Thursday 3 June 2021

Post No. 1,875 - An extract from "Road of Many Ways", by John

I wrote the following in this post

On that, two of the books that I consider useful - although they have flaws of sexism and neochristian bias - are Road of Many Ways” (Bennu Books, 1975, ISBN 0 620 01312 5) and “Pilgrims on the Road” (Bennu Books, 1975, ISBN 0 909073 03 1). I know people have been trying to get these republished since the 1980s at least (I’ve even written to the publishers, but with no response . . . maybe I should try the printers [Creda Press] ).

Here is a sample extract - thoughts of a guide who will be about to perform a guiding of the soul of someone who has just died (not rescue - this is someone who can be helped to move on by those who regularly perform that duty):

I could see two men griping the earth in terror. They knew they were in a minefield, with one of their comrades killed and the other badly hurt, his life ebbing away. The Koreans had again opened fire, spraying the entire area with machine gun fire. As I stood there, half-way between two worlds, I could feel the blast, for such is the psychic force which men project when they fire their weapons of war. Their fear and hatred of the enemy accompanies every round, so much so, that one feels the impact. A shiver went through me as each round was fired.

These books give a range of situations - from those who pass over knowing it is their time and after preparation through accidental deaths to those who die in war - and perspectives, those being helped, those helping, and the path from one position to the other role. It is well worth picking up a copy if you can - or, even better, persuading the copyright owner to re-publish these or, best of all, come out with an e-book version. 

PS - I am less convinced about the value of the second book now - it is too neochristian . . .