Saturday 25 May 2024

Post No. 2,788 - Community, labels, and identity

I recently found an excellent neurodiverse community online, and I am enjoying myself - and feeling very connected to similar people, which is very healing.


There have been some teething problems (now resolved), and some people are too different for me to connect to (there is a saying “if you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person”: there is a normal range of characters - and also, Musk is an example that not all neurodiverse people are ... good), but what I want to write about here is something I have written about previously, in the UFO/UAP/ET field (see here and here).

On this groups (members only) website, I posted the link to   “Listen to Resentment”   “And anger, dread, and all the other negative emotions you're been told to mask”      which also included a link to   “How Do I Overcome White Woman Fragility Brain? How Do I Build Solidarity with Activists Who Kinda Suck?”      

I had one thanks, but two of the responses showed a certain amount of, IMO, either naïveté and/or white fragility, by commenting that no ethnicity was better than another - which (a) is a denial of the reality of racism (that thereby allows racism to continue), and (b) possibly expresses a certain amount of white fragility.

They are correct that no ethnicity was better than another ... so the question has to be asked:   why do whites insist on racism, and white supremacism both structurally and individually (the latter including both conscious and unconscious bias)

The respondents may not have had any conscious bias, but they may have had unconscious bias, and they likely have had benefit from structural racism - offset, it is true, by disadvantages of being neurodiverse. 

Life is never simple, and the concept of intersectionality was developed to enable people to address the complexities of people having multiple disadvantages. I consider that an excellent, useful concept ... but almost every minority I have had contact with (I won’t name the exception(s)) has failed to consider the issues of other minorities, and intersectionality. 

They almost all seem to think they are worse off than any other group ...

As my partner’s other partner commented when I was discussing this with her, intersectionality is a rare thing (and we then discussed some of the profound disadvantage in some parts of the world) ...

Now, that all led to some further reflection - on labels.

I was in that group because I share one (maybe two) of the neurodivergent labels - but I share many other labels as well, and none is anywhere near an entire description of me.

Even “spiritual” is utterly inadequate.

Gnwmythr is the only thing that comes close to encompassing me (in my opinion - but this is about what has meaning for me, not others), and that is because it is more of a spirit name than anything else - something which sums up a set of vibrations/frequencies (while being far shorter than the names used by Ents).

It is only when I think of myself as being labelled Gnwmythr that I feel a satisfying sense of acknowledgement of all that I am. 

Food for thought, perhaps - it is, for me, at least ... on community, labels, and identity ...

And belonging. There’s more food for thought on this in   “Fitting In & Belonging As An Autistic Person”     

Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider:

  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking” 
  • I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.


If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below, and theres also Instagram

Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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