On psychic, spiritual and related matters, including interesting reading:
- "Spiritual Warfare and the Need for a Pagan Worldview";
- a social media company is trying to extend its stranglehold on the world;
On Uganda this week:
- Museveni is continuing his stay in, and abuse of, power;
- students from a slum in Kampala have excelled at their"O" levels;
- investigation of opposition MPs - but not government MPs ... ;
- Burma's "ambassador to the United Nations, who has refused to leave his post despite being fired after the February coup, has alerted the world body to a "reported massacre" by the military junta";
On Burma this week:
- the protests and killing continue;
- the coup leaders have claimed there will be "elections" in a few years . . . ;
- protests at Burma's embassy to Australia;
From the news this week:
- on the climate crisis and the environment:
recent extreme weather events have foretold the "new normal" of the climate crisis; baby turtles are hard hit by plastic in the ocean; Indigenous people near our uranium mine have higher rates of health problems; the need for consumer protection in the solar industry; tree scammers; investment in climate resilience in the UK and USA; continuing concerns over the long neglected abandoned oil tanker off Yemen;(responsibility)
- on international relations including war:
the excesses in sport of China's maniacal nationalism; Russia's most recent hack when longer than first thought (for a sense of historical context and scale, see here and here [the first hack was in 1903] ); some Biafrans still want independence from Nigeria - and may ally with anglophone separatists in Cameroon; pro-government militias have increased their thuggery during the COVID-19 pandemic; more child soldiers in Burkina Faso; criticism of the USA's uncaring approach to Afghan welfare over the last two decades; Iran has hijacked an oil tanker; "South Sudan's vice president ... has been ousted as head of his party and its armed forces" for no longer representing their interests; an opinion that the "Iranian regime will stop at nothing to ensure survival"; Ethiopia - which has been warned over its use of dehumanising rhetoric - has rejected mediation over the conflict in Tigray; Rwanda and the CAR are building closer ties;
- on the COVID-19 pandemic:
"COVID has deepened the 'housing crisis' in Indigenous communities"; fears of no or inadequate for survival income neolib-led in NSW are causing families to hide that members have COVID; a satirical ad hits close to home; our PR Minister's shiny new plan is just acknowledging what everyone else in the world knew a year ago; the delta variant is more severe - and affects children; the national neolib nitwits have admitted their plan for reopening is based on people dying; big pharma is missing an opportunity; vaccine hypocrites; "workers are being slugged with tax bills after receiving the federal government’s COVID-19 crisis payments last financial year"; churches unethically received job funding; an overview of the vaccine passport; a food producer has banned unvaccinated workers and visitors; plans to ease the vaccination burden; allegations that a ride sharing service is pressuring drivers to break COVID rules; essential workers are at risk of homelessness; contact classification could put pharmacists out of action; the delta variant has a high risk of outdoor transmission; the RBA says the economic damage will be reduced if we all get vaccinated quicker; digital inequality is affecting education; heart complications in younger people; police in Kenya have followed up killing two brothers who were breaching pandemic lockdown rules by killing one of those protecting against that;(Berkana - healing & compassion)
- on genocides and other human rights issues:
the need to consider mental health in professional sport; in an extremely disturbing development, "an Australian court has set a groundbreaking precedent, deciding artificial intelligence (AI) systems can be legally recognised as an inventor in patent applications"; we need more than half a million social housing units; calls for better regulation of social media and news outlets; a man has - quite rightly - been arrested for a fake video impersonating a senior police officer (see here for another example of fake news on social media); the urgent need to stop killer robots; strong support amongst a small turnout for prosecuting former presidents of Mexico for corruption; we are still training torturers; the head of an NGO in Belarus appears to have been murdered; a data breach by a sex offender will be investigated; calls for an Australian Global Magnitsky Act; "the Australian Defence Force has released a four-year plan to address systemic and cultural failings within the organisation as part of a long-awaited response to the Afghanistan war crimes enquiry"; "Australia may miss treaty deadline to establish torture protections for prisons"; yet another cybersecurity failure by the national neolib nitwits; Ethiopia has shut down three aid agencies (including Doctors Without Borders and the Norwegian Refugee Council) in Tigray on flimsy pretexts; atrocity warnings for Burma, South Sudan, and Bosnia-Herzegovina; "the Victorian Ombudsman has detailed [dozens of] human rights breaches linked to enforcement of COVID-19 public health directions, including a woman who was forced to urinate into a bottle while being transported to hotel quarantine"; the High Court has thrown casual workers back on the no leave pile; "Mexico [has sued] US gunmakers in [an] unprecedented bid to stop arms trafficking"; a disturbing revelation that a violent police officer had previously been violent; the USA has offered Hong Kongers safe haven; Australia's Global Magnitsky Act is inching closer; legal concerns about the "no jab, no job" policy of one company; a tech company will scan mobile phones - without decrypting them - for indications of child abuse; as an attempt to hide medical advice fails, "call for Australia to declare spyware use as Pegasus outrage grows"; the AU has failed South Sudan on justice; Sudan will (legally) murder the paramilitaries who murdered protectors . . . ;
- from Human Rights Watch:
evidence in Beirut port explosion implicates authorities; Belarus athlete refuses forced return (after a tip-off from her grandmother); Croatia’s border monitoring mechanism criticised; monsoons in Bangladesh puts Rohingya refugees at risk; Zimbabwe should investigate the 2018 post-election violence; a chance to ban killer robots; ending virginity tests in the Indonesian army; international pressure needed to protect rights in Nicaragua; Kyrgyzstan's "false information" law must be vetoed; Taliban forces execute soldiers and civilians; investigate the death of a prominent Belarusian in Ukraine; lead toxicity in Zambia; two high-profile Belarusian opposition leaders are to stand trial; China’s human rights record in stark contrast to Olympic ideals; two Belarus coaches asked to leave Tokyo Olympic Village; police abuses surge in Sri Lanka; space for free expression shrinks in Russia; civilians prevented from leaving combat zone in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province; US Ambassador to the UN expresses concern about crisis in Tigray; remembering the atomic bombing of Hiroshima; rights of Afghan women and girls at risk as the Taliban gain territory; Belarus increasingly unsafe for dissidents; UN envoy accuses Myanmar junta of massacre in township; failure to deliver justice in South Sudan; facebook allows its platform to be used for fossil-fuel propaganda; and the Beijing Winter Olympics and human rights; - on democracy:
the combination of climate crisis and pandemic may lead to a mental health crisis; 87 years ago hitler seized power - NOT by being elected, but by having parliament merge his position (chancellor) with that of the president (who had just died); a call for voters to think harder; more suppression of journalism in the Union of Soviet Socialist Russia; concerns over the extent of Ministerial control over funding decisions; democracy continues to disappear in Tunisia; concerns about Zambia's coming elections include violence/military response and a possible Internet blackout; a Brazilian court will investigate false claims of voter fraud; spiteful, unethical, and unprofessional police officers in SA should be sacked; a costly and wasted daily PR exercise (is corruption involved?); a fourth US police officer who was at the attempted coup in January has died by suicide; the neolibs do substantially more rorting than others - and the PR Minister has not denied knowledge of that; an opinion that Nicaragua has returned to a dictatorship; anger in Tunisia; the value of investing in radio for PNG; elitist lack of community mindedness by a rich club in how it distributed funds meant to be for community benefit; glib and highly doubtful commitments by the national neolib nitwits in an area they have done no policy work for three years in; an opinion that neochristians are losing policy influence; as the national neolib nitwits show their contempt for voters, questions about the rorting potential of a scheme with Ministerial oversight; concerns about the stability of South Africa; tensions continue to build ahead of elections in Zambia; a G7 organisation intended to protect the global financial system is enabling oppression targetting opposition figures;(democracy)
- on LGBTIQ+ matters:
mediaeval homophobia in Ghana - but see also this; the founder of a notorious church of haters has been charged (which does NOT mean, no matter how nasty they are as a human being, that they are guilty - let alone guilty beyond reasonable doubt) with allegedly concealing child abuse; violent anti-LGBT hate in Ukraine and Russia; 1950s style homophobia in Uzbekistan; - on racism:
an Indigenous artist has paid homage to his culture with a sculpture on a walking tail; white supremacism in Scotland; funding for "Closing the Gap" - including compensation payments for Stolen Generation survivors; 11 people in the UK have been arrested over 74 illegal racist social media posts - with another 123 illegal posts from outside that nation; an ex-police officer with a history of violence has finally been convicted; a recent racist comment by a sports player was revealed by an official from that club - which is a pleasing break from past traditions of silence; a Tasmanian war hero; - on sexism and misogyny:
promoting body positivity; USA; the threats to life of an abortion doctor in the USA; a "doll of [the female] scientist who designed Oxford coronavirus vaccine" has been created; violent misogyny in PNG; the need for rehabilitation of dinosaurs in mining; Afghanistan; - on ableism:
concerns over inadequate privacy protections in proposals to share data; - on other matters:
the "demand for end-of-life doulas [is] on the rise as palliative care need increases" (I once considered this as a career - didn't pursue it for a range of reasons); the use of AI to find jobs that have been lost to AI . . . ;