Monday 27 December 2010

Post No. 194 - A preview from numerology: attitude and your aura

One of the draft posts I'm working on is about numerology. I know the time I work on drafts can be rather overlong, so I've decided to put this point out in a preview post, as I consider it fairly significant.

The idea here is the vibration you sound to the Universe is, in part, the vibration which is associated with your name. This influences both how people view you, and how events unfold.

As an example, consider a minor car accident. If Person J (there are lots of As, B,s Xs, etc, so I'll use a few other letters) goes to the other driver with an aggressive attitude, then things won't go all that well. If, however, person ... oh, say ... T, is in a minor car accident, and approaches the other driver with a sympathetic, understanding attitude, the exchange is likely to be more pleasant and more productive for all concerned.

Well, your attitude shows ALL THE TIME. Partly this is what is showing in your aura (hence, for instance, if you're feeling irritable, other people may sense your impatience [or whatever the cause is] despite your words and actions and possibly even body language being carefully managed to try and disguise that fact), and partly ... To be completed.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: attitudes, aura, interactions, numerology,

First published: Lunadagr 27th December, 2010

Last edited: Monday 27th December, 2010