Monday 6 September 2021

Post No. 2,013 - Dowsing The World’s Psychic Weather - Aether: Lesson Twenty-Seven - Networking

I am not doing this to fill an idle few hours (that I don’t actually have): I’m doing this to try to get others to “have a go”.

One person is not enough to do this properly - the one thousand I have flippantly bounced around is probably too high, but the more the merrier. At the very least, I would like to see half a dozen people for each area (three to take turns at doing the mapping aspects, and three to take turns at doing the element mapping on multiple levels), and say half a dozen taking turns at tying it all together.

To accomplish that, networking will be needed.

And that is not one of my best skills. Nevertheless, to develop a group of dowsers (or diviners), finding and connecting with others will be necessary.

Most likely, this will eventually be done via social media (which I’m not on much, and am not much good at when I am). However, a few notes of caution:

  • there is limited coverage and flaws with every social media platform, and it is likely that multiple platforms will be necessary;
  • be humble - acknowledge the good work done by others when it is found, even if you have already done the same;
  • there are major security, privacy, and personal problems with all social media platforms, and thus once contact is made, a separate platform will be necessary.

In terms of establishing a running a group, there will be a host of ethical, personal safety & preference, and group dynamic issues to consider. I’ve examined those sorts of issues in my “Magickal Battle of the World” series, and there are online sources of information as well - just be aware that many may be in different legal contexts; at some stage this network may - out of simple prudence and good management - need consideration of legal issues in multiple jurisdictions, but another important point is aiming to work together in the sense of power with, not power over.

In any case, I will leave all that to those who have now completed this course.

Over to you 😊


Past Lessons

Earth: First principles:

Water: Dowsing

Air: Sensing and dowsing at a distance

Fire: Energy


Æther: Dowsing the world