senior professional in my field, and this way there are quite a few others I can learn from).
Now that you’ve read that, consider my previous post about psychic attack: ever considered how much negative energy there is in the workplace, due to stress, impatience with other people’s priorities, clashes of personality, etc. I see lots of opportunity to do (psychic) good in many workplaces :) How? By clearing the negative energy, stimulating positive links (see some of my original posts), and choosing to be a source of cheerfulness.
Work has been interesting for me of late because the company I am in is being sold. Effectively that means we get transferred to another company (this is the 3rd time this has happened to me - I have held the same job for 23 years, but the desk has been slid around a bit), but I have also been considering another job offer that would involve less staff, less stress and less work (they said I wouldn't have much on my plate for a while): in a sense I turned that down because it involved less stress - where I am now, and where I am going to, will be stressful (there's the stress of a brand new company and new systems for a start, whereas the other offer is from people I know and have worked with; both roles would involve building teams - in the case of the other offer from from scratch), but that will lead to me refining my ability to manage people (and hence work with group dynamics) and personal growth (if nothing else, how to manage stress :) , although I have more chance of learning from others this way as well: the new offer would have meant I was the only senior professional in my field, and this way there are quite a few others I can learn from).
Now that you’ve read that, consider my previous post about psychic attack: ever considered how much negative energy there is in the workplace, due to stress, impatience with other people’s priorities, clashes of personality, etc. I see lots of opportunity to do (psychic) good in many workplaces :) How? By clearing the negative energy, stimulating positive links (see some of my original posts), and choosing to be a source of cheerfulness.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo was taken at Port Sorell, Tasmania (see,_Tasmania).
Tags: about me, change, psychic attack, purpose, interpersonal interactions, mirrorology, growth, daily life, work
This post's photo was taken at Port Sorell, Tasmania (see,_Tasmania).
Tags: about me, change, psychic attack, purpose, interpersonal interactions, mirrorology, growth, daily life, work
First published: Friday 11th July, 2008
Last edited: Friday 11th July, 2008
about me,
daily life,
interpersonal interactions,
Psychic attack,
Post No. 042 - Psychic attack: being caught out
I recently was caught out. I went out with a few people, including a Significant Other, for tea. While we were out, I started feeling rather ill – almost as if I had food poisoning, but without any diarrhoea, vomiting or anyone else who ate what I did becoming ill. Hmm ... what was going on?
I used the “White Light Test” I’ve posted about elsewhere to check for the possibility of psychic attack, and had a positive result (i.e., the symptoms reduced when I used that test).
The symptoms actually started a little while after an ex- of my Significant Other left, and further checking using that technique confirmed that the psychic attack was coming from my SO’s ex (the check was based on “take out the effects of attack from _”). I was surprised by this result, which is good, as my surprise is indicative of me not influencing the result [see note 1].
Does this mean the ex had gone off somewhere to indulge in some evil ritual? No.
Most psychic attack is simply strong emotion (in this case, jealousy) being allowed to “leak out”. There is no ritual involved, just emotion and a thought effectively directing the emotion. We are creatures of emotion and thought; we all live in a world of non-physical energies, and anyone who is trying to develop their psychic abilities or, in many cases, their spirituality, may enhance their sensitivity to such influences. Also, when we relax, we often diffuse out our aura, and that leads to a “thinning” of the natural “skin” around the aura.
In the case I am writing about, my S.O. was well protected, but I hadn’t thought to protect myself against any emotions – I didn’t need to formally protect myself against that person in particular, I simply needed to remember that I was in a public place, and that some energies could be, if nothing else, incompatible with me. In this case, I suspect that she realised at an unconscious level that her ill will was not affecting my SO, and turned her resentment and jealousy on to me.
Another example of what can happen is someone having a temper tantrum (adults can have tantrums just as much as kids!), and leaving a massive cloud of unpleasant energy. I have seen that happen, and people get headaches from walking into that cloud of energy. (This was at work.)
So: this was good reminder to use protective prayers [see note 2] and other techniques [see note 3].
It is also a reminder to all of us to make sure that WE don’t indulge in such behaviour ourselves – by being aware of what we are feeling (and dealing constructively/responsibly with such matters by personal growth etc), closing our aura, asking that we be helped not to adversely help others, etc.
Now, having been a klutz and allowed myself to be attacked, what did I do?
1. Asked for protection (better late than never)
2. Grounded myself and released as best I could (using a technique where I visualise colours coming in to my solar plexus as a I breathe, then flowing out through my body and aura as I breathe out; the colours I use are pink, blue, green, gold, orange, purple and white).
3. Went home, and then used the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (see elsewhere on this blog, or try an internet search) to establish a safe place.
4. Rested, then continued used the colour breathing, grounding, prayer, etc to remove the energy from me, and sent healing to the attacker to try to lift their state of being.
One of the debates I’ve come across a few times in the psychic/spiritual/metaphysical world is whether it is best to deflect psychic attack energy, or fight it actively. These debates have been interesting, but the problem is that none of them have considered the possibility that the psychic attack is from someone they care about – perhaps a younger, jealous sibling, or a friend who envies your accomplishments, or a partner who is frustrated and resentful at something (if you are a younger jealous sibling, envious friend or frustrated partner, do be careful with your energies!) – rather than some malicious, evilly inclined dude.
