Friday 4 June 2021

Post No. 1,876 - the Pace of Modern Life

One of my many concerns about our superficial, out-of-touch, unbalanced, über-materialistic, and anti-spiritual lifestyles and cultures, is our addiction to banishing any chance of reflective quiet by noise (possibly intended to be a more-chronologically-older -than-a-child [they're not mature] person's version of the child covering their ears) and busy-ness, often justified on a frivolous and frilly façade of "being productive" (a bit like the whites who justify destroying the ecosystems we need to live on the grounds that "it wasn't doing anything" . . . )

Now I've come across a video where a monk has also given a warning (more reasoned than my diatribe above) about productivity: 

"The HIDDEN Danger of Productivity | A Monk's Warning"

Well worth a look. 

The channel is of a Buddhist monk from Thailand, and I well recall someone who was quite influential on my journal decades ago who was a former monk from Thailand. 

That also reminds me: following YouTube's latest change of conditions, where they've aggressively claimed the right to commercialise everything people put up, I've decided to stop posting content to my channel. I had very few views, so it's something I can decide fairly easily, whereas I know others depend on their YouTube channels and they have been having problems for quite some time. At this stage I'll leave my videos up. 

As a final comment: ironically, having complained vehemently about busy-ness, we're in yet another lockdown, but as I've been explaining in my "Magickal Battle of the World" series, there are many problems but also some opportunities arising from lockdown, deeply disturbing, distressing and dangerous opportunities . . . to experience peace, quiet, and solitude, and do a little self-reflection.