Sunday 26 May 2024

Post No. 2,790 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1C - Form 03

Further to   “Post No. 2,712 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1”   I have some additional details on Form 01 below. I’ll start with the information from the above-mentioned post. 

Ultimately I will aim to do this for each Form so I can, at the very least, create a separate link for each Form. All posts in this series are now being listed at   “On line “courses” (on this blog) and practice exercises”   as they are completed. 

Form 03 - Redirect - absorption  

In much the same way that Form 02 is a development of Form 01 aimed at reducing the risk of unintended harm, Form 03 is a development of Form 02 that is aimed at further reducing the risk of unintended harm. 

Form 03 does that by directing the reflected to energy to unit(s) – whether place(s), energetic units, prepared, capable and willing people, or something else (maybe another dimension) that is: 

  1. confirmed (e.g., by your BPM  Guides / Tutelary (Matron/Patron/Non Binary) Deities / Higher Self / other BPM sources) as having the capability at the time of redirection to handle the reflected nonBPM energy/influence without harm; AND

  2. has provided free consent to undertake that role; AND

  3. is fully prepared for that role. 

Having emphasised the ethics of this, it should also be noted that: 

  • it is possible to pre-arrange this role with other people, places, spirits, and other units; 
  • be aware that sending energy/units/influence to higher dimensions or Mother Earth could be disruptive – or, at the very least annoying, so you should always check (it doesn’t, with practice, take long to do so) with the entities and other sentience at those points that doing so will be acceptable and not cause harm

The ability to scout out such locations/people/sentience/other units, together with the abilities to communicate (two way – listening is vital, and, as Zeno of Citium said “We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say”) with them and work collaboratively and respectfully, are vitalfar more so than the technical abilities. 

And on the technical abilities, I generally use reflective shields.


I am drowning
in this flood
- do you have a dam
that can cope?

Technical details 

First off, a lot of what was written in the technical details section of Form 01 and of Form 02 applies here – certainly, at least, principles such as intention, passive vs. active techniques, relative strength, tools such as ritual to increase the strength of your units, using units you are familiar and/or comfortable with (and know to be BPM, by the way), use of multiple and/or overlapping units, anchoring your units, using multiple senses if possible, safe location/positioning so you do not harm others accidentally, and exceptionally good self-care skills and habits. 

I won’t repeat those common comments for this or the other forms, other than repeating the preceding paragraph. 

The main differences from the preceding Forms for this Form are: 

a)   find (or create) surfaces or materials that are absorbent (or possibly adsorbent – see below);

b)   ensure those surfaces are regenerated and/or healed so they are not damaged or diminished over time.

That is both so they can, if not created by you, continue to exist in their own right, and, if they agree, be used for this purpose again in the future. 

Doing this is not just a case of doing the psychic equivalent of barging aggressively up to someone with a bucket of waste and gabbling out “Hey can you take this? Good. Ta – bye”. It is about respect, including building a relationship of equals. 

What would that unit like you to do for them (provided it is BPM)

This is also a little like having a crystal: you need to always ensure some energy is sent back to wherever it came from so there is ideally no loss from the lack of its presence, but in not no loss then minimise that as much as possible. 

Western magic workers from the Middle Ages often “did” their magic by finding and binding an entity to do that magic – which means, in my opinion, the so-called magic workers did nothing other than act as slavers. 

It is important to avoid that mistake. 

To gain an understanding of the idea of recovery / regeneration, consider activated carbon filters, which I sometimes worked with during my former day job. These are materials which have been modified to make them adsorbent – not absorbent. Adsorbent means the what is being removed sticks to the surface, whereas absorbent means what is being removed is taken into the mass of the material (see for more on that)

Eventually, the surface will not be able to adsorb any more material, and the filter cannot be used any more. (That can sometimes be delayed by allowing microorganisms to grow on the surface and break down the adsorbed material, which is great example of the power of life – and requires lower loading rates and a different material. But I digress.) At that point, it may be possible to regenerate (make ready for reuse) the filter material by passing steam over it, which transfers the adsorbed material to the steam – which then needs further treatment or management. 

Let’s look at some psychic energy scenarios: 

  • Let’s say there is a tree which is capable of clearing five units of nonBPM energy each day. On a day you need to manage, say, two units of nonBPM energy, the tree may only have three units of nonBPM energy to clear, and thus can accept your redirected energy without any problems.
    If, on that day, the tree needs to cope with four units, it can only partly help you, and you will need to find additional help. If it has five units to cope with, it cannot help you at all. (And if it has six units to cope with on any day, if you can aid the tree by managing the excess, you are acting as a trusted and reliable friend – as you should just out of common decency, but it also means future requests for help from you will be listened to more favourably. And if the tree declines, you should continue to help it - again, out of simple decency.)  

  • Let’s say you use visualisation to direct energy, possibly aided by a planned ritual involving seeking aid, in order to create an astral unit (which is a thought form) of two surfaces to manage a psychic attack (let’s say … on someone else for this example).   One surface is concave and dimpled to reflect and disperse energy, and is to be placed between the person and the incoming attack (and may have to be spherical).   The other goes further out and is intended to absorb the reflected (and diffused) attack: it will therefore have to be a “softer” non-reflective surface to “catch” the energy. It will also have to be much larger – at least large enough to catch the wider scattered energy: if you the first mirror shield is a sphere, the second unit will also have to be a sphere, with the additional intention of allowing nonBPM energy to pass in and be trapped inside, so it cannot harm anyone or anything else.
    The principles of rate capacity (as shown by the tree) and absolute capacity (as shown by the filter) still apply – in addition to any normal erosion through the wear and tear of existence, etc.
    So you cannot set this up and then walk away.
    You need to:
  1. make sure it is working, and adapt if it isn’t, or isn’t working adequately; 
  2. make sure no bystanders or other places etc are being harmed; 
  3. monitor the spare capacity and take action to regenerate or renew the units (or just provide them with a bit of healing, if nothing else).

Those last three points apply to all your energy work, actually – and the healing may need to be of self. 

There are considerable emotional aspects of being able to manage one’s work adequately to feel genuinely comfortable with self-healing, sharing the work, etc, but that is not for here.

I’m going to start adding in a few comments about the advantages of Form 09 techniques as I progress through the rest of these notes, and, in this instance, one advantage is that one is taking responsibility for dealing with all the energy oneself, and thus will not be caught out by any situations where there is nothing else or one cannot create anything. In addition, if Form 09 is used correctly, there is less chance of bystander harm / ”collateral damage”.

On the other hand, Sentient Life often wants to be of use, so if there is a possibility of giving others the opportunity to do so, don’ be so self-absorbed in the notion of being completely-and-utterly-now-and-forever-more-responsibility-singly-for-absolutely-everything (yes, a touch of … irony) that you DENY them that opportunity. 

How would YOU feel if others denied you the opportunity to help? 

On the other hand, if they are unable to complete the task without harm, gently, and without any judgment, shift the work to other units. 

As with all these posts, I may come back and add more from time to time.

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Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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