It happens – it really, truly does happen (it is bad enough when some couples disagree emotionally). And when it does, are you really going to vigorously fight against someone you love? Or are you going to deflect and try to get the attacker to change? Assuming you answered with the latter, so how about living up to that standard when others attack you? (There’s a whole debate there about things like motivation, and tricks like the Buddhist notion of considering that every sentient being you meet could have been your mother in a previous life, and treating him/her/hir with the appropriate respect.)
I have a couple of other points on this topic.
Firstly, clippings and hair (from brushes etc): do you collect and dispose of them "safely"? I know people who burn these to avoid risking them coming into the possession of those who are either inclined towards ill-will, disharmonious, or wish to take unreasonable advantage/use of the person's skills/energies/abilities/time/resources. I've done that when staying in hotels (on work trips), but rarely in other circumstances (I might reconsider that). (Have a look at the film "The Missing", starring [Australian] Cate Blanchett and Tommy Lee Jones, to see a highly dramatised version of what could happen [supposedly - although the principle is what I am writing about here].)
Secondly, some people have the view that psychically attacking companies who do the wrong thing by them is acceptable - which is probably justified along the same lines of thinking of those cretins who think stealing from a large company, like Woolies or Target, is a victimless crime that has no impact on everyday shoppers. Anyway, the point is, it does affect individuals, and some of those people could well be the attacker does or could care about (for instance, I recently found out that my sister used to work for a phone company whose ISP division I used to use). I've been harmed by "business practices" (yes, I'll be vague) of some ex-employees (who tried to get me to go over to their company), so this is a topic which is somewhat personal for me.
I used the “White Light Test” I’ve posted about elsewhere to check for the possibility of psychic attack, and had a positive result (i.e., the symptoms reduced when I used that test).
The symptoms actually started a little while after an ex- of my Significant Other left, and further checking using that technique confirmed that the psychic attack was coming from my SO’s ex (the check was based on “take out the effects of attack from _”). I was surprised by this result, which is good, as my surprise is indicative of me not influencing the result [see note 1].
Does this mean the ex had gone off somewhere to indulge in some evil ritual? No.
Most psychic attack is simply strong emotion (in this case, jealousy) being allowed to “leak out”. There is no ritual involved, just emotion and a thought effectively directing the emotion. We are creatures of emotion and thought; we all live in a world of non-physical energies, and anyone who is trying to develop their psychic abilities or, in many cases, their spirituality, may enhance their sensitivity to such influences. Also, when we relax, we often diffuse out our aura, and that leads to a “thinning” of the natural “skin” around the aura.
In the case I am writing about, my S.O. was well protected, but I hadn’t thought to protect myself against any emotions – I didn’t need to formally protect myself against that person in particular, I simply needed to remember that I was in a public place, and that some energies could be, if nothing else, incompatible with me. In this case, I suspect that she realised at an unconscious level that her ill will was not affecting my SO, and turned her resentment and jealousy on to me.
Another example of what can happen is someone having a temper tantrum (adults can have tantrums just as much as kids!), and leaving a massive cloud of unpleasant energy. I have seen that happen, and people get headaches from walking into that cloud of energy. (This was at work.)
So: this was good reminder to use protective prayers [see note 2] and other techniques [see note 3].
It is also a reminder to all of us to make sure that WE don’t indulge in such behaviour ourselves – by being aware of what we are feeling (and dealing constructively/responsibly with such matters by personal growth etc), closing our aura, asking that we be helped not to adversely help others, etc.
Now, having been a klutz and allowed myself to be attacked, what did I do?
1. Asked for protection (better late than never)
2. Grounded myself and released as best I could (using a technique where I visualise colours coming in to my solar plexus as a I breathe, then flowing out through my body and aura as I breathe out; the colours I use are pink, blue, green, gold, orange, purple and white).
3. Went home, and then used the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (see elsewhere on this blog, or try an internet search) to establish a safe place.
4. Rested, then continued used the colour breathing, grounding, prayer, etc to remove the energy from me, and sent healing to the attacker to try to lift their state of being.
One of the debates I’ve come across a few times in the psychic/spiritual/metaphysical world is whether it is best to deflect psychic attack energy, or fight it actively. These debates have been interesting, but the problem is that none of them have considered the possibility that the psychic attack is from someone they care about – perhaps a younger, jealous sibling, or a friend who envies your accomplishments, or a partner who is frustrated and resentful at something (if you are a younger jealous sibling, envious friend or frustrated partner, do be careful with your energies!) – rather than some malicious, evilly inclined dude.
It happens – it really, truly does happen (it is bad enough when some couples disagree emotionally). And when it does, are you really going to vigorously fight against someone you love? Or are you going to deflect and try to get the attacker to change? Assuming you answered with the latter, so how about living up to that standard when others attack you? (There’s a whole debate there about things like motivation, and tricks like the Buddhist notion of considering that every sentient being you meet could have been your mother in a previous life, and treating him/her/hir with the appropriate respect.)
I have a couple of other points on this topic.
Firstly, clippings and hair (from brushes etc): do you collect and dispose of them "safely"? I know people who burn these to avoid risking them coming into the possession of those who are either inclined towards ill-will, disharmonious, or wish to take unreasonable advantage/use of the person's skills/energies/abilities/time/resources. I've done that when staying in hotels (on work trips), but rarely in other circumstances (I might reconsider that). (Have a look at the film "The Missing", starring [Australian] Cate Blanchett and Tommy Lee Jones, to see a highly dramatised version of what could happen [supposedly - although the principle is what I am writing about here].)
Secondly, some people have the view that psychically attacking companies who do the wrong thing by them is acceptable - which is probably justified along the same lines of thinking of those cretins who think stealing from a large company, like Woolies or Target, is a victimless crime that has no impact on everyday shoppers. Anyway, the point is, it does affect individuals, and some of those people could well be the attacker does or could care about (for instance, I recently found out that my sister used to work for a phone company whose ISP division I used to use). I've been harmed by "business practices" (yes, I'll be vague) of some ex-employees (who tried to get me to go over to their company), so this is a topic which is somewhat personal for me.
There is another point I would like to cover on this: the power of the spoken word. That, however, can be a separate post. But I may yet add more to this post still :)
Love, light, hugs and blessings
[Note 1]
If you would like a good analysis of potential distorting influences, read Stuart Holroyd’s “Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth”. This book covers the potential for such things as mediums to actually being telepaths who are “reading the minds” of sitters, rather than actually channelling an entity. This doesn’t mean that mediumship isn’t possible, but looks realistically at the possibility that other forms of psychism could be at play in a situation. My being surprised supports (it doesn’t conclusively prove) that I wasn’t influencing the result.
If you want to adapt this technique (i.e., the White Light Test) to overcome this, you could try a “blind” technique, such as giving a friend a list of what you want to check for, and have them think of one of each of these factors, in a random order (and maybe more than once for each factor), and rely on your guides to read your friend’s mind.
Note 2
An example prayer is:
”There is but one Power in the Universe, and I am a perfect manifestation of that Power. As such, I will that the boundaries of my aura be strong an healthy, repelling all negative or unwanted energy, while allowing positive and healing energy in.”
“I ask my constructive influence* guides to protect, guide and heal me, and all people, energies or things which could or will influence me and those about me, or will be influenced by me or those about me.”
* I used to use “Divine Light Force”, but what I really want to cover is “those guiding influences who have a constructive influence on me”. It IS necessary to be specific, as otherwise it IS possible for malicious entities (who do exist) to take advantage of slackness and step in and provide their version of guidance.
Note 3
Such as visualising an egg shell around oneself to close the aura, making sure one’s chakras are closed, visualising a tree root into the earth to ground oneself, or making sure all excess energies have been released.
This post's photo was taken on top of Mt Wellington, Tasmania (see
Tags: psychic attack, personal responsibility, interactions, psychic health, grounding, protection, prayer, forgiveness
First published: Friday 11th July, 2008
Last edited: Monday 21sth July, 2008
personal responsibility,
Psychic attack,
psychic health
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Post No. 041 - Mediumship - part three (last part)
In my experience, most people who start exploring mediumship tend to do so from the point of view of seeking to have greater contact with guides/spirit teachers/patron deities/etc. Those uses can indeed be valid, but the best use I have personally encountered for mediumship is doing rescue.
Rescue is the art/science of guiding those souls which have wound up in an earthbound condition after death (which means they have wound up "stuck" around the physical plane, rather than moving on to higher realms (astral/Summerlands/etc) as they should. This can happen when people die in pain (physical or emotional) and stay focused on the pain, or in some other circumstances which require an intense focus on the physical plane (such as soldiers who die in combat). In many cases, rescue is just a case of gaining the earthbound spirit's attention sufficiently to break their focus on the physical, and, say, bring their attention to what they can now see about them, which allows them to become aware of the spirit guides/helpers/etc around them, who then help them to pass on. (Some of those spirits may be the astrals of people who are still alive on earth: such people are sometimes referred to as shadow walkers or world walkers.) I've given links for a few sites on rescue previously: a few more (which may include some of those from before) are given at the end of this post.
One of the ways which can be used to gain the attention of the earthbound entity is have them be channelled by a medium. The change (to the earthbound entity) of body (especially, for instance, if the medium is of a different sex) and of circumstances (e.g., by the interviewer [who is speaking to the earthbound entity being channeled by the medium] beginning with the question "do you know where you are?") is very good at gaining their attention, which can then be directed towards passing over.
Such conversations MAY include some minor resolution/partial resolution of issues, but the sort of prolonged, drawn out, long, heavy emotional focus shown in the TV series "Ghost Whisperer" (whilst great TV - and I watch the series, even if I cringe at some of the technical '"rescue" aspects) is not part of the experience of myself or others who work in this field.
There are other earthbound entities, who know they are earthbound, and wish to stay that way because they enjoy being able to manipulate and torture others who are incarnate (i.e., "physically alive"). When it is time to ensure those entities pass on, the experience is MUCH tougher - and MUCH more rewarding from the point of view of personal growth. The key aspect here is that:
(a) most mediumship in this circumstance is not deep mediumship, which means that the medium's personality can still have a part to play, and
(b) under those circumstances, entities who are, for instance, angry, can only be angry in a medium if that medium has the potential to be angry.
