Saturday 26 June 2021

Post No. 1917 - Dowsing The World’s Psychic Weather - Fire: Lesson Sixteen - Simultaneously Co-Existing “Good” and “Bad”

To simplify quite considerably, when early management theorists started to seek feedback from employees, the approach was fairly simple: more or less along the lines of “how happy/unhappy are you?”

But they found that the results didn’t match what was happening, and didn’t lead to better management - by anyone’s definition.

They realised, however, that people can be happy about some aspects of work at a company (maybe the pay, for instance), but unhappy about other aspects (perhaps the hours of work). Thus, in the case I’ve just alluded to, someone could quit - obviously unhappy or even angry - after just having been given another pay rise, perhaps because they weren’t getting enough time (or having enough energy for good quality time) with their family, or to care for someone significant to them.

If, on the other hand, the company was tracking both aspects, they would have known to forego the pay rise and look at ways to enable the employee to have more time, or more quality time, with the people they cared about.

The same applies to psychic energies.

People tend to simplify their assessments down to “it’s good” or “it’s bad”, and thus miss the complexities. To illustrate this with a few hypotheticals, consider:

  • a place that has a core of fairly consistent BPM (I dislike “good” vs. “bad”, so prefer not to use those terms) energy, but has been temporarily swamped by a group of thuggish drunks. A superficial or perhaps even a thorough energy assessment may detect an overall nonBPM state, but that does NOT mean the place is inherently bad - it means it needs help;
  • a person who is going through a crisis of confidence or a moral crisis, or perhaps has been pushed to their limit. BPM and nonBPM energy will be contesting in the person’s aura, so the energies may not be clearly one or the other, but the person is basically vulnerable, at a tipping point, and in need of careful BPM assistance;
  • an animal that is defending its young. It be behaving in a way that seems aggressive, but it is simply doing what the overwhelming majority of parents want, which is to ensure the wellbeing and safety of their offspring. The animal’s aura will be projecting a great of nonBPM energy (a bit like this), but the motivation of essentially BPM. But the best thing you can do (the proper or “right” thing), is back away, do nothing, and leave them alone.

Thus, I always dowse to detect both BPM and nonBPM energy. However, I don’t stop at that. The intention is to use this knowledge to do some good, as set out in my weekly Psychic Weather Reports (e.g., here).

In planning that work, some general guides I use are:

  • areas that are low in BPM energy need healing or some sort of boost;
  • areas that are high in nonBPM energy need clearing;
  • areas that are high in both BPM and nonBPM energy need both healing and clearing;
  • because I use quantitative dowsing, I have a means for assessing which areas that have an imbalance between nonBPM and BPM energy need most attention (for instance, an area where nonBPM energy exceeds BPM energy by four will, generally, have a greater need for focus than an area where the same sort of exceedance only measures two);
  • in addition, I also look at the overall measurement of energy: an area where nonBPM energy exceeds BPM by 2 because the values are 8 and 6 respectively, will have greater need of attention than where the values are 4 and 2;
  • where both energies are equal in value, meaning those areas are in a critical state of being, the areas with higher numbers (e.g., seven and seven, vs. five and five) will generally be more significant in terms of planning energy work;
  • but exercising judgement and making a decision will always be necessary. Work with your BPM Guides, and avoid being a MORAL coward.


Past Lessons

Earth: First principles:

 Water: Dowsing

Air: Sensing and dowsing at a distance