Monday 19 July 2021

Post No. 1,951 - Newtonian worldviews - beaten again :)

Back in 2009, over on my now long retired-into-inactivity ideas blog, I had been thinking about an issue and came up with an idea for a catamaran that was less affected by waves. Cool, I thought ... then I found out the idea was actually an old one. From the updated version of that post: 

I have just found that this is actually quite a old idea. According to a Wikipedia article about the "Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull":
"The SWATH form was invented by Canadian Frederick G. Creed, who presented his idea in 1938, and was later awarded a British patent for it in 1946. It was first used in the 1960s and 1970s as an evolution of catamaran design for use in oceanographic research vessels or submarine rescue ships."

Apparently skin friction resistance was quite an issue, although one person overcame that by putting the propellers on the bow - I tried to find the YouTube video on that, but got drowned in so many videos about SWATH developments I gave up. (found it - here, about a US Navy ship.)

Now, Newtonian worldviews, or, as I sometimes term it, the Newtonian heart, mind and soul, which I developed in the context of my political blog in 2018.

I have now found that people in the extraterrestrial arena have been using the term for some time. 


Also, sigh ... this is one of those many situations where ideas haven't been circulated as widely as I would like them to have been. 

But it also illustrates a point I've written about, and that has also been written about by others: sometimes ideas come to this world through multiple entry points (people).

Incidentally, I now think this has been around since the 1980s, although my frustrating lack of outcomes from searching this morning is continuing, and I cannot find the actual reference now. If I do, I will add it to this post. 

PS - found it: it was in Mr. Grant  Cameron's book "Managing Magic: The Government's UFO Disclosure Plan", published in 2017.