Tuesday 15 June 2021

Post No. 1,893 - Reading - ETs (and time travel)

One of the things way down on my "to do" list is writing a novel about what it would be like for an extraterrestrial to come to a backwards place like the Earth - a place that is violent, has power structures and systems based on domination and greed, and is spiritually - as a whole - the equivalent of a toddler who hasn't even started kindergarten yet. 

That novel has not yet been written (as far as I know, at any rate), but at least someone has had a go at writing something covering that, in the book "Alien Lives Matter: It's OK To Be Grey".

I came across that when I started doing some online searching into Von Braschler, who I came across via the interesting interview Whitley  Strieber did with him, available online as "Stories of People Moving into the Past and Future and Why They Might Really Happen"

On that, I've bought one of Mr Braschler's books - "Learning in Your Dreams" - which, so far, appears to be one of, if not the, best on that topic. It also includes tips on lucid dreaming and astral travel. When I finish, I'll post a review on it.

I'll also consider doing a review of "Alien Lives Matter: It's OK To Be Grey", the book with a chapter by Tim R. Swartz titled "Look but Don't Touch - More Hostile Interactions with Humans", when I finish it. (Apart from the content, which tends a little towards the sensationalist presentation but has reasonable content so far, the book has a fairly mediocre digitalisation.)