Tuesday 28 September 2021

Post No. 2,037 - Cross Posting: Governance for ...

This was originally posted on my political blog at https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2021/09/govrnance-for.html


Democratic governance is supposed to actually be for all, or as close to it as is possible - that's why rorting and other corruption is inherently wrong.

Valid criticisms such as this show that some people in power are governing for a few - specifically, for those who are in the "comfort zones" of those with power. 

That is, they will govern for those people they like, are comfortable with, or consider merit good things - which, in Australia at least and probably elsewhere, means: 

  • fallacies/prejudices about "dole bludgers", 
  • hate of those who are feared because of personal insecurities / inadequacies (most notably, the personal insecurities that lead to LGBTIQ-phobias), and 
  • the problems of limited perspectives (e.g., parents who taught misogyny and/or racism, possibly using culture or religion as a thin disguise or excuse) or Newtonian world views 

enable abuses such as systemic governmental mental abuse of those receiving welfare (leading to Robodebt and many suicides), racist policies (the Stolen Generations, genocide, the still present and pernicious White Australia "thinking"), denial of uncomfortable events such as the climate crisis and the pandemic which mean cherished life goals and plans have to be abandoned (much as was the case for those experiencing last Century's two World Wars and Great Depression)

In brief, it means governance for a few (not necessarily elites, but those who the elites and those with some power are comfortable with - "mates") rather than all, or even the many.

PS - from my coming weekly news post on my main blog:
an examination of what is behind housing unaffordability (which ignores people's misconception that homes are for generating wealth, rather than living in);