If you find you are channelling entities who are uncooperative, or angry, or depressed, then you know you have some work to do on yourself in those areas (see some of my earlier posts on workshops for suggestions on how to work on these ideas; by channeling such entities you earn some karmic credit towards being able to improve those aspects of yourself). On the contrary point, if you find these entities are cooperative, pleasant or communicate well, then you know those areas are reasonably strong in you. One of the traditional ways that I understand Indian yogis work is to absorb entities or energies which are causing problems to others into their own auras, from which the potential for such problematic behaviour has been thoroughly replaced by positive behaviours that the energy/entity is "cleansed". I've done this in a minor sense, and it is VERY testing of how well you have evolved: I have the greatest respect for those people who can do this.
This post will have to be continued and elaborated over time, so ... stay tuned :)
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is from Richmond, Tasmania (see,_Tasmania)
Tags: about me, astral, communication, energy work, judging others, life lessons, mediumship, planes of existence, rescue, mirrorology
First published: Sunday 18th May, 2008
Last edited: Friday 11th July, 2008 (photo added)
Web sites about rescue (I can't vouch for all of these: use your mind and judge them for yourself) (this site includes examples, and discussion on the use of mediumship for rescue work, including trance to rescue earthbound entities, and an EXCELLENT discussion on working with the astral environment to effect a rescue) =haunted /Spirituality/Earthbound -Spirit.53936
Rescue is the art/science of guiding those souls which have wound up in an earthbound condition after death (which means they have wound up "stuck" around the physical plane, rather than moving on to higher realms (astral/Summerlands/etc) as they should. This can happen when people die in pain (physical or emotional) and stay focused on the pain, or in some other circumstances which require an intense focus on the physical plane (such as soldiers who die in combat). In many cases, rescue is just a case of gaining the earthbound spirit's attention sufficiently to break their focus on the physical, and, say, bring their attention to what they can now see about them, which allows them to become aware of the spirit guides/helpers/etc around them, who then help them to pass on. (Some of those spirits may be the astrals of people who are still alive on earth: such people are sometimes referred to as shadow walkers or world walkers.) I've given links for a few sites on rescue previously: a few more (which may include some of those from before) are given at the end of this post.
One of the ways which can be used to gain the attention of the earthbound entity is have them be channelled by a medium. The change (to the earthbound entity) of body (especially, for instance, if the medium is of a different sex) and of circumstances (e.g., by the interviewer [who is speaking to the earthbound entity being channeled by the medium] beginning with the question "do you know where you are?") is very good at gaining their attention, which can then be directed towards passing over.
Such conversations MAY include some minor resolution/partial resolution of issues, but the sort of prolonged, drawn out, long, heavy emotional focus shown in the TV series "Ghost Whisperer" (whilst great TV - and I watch the series, even if I cringe at some of the technical '"rescue" aspects) is not part of the experience of myself or others who work in this field.
There are other earthbound entities, who know they are earthbound, and wish to stay that way because they enjoy being able to manipulate and torture others who are incarnate (i.e., "physically alive"). When it is time to ensure those entities pass on, the experience is MUCH tougher - and MUCH more rewarding from the point of view of personal growth. The key aspect here is that:
(a) most mediumship in this circumstance is not deep mediumship, which means that the medium's personality can still have a part to play, and
(b) under those circumstances, entities who are, for instance, angry, can only be angry in a medium if that medium has the potential to be angry.
If you find you are channelling entities who are uncooperative, or angry, or depressed, then you know you have some work to do on yourself in those areas (see some of my earlier posts on workshops for suggestions on how to work on these ideas; by channeling such entities you earn some karmic credit towards being able to improve those aspects of yourself). On the contrary point, if you find these entities are cooperative, pleasant or communicate well, then you know those areas are reasonably strong in you. One of the traditional ways that I understand Indian yogis work is to absorb entities or energies which are causing problems to others into their own auras, from which the potential for such problematic behaviour has been thoroughly replaced by positive behaviours that the energy/entity is "cleansed". I've done this in a minor sense, and it is VERY testing of how well you have evolved: I have the greatest respect for those people who can do this.
This post will have to be continued and elaborated over time, so ... stay tuned :)
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is from Richmond, Tasmania (see,_Tasmania)
Tags: about me, astral, communication, energy work, judging others, life lessons, mediumship, planes of existence, rescue, mirrorology
First published: Sunday 18th May, 2008
Last edited: Friday 11th July, 2008 (photo added)
Web sites about rescue (I can't vouch for all of these: use your mind and judge them for yourself) (this site includes examples, and discussion on the use of mediumship for rescue work, including trance to rescue earthbound entities, and an EXCELLENT discussion on working with the astral environment to effect a rescue)
about me,
energy work,
judging others,
life lessons,
planes of existence,
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Post No. 040 - Mediumship - part two
Life has intervened since I started my series of posts on mediumship: an 8 year relationship has ended, a new one has begun, I'm moving homes, I had the first birthday of my recently deceased (adoptive) mother, and the workload at my day job has been so severe that I'm considering changing jobs (again).
The move has been "interesting", and has shown the appalling ignorance and complete, utter and absolute lack of spirituality or consideration of some people in service companies (which may yet be the subject of legal action :) ). But that's a topic for another post - or another blog, even.
I'll return to mediumship. My last post on this, at, warned of the dangers, and the need for self-discipline. I'm now going to give you a few exercises to start developing your mediumship.
The first exercise is quite formal.
1. establish AND CHECK protection
2. when you feel protected, ask your guides to take turns at coming closer to you, coming partially into your aura.
3. note the (psychic) sensations you feel (which may be akin to a change of mood or even personality, as they start to overshadow you more and more), including when you start to notice a change and when that change dissipates
Continue this until you can clearly notice the changes.
When you are TOTALLY PROFICIENT at the above, ask your guides to start drawing close to you during the day (which can occur, as the protection you should be asking for regularly is to keep out disharmonious/inappropriate energies, not your guides), so that you start to notice such changes/influences when they occur unbidden. THIS IS IMPORTANT! The problems that can occur with mediumship are not failing to experience any mediumship, but opening oneself to problems such as obsession/possession, which can come with problems such as changes of personality, lack of being grounded (are you still practising grounding yourself? If not, you won't get far usefully with this exercise), etc.
I remember what I was like when I was young and impatient; I'll think very carefully about how much more I post on this blog on this topic - and I have a few other topics to cover anyway.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is from Devonpart, Tasmania (see
Tags: discrimination, energy work, emotions, interpersonal interactions, judging others, personal characteristics, self knowledge, mediumship
First published: Saturday, 1st March, 2008
Last edited: Friday 11th July, 2008 (photo added)
The move has been "interesting", and has shown the appalling ignorance and complete, utter and absolute lack of spirituality or consideration of some people in service companies (which may yet be the subject of legal action :) ). But that's a topic for another post - or another blog, even.
I'll return to mediumship. My last post on this, at, warned of the dangers, and the need for self-discipline. I'm now going to give you a few exercises to start developing your mediumship.
The first exercise is quite formal.
1. establish AND CHECK protection
2. when you feel protected, ask your guides to take turns at coming closer to you, coming partially into your aura.
3. note the (psychic) sensations you feel (which may be akin to a change of mood or even personality, as they start to overshadow you more and more), including when you start to notice a change and when that change dissipates
Continue this until you can clearly notice the changes.
When you are TOTALLY PROFICIENT at the above, ask your guides to start drawing close to you during the day (which can occur, as the protection you should be asking for regularly is to keep out disharmonious/inappropriate energies, not your guides), so that you start to notice such changes/influences when they occur unbidden. THIS IS IMPORTANT! The problems that can occur with mediumship are not failing to experience any mediumship, but opening oneself to problems such as obsession/possession, which can come with problems such as changes of personality, lack of being grounded (are you still practising grounding yourself? If not, you won't get far usefully with this exercise), etc.
I remember what I was like when I was young and impatient; I'll think very carefully about how much more I post on this blog on this topic - and I have a few other topics to cover anyway.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is from Devonpart, Tasmania (see
Tags: discrimination, energy work, emotions, interpersonal interactions, judging others, personal characteristics, self knowledge, mediumship
First published: Saturday, 1st March, 2008
Last edited: Friday 11th July, 2008 (photo added)
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Post No. 039 - Know Thyself, Be Thyself and Occlumency: A Mediumship Primer

Something I have written about previously is that we can all influence each other, in a range of ways - for instance, my post at has some comments about how our energies can influence what is happening in other parts of the world, my post at talks about how the living can influence the souls of the dead by doing rescue (also touched on in, and my posts at and cover protection and psychic attack (the latter also being part of
So the living can influence each other, and the dead; the dead can also influence other dead people, and the living. Sound scary? It shouldn't - the influence of the dead on the living includes the guidance and protection many of us receive. Other, less desirable influences from dead people are not that much different, if at all, from the less desirable psychic influences that come from the living - AND ARE DETECTED THE SAME WAY. (Good influences from others also includes the closeness that one can have with friends and lovers.)
They are also protected against the same way.
Those skills of detection and protection also lay the ground for developing mediumship.
At this point, I'll cover a technique I was taught at the New Age group ASPECTS (see the "white light test".
White Light Test
This test is for the purpose of checking causes of something - e.g., whether, perhaps, a headache is caused by psychic attack, or a blockage of a psychic ability is caused by a karmic restriction.
1. Establish protection (including checking that the protection is effective),
2. surround the affected area (e.g., the blocked chakra) or your entire self with constructive energy (in a New Age group, "white light", but it could be an inspiring melody or a soothing scent [visualisation seems to works more easily for most people with visual things like colour, but can also be used to create psychic scents or sounds]),
3. ask your "constructive influence guides" (meaning, your "spiritual" guides, your Higher Self, you Patron Deity, your power animal/totem, your ancestors, etc - I use the qualification "constructive influence" when I am working [I actually use the phrase "Divine Light Force"] to make sure I am clearly excluding the influence of malicious or destructive people) to momentarily take out of <name effect/thing being checked> the extent of that which is due to <name influence being checked>.
If, say, you are checking whether a headache is due to psychic attack, go through steps 1 and 2, and then ask (I'll use the phrasing I am familiar with): "DLF Guides, please remove from this headache the extent that is due to psychic attack for a clearly noticeable time". If, say, 90% of the pain disappears for a second or so (or less: be prepared for this change to be brief), then you have good evidence that the headache could be due to psychic attack (and then take care to build your protection and psychic health, strength and well-being [see links above, and other of my posts]). If, say, 10% of the pain goes, you can probably assume that none of it is due to psychic attack.
As another example, perhaps you are having some problems getting a psychic vision, and may be wondering if this is due to a blockage in the third eye chakra. You may (after steps 1 and 2) ask "Higher Self, please remove the effects of any blockage in the third eye chakra from my attempts to obtain a vision for a clearly noticeable time". If, say, you get a sensation of energy starting to flow or move for a second or so (or less: again, be prepared for this change to be brief), then you have good evidence that there is a blockage (and then use colour visualisation to clear the chakra [see], or maybe do a crystal balance [see]). If nothing else happens, consider other options (but see the qualifiers below).
OK, let's have one more example. Say you're trying to build a psychic melody to do a healing, and are not having much success, and are concerned that your lack of success may be because the melody is not in harmony with the healing effect you are trying to create. You go through steps 1 and 2, and then perhaps ask "Patron Deity Horus, please remove from my attempts to create this healing melody any restriction due to the melody being inconsistent with the healing effect I am trying to create". If there is no change, then you may need to consider other factors, such as your skill levels, outside interference, insufficient karma on the part of the patient, etc, etc, etc. If there IS a significant change, find another melody, or another way of doing the healing.
There are some qualifiers to this technique:
(1) there may be a valid reason for you not to know the answer - for instance, you may be meant to be denied the answer to force you to think something through properly, or because you are meant to go through an experience, or - and this one can be a toughie! - because someone else is meant to help you
(2) the technique assumes that you have enough karmic credit ("good karma") to be able to have the energy shifted for a moment (that can take some effort in the case of a strong psychic attack)
(3) people's preconceptions can be insurmountable - ESPECIALLY your own. In general, it is best (but not always practical) to not ask a question unless one is totally (emotionally, mentally and spiritually) comfortable with all possible answers - AND the absence of any answer.
On that last point, I recently saw a programme on TV about the Bermuda Triangle which suggested that the "missing flight" (Flight 19 - see may have become lost through the Flight leader becoming so fixated on a perception that he considered his instruments - including his compass - were wrong, whereas they actually were correct. You need to at least acknowledge the possibility of such fixations to yourself, and then work calmly, rationally, in a balanced, objective manner on any actual or possible problems. To understand this issue and it's potential shortcomings better, also have a look at
That attitude: calm, objective, balanced, is a key matter in developing a sound base from which to develop your ability to work as a medium. If you are interested in developing that ability, how would you develop and maintain your ability to attain and maintain that state of being? How are you going to develop the inner strength to calmly accept disappointment and then identify and work out the solution to whatever it was that disappointed you (usually poor or inaccurate channeling, in the case of mediumship)?
If my experience is anything to go by, often you can identify problems - particularly when they are occurring - by being observant and paying attention to your inner-scape. YOU know when you are fooling yourself; you just have to be unafraid of that possibility. You have to be able to see that such problems are just one more step along the path of developing the skill you are seeking. ways of identifying that resilience is my key interest in writing this blog today.
I consider that the better you know yourself, which is how you can then best be yourself (how can you be yourself if you don't know what that is?), the more likely you are to attain and maintain that calmness, and to be able to detect the influence of others on yourself. Under most circumstances, when such influences occur, you are likely to want to then adopt ways of minimising that influence (e.g., by establishing adequate psychic protection - which is then checked!), but when you are developing your mediumship, you want to develop the connection you have selected (commonly that is with a "guide" or deity, but it could also be with, for example, an earthbound entity for the purposes of "rescuing" that entity.
In this context, "rescue" is basically about directing an entity who has become earthbound (stuck around the earth plane after the death of their physical body) from this plane to the astral world that they should be in. Some links about rescue (and I don't necessarily endorse any of these links; several of these are just from an Internet search - I won't say which as I wish you read with your brains switched on) are: (this site includes examples, and discussion on the use of mediumship for rescue work, including trance to rescue earthbound entities)
I'll come back to spirit rescue later. For now, I wish, dear Reader, for you to consider the topic of knowing and being yourself. How do you do this?
Well, life experience can help (not always, though, if the life experience is destructive). Thinking, including meditation (reflective meditation, not relaxation meditation) can help. Personal growth work is good for some, for others - depending on the technique - not necessarily so good. Similarly, some psychic/spiritual growth or development techniques suit some people, others suit others.
You have to find what works for you. Research - shop around, critically.
One clue I'll give you now, though, is that being dogmatic or set in your ways or beliefs is not a sign that you know yourself. The only constant in the Universe is change, and you cannot say that you know yourself until you know how you will navigate your sense of identity through the reefs of ever-changing time.
Perhaps the key for the purposes of this post, though, is the ability to recognise yourself. Keeping some sort of journal helps here, as reviewing it can help you recognise when your emotions, thoughts, etc are not true to your self. I actually use a numeric record, where I allocate numbers to how I feel generally and on some specific aspects, with respect to mind, body and spirit. I don't fill it in every day, but I try to do so regularly enough so I can help endorse knowing myself.
I also find that doing my psychic exercises regularly, including colour visualisation, practising psychic muscles, etc, helps me to simply recognise when an energy in my aura isn't my own - which more often than not is a good experience, as it can show friends/partners/guides etc are thinking of me.
To develop your mediumship, you will need this ability of (psychic) differentiation of energies.
You will also need to develop your ability to ground yourself - possibly when others are trying to get you out of your body. Think that isn't likely to happen? Think again! Too many drunks in pubs have auras that are crawling infestations of dead alcoholics striving to get as much sensation of drinking alcohol as they can through forcing gthe drunk to "just have another".
