Sunday 25 July 2021

Post No. 1,957 - Dowsing The World’s Psychic Weather - Fire: Lesson Nineteen - Personal Interferences

We have already covered the issues of overcoming personal blocks, interferences - in two  parts, and avoiding judgmentalism, and it is time to revisit this issue.

We have already touched on sabotaging oneself by disbelief or inflexible thinking (including refusal or failure to use tools when appropriate), not practising, unrealistic expectations, personal bias, inappropriate or even unsafe working conditions, not looking after oneself adequately, possible psychic influences (such as telepathy from the well-meaning, group minds [aka egregores], and psychic attack), astrological and similar influences, worldview and other cultural biases, and various forms of spiritual prejudice (i.e., judgmentalism).

Want I wish to cover now is:

  • lack of knowledge;
  • duck-showing onto spirit;
  • life distractions; and
  • mood / lack of self knowledge. 


Lack of knowledge

One of the best counters to the various worldview, cultural, and spiritual biases we grew up with is knowledge - knowledge of other people, other cultures, other ways of thinking. There are a range of ways of achieving that knowledge - such as reading good books, watching good films, listening to good talks, and so on.

The key here is “good”. It doesn’t have to be subjected to that idiotic catchphrase of “challenging”, it just has to be credible, accurate, and informative.

One of the best things my adoptive parents ever did for me was to subscribe to the Marshall Cavendish periodical “Family of Man” published in the mid-70s. Looking back at it now I can see the errors and how dated much of it is, but it was a great way to gain some appreciation of the variety of human life on this planet (I’d love to buy the missing copies for my remaining collection [too much money, time and effort] - or, even better, see an updated version published [unlikely, as the other periodicals they published seemed to be popular] ). Making an effort to explore other cultures - especially those in your own neighbourhood - is an important way of addressing this issue.

Even staying up to date with news across the entire world is useful.

Duck-showing onto spirit

Physical and non-physical are a partnership. Each has strengths and advantages that the other does not - for instance, spirit may have a better perspective on situations, but those in the physical world understand how things are done here.

To use a slightly facetious example, if someone is lost behind a gate in a maze, spirit may be best placed to see the way out, but the person in the physical is best placed to open the gate. It is not impossible that each does what the other is capable of, but that may not be the most efficient way to fix the situation, and if, say, one is seeking help for someone else (whether that be someone with a physical injury, or a lost soul in need of spirit rescue), wasting time is not good.

Even more insidious, though, is when people develop an attitude that is basically a cover (an excuse) for avoiding responsibility, making an effort, or accepting responsibility - including accepting responsibility for past wrong doing, or current failures.

I’ve seen people refuse to take physical action over crippling fear from past shortcomings, leaving others suffering because they were too much of a coward to try.

Life distractions

I’ll begin this by pointing out that this sort of work is not what gives life meaning: friends, family and personal growth do that.

However, in general, there are problems we create unnecessarily for ourselves, which I have covered elsewhere as “lifestyle vulnerabilities”.

Mood / lack of self knowledge

Being in a bad mood is one thing; knowing how to get out of it is another - but even more valuable, is knowing how one wound up in the bad mood in the first place.

One of the most important sayings in history is “Know Thyself” - it is the key to identifying / preventing lifestyle vulnerabilities, many forms of psychic attack, self sabotage, and so on. Achieving that requires a lot of work - much of it fun, some of it not.

They key is start making an effort.

On that, I recently posted about an old technique - moving the assemblage point - in the context of a technique I have only recently come across: “moving” chakras. The post at, and is worth a read.

That technique can help with tuning in to other places on the Earth.

And I will leave this lesson at that.


Past Lessons

Earth: First principles:

 Water: Dowsing

Air: Sensing and dowsing at a distance


Fire: Energy