Sunday 12 January 2020

Post No. 1,478 - the Spiritual Cost of the 2019/20 Climate Bushfires

The physical world devastation of the 2019/20 climate bushfires is immense, and still growing. There is a massive amount to do in the physical world - aid to the victims, human and animal, rebuilding - including rebuilding the scarred landscape, and acting to reduce our vulnerability to such events - or worse - in the future.

The physical world actions must be done, and I urge all reading this to do what they can (we have).

But there is more to this, as well.

There is the spiritual damage. 

Part of that is the spiritual damage the climate crisis deniers are doing to themselves: the work of thus blog includes clearing nonBPM and strengthening  BPM  units, and I've been doing that, and hope others have as well.

But what I want to really focus on here is the spiritual loss resulting from the loss of so many trees.

Australia's Indigenous peoples would be able to speak on this from their perspective, and may have done so already, although I haven't found it yet: if not, I hope someone will - for the sake of all in this land. PS - found this.

However, there is another perspective on this: my psychic learning is that trees are light pumps - they help transform nonBPM energies in to BPM, as does most of Nature - as physical matter decays ("rots") and breaks down and becomes food for new life, so too do energies. (Humans are - or should be - balance pumps.)

As an example of that, this is from a recent meditation of mine:
I found myself half way up a hill, with a dark figure blocking any progress further. I visualised the dark figure being drawn into the hill, and realised it was part of my Shadow Self - and that, much as cities grow on their debris, so too do we grow on layers of our past, good and bad. With that, I became aware of a tree to my side - viewed astrally, as a Light Pump. I went over and stood in the flow, being aware of the recycling and transformation and integration of energy, and found myself at the top of the hill, looking calmly at The Veil in the next valley.
The loss of trees and their beneficial influence on so many levels and aspects is greater than anything else, other than the massive deforestation that white people have caused to this Land.

In terms of shock impact, the Great Storm of 1987 in UK, which, in that land, not much bigger than my small home state (England and Wales together are, in fact, at approximately 150,000 square km, roughly two-thirds the size of my state, which is around 230,000 sq. km), felled 15 million trees (amongst much other damage, and loss of life).

I did a great deal of work to help repair the psychic damage of that - including trying to do some of the "light pumping" myself, as well as sending healing to the trees and other plants, the soil, and the land herself.

That work is needed again in all the parts of Australia that have burned - currently at 107,000 sq. km.

Will you join me?