Wednesday 18 October 2023

Post No. 2,615 - Bye bye social media

OK, I've just left Mastodon. It was getting to be like a high school playground, with bullies (i.e., bigots) trying to defend their bigotry, and others who were being attacked attacking others in turn and playing comparative victim games and not caring about who they hurt and shutting down any attempts to raise issues.

That's a stack of time and energy and wellbeing that I have just reclaimed for myself. 

PS - if I get time & energy, I will expand this into a critique of (a) alleged adults still behaving as if they were on a high school playground, and (b) discriminated against groups - including those I am in - dissing others groups for having lesser suffering. 

PPS - I'm not going to write an article. Much of what I have been watching is people lashing out in pain, people not being listened to, and people take their pain out on each other instead of the systems. 

The world needs to change for the better, and being good as individuals will not do that on it's own - activism is essential, but behaving with decency is still essential. 

The racist pile on by members of some of my communities was vile - the same sort of vile attitudes that, in different circumstances, leads to mass atrocities. 

But the dismissiveness after misgendering was also wrong - a LESSER but still fatal wrong, but wrong nevertheless, and equally leads to fatalities, but here and now, albeit in smaller numbers. 

Social media is one arena for change; street marches are another; writing in various forms, formats, and circumstances another - one that, unlike the first two, is better suited to me. 

But where my main expertise is, is in spiritual warrior ship, and that, along with activist writing, is where I will focus my time, efforts, and energy in whatever time I have left in this life (leaving the other forms of combat for change to those with skill, experience, passion & expertise in this arenas) - and the next lives of all is where the next set of battles will be, with, I suspect, the prickliest and most vehement & fierce of reactions being amongst those who have swapped "side" (or circumstance/characteristic/etc) on any of many particular aspects.

PPS - this has already resulted in me having enough time & energy (mainly because I no longer have the drain of trying to work out how I am supposed to respond to issues - what is correct level/type of response, etc) to do more psychic work on the mass atrocity crimes happening in Israel, Palestine, and adjoining areas (especially this one) - and the risk of massive escalation.

If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below, and theres also Instagram Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan, and acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk.