Thursday 9 March 2023

Post No. 2,387 - Random ramblings: returning to the physical, travel, and working on next Rangers of the Inner Plane short story

Last night's lucid dreaming ended with a bit of a twist. I was in a building with other people, and, one by one, each person was being overwhelmed by something - which was interpreted by my mind/brain as a dark cloud - and dragged, unwilling, off to somewhere. Then that happened to me ... and I woke up. 

What I had been perceiving was people returning from the astral (NOT the etheric) to physical level of reality

Now, at this stage it would be fairly common to jump from the apparent reluctance into a little diatribe about how that supposedly shows that physical reality is unpleasant or less desirable than the astral, but that would be WRONG

What that does show is that physical reality on this planet at this point of time (in this Universe, etc, if you want to be pedantic) is unpleasant, but that is actually a measure of what our self-centred, small-minded, irresponsible selfishness has resulted in this world becoming - WE are the ones who have allowed hate to flourish; we are the ones who have allowed bigotry to manifest AND SPREAD as the worst forms of discrimination: fascism, including its subset that originated in 1930s Germany, which I won't name. Also, white supremacism is the ultimate expression of every bit of snobbery, classism, and gossip - everyone who indulges in those seemingly smaller expressions of evil is DIRECTLY and PERSONALLY contributing to the greater. 

The world does NOT have to be a place of suffering ... but for it to change, we all need to commit to equity and fairness, and stop wanting to have a bigger status than others. 

Thats not bad for a short episode of lucid dreaming, eh?

The next comment I am being impressed to write about is something that I have covered before: the exhaustion of travelling quickly through land regions. I tend to connect to the energy of the earth, although to do so properly takes time - but even when driving, I can find it exhausting to go through multiple what I will term earth energy zones.

If I am driving through a large plain, it may be that it is all one zone, and thus not so exhausting, but when it changes, I disconnect and then reconnect - and to avoid doing so requires the imposition of a psychic insulation that is isolating, alienating, and exhausting in itself. 

If I travel by plane, I have a mild form of psychic jet lag until I can connect to the earth. (I have never travelled more than three hours difference by time zone - all of my international travels have been north-south, between Australia and Asia.)

This weeks news post on my politics blog will include the following item: 

“hustle culture doesn’t understand trauma (M)

It also doesn't understand connection/disconnection nor ANY of the unwise adverse impacts of doing things quickly.

Finally, I am working on my next Rangers of the Inner Plane short story. I am going to try to make this one a little more ... action oriented.

Assumptions / basis 

In writing this, I have assumed / started from the following: 

Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider: 

  • in addition to mutuality, we also have a responsibility to evolve personally, which means towards greater awareness, caring and sharing - gossips, snobs, elitists, racists, white supremacists, fascists, etc are ALL undignified and the exact opposite of evolved;
  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking” 
  • I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.


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Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.