It happens - and this is no place for airy-fairy, floaty types. In my opinion, developing mediumship is a challenging task, and it requires well grounded, capable people who will be onjective and self-honest. Being able to ground yourself under stress is another vital skill - unless you are prepared to accept your teacher forcing you to come back, which is likely to leave you with a headache! In many situations, beginners seem to think that being lost in a psychic sensation is a good think - as in, "oh that was so good I didn't know where I was": in the context of learning to do mediumship, unless you are that extremely rare breed who is a genuine deep trance medium, it is more often than not a sign of dangerous lack of discipline and possibly self-indulgence (in the sense derided by Castenada's teachers [see, which as of Saturday 1st March, 2008, has it's neutrality disputed).
I'm being harsher in this post than I have in any other, I think. That is for a good reason: becoming a medium can be a tough challenge. You need to be skilled in knowing yourself and psychic differentiation, in being grounded no matter what (including when others are trying to get you off with the fairies) and in psychic protection. You'll also need a good teacher.
OK, I had planned on writing more, but I've been at this for a while now, so I'll leave it at that for now. I may come back to rewrite this post more, or I may put more in another post.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is me MAANY years ago, with a pet cat named Hazel. Hazel was a "second chance" cat (passed on to me by an acquaintance who saved her from being put down) who took to staying as close to me as she could.
Tags: about me, chakras, change, control, emotions, energy work, karma, life lessons, New Age, personal characteristics, planes of existence, protection, Psychic attack, responsibility, rescue, mediumship
First published: Saturday, 1st March, 2008
Last edited: Saturday, 1st March, 2008
So the living can influence each other, and the dead; the dead can also influence other dead people, and the living. Sound scary? It shouldn't - the influence of the dead on the living includes the guidance and protection many of us receive. Other, less desirable influences from dead people are not that much different, if at all, from the less desirable psychic influences that come from the living - AND ARE DETECTED THE SAME WAY. (Good influences from others also includes the closeness that one can have with friends and lovers.)
They are also protected against the same way.
Those skills of detection and protection also lay the ground for developing mediumship.
At this point, I'll cover a technique I was taught at the New Age group ASPECTS (see the "white light test".
White Light Test
This test is for the purpose of checking causes of something - e.g., whether, perhaps, a headache is caused by psychic attack, or a blockage of a psychic ability is caused by a karmic restriction.
1. Establish protection (including checking that the protection is effective),
2. surround the affected area (e.g., the blocked chakra) or your entire self with constructive energy (in a New Age group, "white light", but it could be an inspiring melody or a soothing scent [visualisation seems to works more easily for most people with visual things like colour, but can also be used to create psychic scents or sounds]),
3. ask your "constructive influence guides" (meaning, your "spiritual" guides, your Higher Self, you Patron Deity, your power animal/totem, your ancestors, etc - I use the qualification "constructive influence" when I am working [I actually use the phrase "Divine Light Force"] to make sure I am clearly excluding the influence of malicious or destructive people) to momentarily take out of <name effect/thing being checked> the extent of that which is due to <name influence being checked>.
If, say, you are checking whether a headache is due to psychic attack, go through steps 1 and 2, and then ask (I'll use the phrasing I am familiar with): "DLF Guides, please remove from this headache the extent that is due to psychic attack for a clearly noticeable time". If, say, 90% of the pain disappears for a second or so (or less: be prepared for this change to be brief), then you have good evidence that the headache could be due to psychic attack (and then take care to build your protection and psychic health, strength and well-being [see links above, and other of my posts]). If, say, 10% of the pain goes, you can probably assume that none of it is due to psychic attack.
As another example, perhaps you are having some problems getting a psychic vision, and may be wondering if this is due to a blockage in the third eye chakra. You may (after steps 1 and 2) ask "Higher Self, please remove the effects of any blockage in the third eye chakra from my attempts to obtain a vision for a clearly noticeable time". If, say, you get a sensation of energy starting to flow or move for a second or so (or less: again, be prepared for this change to be brief), then you have good evidence that there is a blockage (and then use colour visualisation to clear the chakra [see], or maybe do a crystal balance [see]). If nothing else happens, consider other options (but see the qualifiers below).
OK, let's have one more example. Say you're trying to build a psychic melody to do a healing, and are not having much success, and are concerned that your lack of success may be because the melody is not in harmony with the healing effect you are trying to create. You go through steps 1 and 2, and then perhaps ask "Patron Deity Horus, please remove from my attempts to create this healing melody any restriction due to the melody being inconsistent with the healing effect I am trying to create". If there is no change, then you may need to consider other factors, such as your skill levels, outside interference, insufficient karma on the part of the patient, etc, etc, etc. If there IS a significant change, find another melody, or another way of doing the healing.
There are some qualifiers to this technique:
(1) there may be a valid reason for you not to know the answer - for instance, you may be meant to be denied the answer to force you to think something through properly, or because you are meant to go through an experience, or - and this one can be a toughie! - because someone else is meant to help you
(2) the technique assumes that you have enough karmic credit ("good karma") to be able to have the energy shifted for a moment (that can take some effort in the case of a strong psychic attack)
(3) people's preconceptions can be insurmountable - ESPECIALLY your own. In general, it is best (but not always practical) to not ask a question unless one is totally (emotionally, mentally and spiritually) comfortable with all possible answers - AND the absence of any answer.
