Saturday 17 July 2021

Post No. 1,949 - Dowsing The World’s Psychic Weather - Fire: Lesson Eighteen - How psychic Weather is NOT like physical weather

OK, so I have been drawing on the analogy of “weather charts(technically, isobaric or sea level pressure charts - also referred to as synoptic charts, or maps) as an illustration of what I am working at doing with psychic weather reports.

However, it is important to remember that they are NOT the same.

The analogy or illustration is useful, but not exact or perfect, and the differences should be kept in mind.

Those differences include:

  • Physical weather responds to physical effects - temperature, humidity and pressure, differentials, rotation of the planet, etc.
    On the other hand, psychic weather is the accumulated effect of etheric energies of places, the psychic energies of billions of lifeforms (including people and other sentient lifeforms), the active and deliberate influence of entities, and the influence of subtle energies such as those measured by astrology.
  • Physical weather patterns move - mostly - from west to east, air flows from high to low pressure at surface level (and vice versa at higher levels).
    Psychic influences can go in any physical direction, depending on relative strength of total influences, which depends on thinks including training and application of will (although that tends to be overrated by naïve) as well as socio-political events (including war -especially nuclear) and physical (e.g., natural disasters).
  • There are rules, based on nearly two centuries of observation, development, and modelling, which mean physical weather charts can be used to predict what will happen.
    Similar rules may exist for psychic weather charts, but if they do, I certainly don’t know them - other than the ones I have preliminarily developed:

o   energy flows from higher measured strengths to lower - for both BPM and nonBPM energies:

-          the greater the difference, the stronger the potential flow,

-          in accordance with and in development of the Cure  Violence  principles, the flow can be redirected, cut off, or countered by energy of another type;

o   changes in energy levels can occur as a result of internal (“organic”) influences (people and events there), and also external (including adjoining and higher level [non-physical] ) influences;

o   resistance to change of energy depends on the history of the region - if is well-established at maintaining one state, it is more likely to continue doing so (habit / momentum / everyone just used to doing that / etc). For this reason, I sometimes do not use high net BPM energy places for active psychic work, to better allow that high net BPM energy soak in and have a constructive influence;

o   contention between balanced energies is more significant when the numbers are higher.

It is early days for this technique, which means there is a massive amount to learn, and opportunities for refinement and development.

And it will be other people who do most of that, not me.


Past Lessons

Earth: First principles:

Water: Dowsing

Air: Sensing and dowsing at a distance

Fire: Energy