- “The Witches' Power: Energy Sources, Circuits, and Transfers” https://exemplore.com/wicca-witchcraft/The-Witches-Power-Energy-Sources-Circuits-and-Transfers A good, well written overview. I found the concept of the various circuits interesting, and may look in to that further
- An interesting introduction to a coming series mythological archetypes: “Beyond the Hero: everything you need to know to awaken the wiser guides within” https://youtu.be/Pl8oYtfb088?si=gwPiCv-JGVAn-LAt I particularly liked the commentary that we are meant to move through the archetypes, not focus on one - as patriarchal, youth-obsessed capitalism has done with its obsession with the hero archetype “Queering the archetypes — transformative stories for the modern world” https://youtu.be/picH8Oiz088?si=roq1vWn4eJOeOdOI “A three-step process for piecing together your own epiphanies” https://youtu.be/EDu-KgHWoLU?si=uJY0FYSAQaTsvFMF
- “Listen to Resentment” https://drdevonprice.substack.com/p/listen-to-resentment This is brilliant! I consider this a major part of emotional competence
- “Spiritual Practice When You Don’t Feel Like Practicing | John Beckett” https://www.patheos.com/blogs/johnbeckett/2024/05/spiritual-practice-when-you-dont-feel-like-practicing.html
- this week’s “afterlife report” by the Zammits:
- my recent posts on my political blog:
- From
the news on: society generally, the climate crisis, environmental issues, and nuclear threats/issues, human rights and humanitarian aid, and politics & democracy, and international affairs including the war in West Asia, and there are some links in this candle;
- “For IDAHOBIT Day” https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2024/05/for-idahobit-day.html “Some thoughts on integrity” https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2024/05/some-thoughts-on-integrity.html
- also from YouTube:
- “Can Boundaries Be Toxic? | Therapist Explains Weaponised Boundaries” https://youtu.be/dBJqwYcVg44?si=OobPTeQu9hahzE-z
- from YouTube and elsewhere on neurodivergence:
- ““Neuroism”: It’s Alive and Well” https://comingtosenses.blogspot.com/2015/06/neuroism-its-alive-and-well.html I came across this as a result of a discussion on finding a term like this - which is at “Neuroism, Autistic Chat, and Checking-in!” https://www.youtube.com/live/HlZtbzGH42g?si=amnJgoPHY4tcF3nj
- “A time and space for Takiwātanga” https://www.altogetherautism.org.nz/a-time-and-space-for-takiwatanga/ On the Māori word for ‘autism’
- from NeurodiverJENNt:
- an older video: “Is time blindness real?” https://youtu.be/QrPcmwwyzCw?si=ZZJ5LZT-YwEc_Qas I would also comment (satirically) that SOME managers have a form of time blindness that results in them setting inadequate time for tasks
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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).Copyright © Kayleen White 2007-2024 NO AI
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