On that last point, I recently saw a programme on TV about the Bermuda Triangle which suggested that the "missing flight" (Flight 19 - see may have become lost through the Flight leader becoming so fixated on a perception that he considered his instruments - including his compass - were wrong, whereas they actually were correct. You need to at least acknowledge the possibility of such fixations to yourself, and then work calmly, rationally, in a balanced, objective manner on any actual or possible problems. To understand this issue and it's potential shortcomings better, also have a look at
That attitude: calm, objective, balanced, is a key matter in developing a sound base from which to develop your ability to work as a medium. If you are interested in developing that ability, how would you develop and maintain your ability to attain and maintain that state of being? How are you going to develop the inner strength to calmly accept disappointment and then identify and work out the solution to whatever it was that disappointed you (usually poor or inaccurate channeling, in the case of mediumship)?
If my experience is anything to go by, often you can identify problems - particularly when they are occurring - by being observant and paying attention to your inner-scape. YOU know when you are fooling yourself; you just have to be unafraid of that possibility. You have to be able to see that such problems are just one more step along the path of developing the skill you are seeking. ways of identifying that resilience is my key interest in writing this blog today.
I consider that the better you know yourself, which is how you can then best be yourself (how can you be yourself if you don't know what that is?), the more likely you are to attain and maintain that calmness, and to be able to detect the influence of others on yourself. Under most circumstances, when such influences occur, you are likely to want to then adopt ways of minimising that influence (e.g., by establishing adequate psychic protection - which is then checked!), but when you are developing your mediumship, you want to develop the connection you have selected (commonly that is with a "guide" or deity, but it could also be with, for example, an earthbound entity for the purposes of "rescuing" that entity.
In this context, "rescue" is basically about directing an entity who has become earthbound (stuck around the earth plane after the death of their physical body) from this plane to the astral world that they should be in. Some links about rescue (and I don't necessarily endorse any of these links; several of these are just from an Internet search - I won't say which as I wish you read with your brains switched on) are: (this site includes examples, and discussion on the use of mediumship for rescue work, including trance to rescue earthbound entities)
I'll come back to spirit rescue later. For now, I wish, dear Reader, for you to consider the topic of knowing and being yourself. How do you do this?
Well, life experience can help (not always, though, if the life experience is destructive). Thinking, including meditation (reflective meditation, not relaxation meditation) can help. Personal growth work is good for some, for others - depending on the technique - not necessarily so good. Similarly, some psychic/spiritual growth or development techniques suit some people, others suit others.
You have to find what works for you. Research - shop around, critically.
One clue I'll give you now, though, is that being dogmatic or set in your ways or beliefs is not a sign that you know yourself. The only constant in the Universe is change, and you cannot say that you know yourself until you know how you will navigate your sense of identity through the reefs of ever-changing time.
Perhaps the key for the purposes of this post, though, is the ability to recognise yourself. Keeping some sort of journal helps here, as reviewing it can help you recognise when your emotions, thoughts, etc are not true to your self. I actually use a numeric record, where I allocate numbers to how I feel generally and on some specific aspects, with respect to mind, body and spirit. I don't fill it in every day, but I try to do so regularly enough so I can help endorse knowing myself.
I also find that doing my psychic exercises regularly, including colour visualisation, practising psychic muscles, etc, helps me to simply recognise when an energy in my aura isn't my own - which more often than not is a good experience, as it can show friends/partners/guides etc are thinking of me.
To develop your mediumship, you will need this ability of (psychic) differentiation of energies.
You will also need to develop your ability to ground yourself - possibly when others are trying to get you out of your body. Think that isn't likely to happen? Think again! Too many drunks in pubs have auras that are crawling infestations of dead alcoholics striving to get as much sensation of drinking alcohol as they can through forcing gthe drunk to "just have another".
It happens - and this is no place for airy-fairy, floaty types. In my opinion, developing mediumship is a challenging task, and it requires well grounded, capable people who will be onjective and self-honest. Being able to ground yourself under stress is another vital skill - unless you are prepared to accept your teacher forcing you to come back, which is likely to leave you with a headache! In many situations, beginners seem to think that being lost in a psychic sensation is a good think - as in, "oh that was so good I didn't know where I was": in the context of learning to do mediumship, unless you are that extremely rare breed who is a genuine deep trance medium, it is more often than not a sign of dangerous lack of discipline and possibly self-indulgence (in the sense derided by Castenada's teachers [see, which as of Saturday 1st March, 2008, has it's neutrality disputed).
I'm being harsher in this post than I have in any other, I think. That is for a good reason: becoming a medium can be a tough challenge. You need to be skilled in knowing yourself and psychic differentiation, in being grounded no matter what (including when others are trying to get you off with the fairies) and in psychic protection. You'll also need a good teacher.
OK, I had planned on writing more, but I've been at this for a while now, so I'll leave it at that for now. I may come back to rewrite this post more, or I may put more in another post.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is me MAANY years ago, with a pet cat named Hazel. Hazel was a "second chance" cat (passed on to me by an acquaintance who saved her from being put down) who took to staying as close to me as she could.
Tags: about me, chakras, change, control, emotions, energy work, karma, life lessons, New Age, personal characteristics, planes of existence, protection, Psychic attack, responsibility, rescue, mediumship
First published: Saturday, 1st March, 2008
Last edited: Saturday, 1st March, 2008
about me,
energy work,
life lessons,
New Age,
personal characteristics,
planes of existence,
Psychic attack,
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