Wednesday 14 July 2021

Post No. 1,943 - 13 chakra systems, consciousness / spirituality, and ETs


I have just found that some other people also have a 13 chakra system - I'm not just a crazy voice in the chakra wilderness☺

My system is outlined here, the system I have just come across is outlined here. I'm going to spend a little time studying the other system, and see how it compares with mine. The presentation of the system I've just found fits more nicely into the accepted systems, so I suspect it will be better received among those who come across it.

I came across that system while researching more of the people (ETs are also people) and information in Miguel Mendonça’s Disclosure series of books. I've read the first, most of the second, and a sample of third so far, and am finding it quite reinvigorating / inspiring

Some other links I'm interested in exploring further are: