Saturday 3 July 2021

Post No. 1,928 - ETs, humans, and hybrids

I've started reading "Meet the Hybrids: The Lives and Missions of ET Ambassadors on Earth" by Miguel  Mendonça and Barbara Lamb (pub. 2015 through Amazon CreateSpace, ISBN 978-1518741012; foreword by Grant Cameron, which is how I found the book; blog at, which is apparently part of a three book series known as "The Disclosure Series"

It's quite an interesting book (I bought it after reading a free sample), and I am inclined to get the rest of the books when I can. I tend towards sceptical at times, and so I find some of the events described a stretch - even as someone who has accepted the reality of extraterrestrials for most of her life, but the book is quite balanced and well-presented (I'm also going to be looking at some of Mr. Mendonça's other books - beginning with those on wisdom and then on sustainability)

The people interviewed for this book are also an interesting group - a wide range of people, all sharing their opinion that they are hybrids of some sort, and all dedicated to some form of service. 

I was particularly impressed by Vanessa  Lamorte, who has comments I consider quite sound on all humans having an element of hybridisation, some miscarried babies being entities "testing the vibrations of Earth", living in humanity (meaning embracing being incarnated as a human), and the awareness of choice around interactions (although I suspect others who find it difficult may be finding the body blow to their worldview so distressing everything seems painful and distressing)

As with many of the others interviewed, there is a sentiment of ETs being here to help, but not do the work for us.

This book is well worth a read, in my opinion. 

As always, think for yourself on everything you read - including this post.

PS - see also this post of mine.
PPS - I'm now (mid-July, 2021) reading the second book.