Sunday 6 September 2020

Post No. 1,655 - Magickal Battle of the World - Weekly Meditation - Week No. 21 - Current events as part of evolution: Perspective

 Black Lives Matter!

Stay safe - wash your hands, practice social distancing and wear a face mask in public, and follow informed medical advice - and be considerate towards those at risk or in situations of vulnerability (including economic) while the COVID-19 pandemic is a problem.

I have been writing about improving the world through a range of means on my blogs: this blog has been focused on spiritual and psychic means, including strengthening  BPM  units and clearing nonBPM units, and meditation to generate BPM energy (and units, if you know enough).

This has been done before - particularly during times of crisis.

The climate crisis has been our World War III for some time (with the denialists being, at the very least, the WW3 equivalents of Quisling, Vichy France, etc), and we now have the COVID-19  pandemic, caused by the zoonotic  SARS-CoV-2  novel coronavirus (there are other novel coronaviruses), on top of that.

World War II was probably the biggest global crisis before our current dual crises, and during those terrible events, there were a number of people undertaking magickal work, including  the work by Dion Fortune (there were others) outlined in the Gareth Knight edited book "The Magical Battle of Britain" (my copy pub. Skylight Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-908011-45-9), which I reviewed here. Ms Fortune directed her team through a series of 136 weekly and (I think) 19 monthly meditations (I originally intended to publish a list at some stage, but it’s so long and comprehensive that I’m concerned about breaching copyright, so I may either see if I can find an online list, or publish something listing the broad themes only). At the end of this, she was exhausted, and that work is considered to have contributed to her death, but a change for the better had been accomplished.

We already have a lot of people doing a lot of work on making the world a better place (including before the current crises), but I would like to extend my contribution to also include a series of weekly - or near weekly - meditations along the line of those directed by Ms Fortune.

I am proposing this be added to the Sunday meditations which are part of my regular psychic work. For convenience, an outline of the meditation is provided at the end of this post.

The notes on each week’s meditation will probably be brief to the point of being terse.

This Week: No. 21 - Current events as part of evolution: Perspective

This is where we introduce things like the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Before I consider those, however, I’m going to ask those old enough to cast their minds back to the 80s, and the then terrifying AIDS pandemic, which seemed unstoppable and incurable.

We have now brought that largely under control, and there are even indications of a possible cure.

Go back a few decades, and paralysing and contagious polio - the wild version of which was just eliminated in Africa - has been 99% eliminated. A few decades earlier, the 1918 flu killed more people than World War One - and in less time, and yet we have treatments for most flu (the 1918 flu was not like the ones we get annual vaccines against, I understand - the 1918 was a H1N1 virus which was most recently seen as swine flu).

The plague that killed a quarter or more of Europe in the Middle Ages (more than the 1918 flu)? Antibiotics have now got death rates for those infected to around 10% (as opposed to 70% without treatment).  

Up to a point, I consider that we have the capacity to change things for the better - to respond to catastrophes. Our work at reducing the ozone hole is another example of this, but the last (and biggest) hopeful point I want to touch on is the reduction - over millennia - of violent deaths, as described by Steven  Pinker in The Better Angels of our Nature” (Amazon).

That reduction does not mean there are no violent deaths (anyone who tries to take that line is illogical, irrational, and hypocritical), no need for further work - and all such deaths are horrible, and should be prevented if possible, but to pretend there has been no improvement is to risk stopping the good change that has occurred - cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face, as the old saying goes.

It is important to be very aware of and avoid any tendency to over-dramatize or belittle something to big note oneself. That is dangerous, irresponsible, and counter to everything this blog is about.

But there are problems which do not fit into the above category.

The climate crisis is an existential threat to sentient life on this planet - the evidence has been there for decades, and we are tracking along the paths predicted, give or take some variation.

Related to that is the impact humans have on the environment - largely because of population growthy, but also to accommodate changed fancies in people’s tastes / preferences.

If particular concern, is clearing forests - which is increasing the rate at which we come into contact with new, potentially zoonotic diseases, such as COVID-19, AIDS, rabies, etc.

Global  poverty and inequality is also a leading part of that.

So, short of the global / existential problems, my view is:

  • look at the long term view - has there been anything similar, and if yes, how was it dealt with?
  • was the response curative or preventative? Getting gushy about inventing a new way to deal with a problem might be OK for a short term problem (or not - see Australia’s attempts to manage pests by introduced pests such as cane toads), but it is important to also consider whether we should not be in that situation in the first place.

Better insulation for houses is great, but using passive solar techniques in temperate climates (further north than Melbourne!) and SMALLER houses that are built to last would be even better.
More fuel efficient and electric cars are good, but public transport should also be a first go to solution, as should - following our experience of the pandemic - minimising the need for travel by more working at home.
If the response has been more preventative, or includes preventative/broader approaches, I consider the event being considered is likely to lead to growth (“evolution”). If not, then it may not - probably won’t, in fact.

When we come to the massive disasters - and world wars are another event I would put in that category, the key here is how well we, as a species, learn to prevent and, if we can’t prevent, manage future events.

World War One was a disaster. There were a few attempts to learn from it and prevent war (not only the League of Nations: also the [Peace] Pact of Paris), but it really made World War Two almost inevitable (which is why I refer to them as part One and part Two). World War Two was better, in that we got the more effective United Nations (anyone who disputes that should have a look at the unseen coordination of things like international air travel,  international mail services, weather forecasting, etc that the UN plays a key role in), but it was by no means perfect, which is why we’ve needed, for example, R2P. More change is needed, and will happen, but overall, I consider that disaster has contributed to the evolution of the human species (whether the gain has been worth it the loss is a separate matter).

The major, interlinked crises that we’re left with are the climate crisis, environmental destruction/degradation, and inequality / population growth.  

I can see good indications (particularly amongst younger people), but I can see bad signs as well (particularly amongst conservatives).

In those areas, whether we evolve or not is not decided: we as a species are facing a critical turning point, and it behoves all of us to throw our weight onto learning and changing for the better - beginning with ourselves.

Study the issues (using reputable sources), meditate, do the self analysis to identify emotions and their lessons that are affecting you, meditate some more, and determine - with BPM assistance from BPM Guides/your Higher Self/etc:

a)       how you can improve yourself to quietly be an example of what should be done;

b)      how you can help sway the physical world towards evolving (writing letters to politicians that are designed to change opinion, not berate; etc - we will address this further in coming weeks); and

c)       do all the psychic work we are talking about on this blog.

It is not easy. We are looking at changing almost 8 billion human beings, some of whom are struggling to survive because of the inequality of this world, others of whom are so insecure that they are grasping - seemingly greedy or selfish.

It will take, likely, a few centuries for this current existential crises to be properly addressed. Plant some seeds for the future.

And now, re-read last week’s meditation notes.

The focus for this week is perspective.  

Previous meditations in this sequence are:

1.       Introduction, definition of the problem(s), and Realisation;

2.        Determination;

3.       Together;

4.       Caution, respect and integrity (aka cunning);

5.       Momentum;

6.       Insight;

7.       Preciseness;

8.       Progress;

9.       Learning;

10.   Purposefulness;

11.   Conciseness;

12.   Measurement;

13.   Faith;

14.   Proficiency;

15.   Alliances;

16.   Countering adaptations;

17.   Motivations of the nonBPM;

18.   The humanness of the flaws that underlay opposition;

19.   Undetectability;

20.   Evolution.

The Meditation (see here, here, and here) consists of:

 - appropriate and responsible protection (see here, here, here), prayer and ritual (e.g., here) to establish and check protection (re-do the protection, or re-schedule the meditation, if you don’t feel safe and secure);

 - establish a personal connection to your Higher BPM influences;

 - flush one's aura with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple;

 - fill one’s Heart Chakra (and maybe one’s Earth Star, Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown Chakras) with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple; send a weave of three streams of this colour from the Chakra(s) to a visualisation of a gigantic, multi-faceted emerald (which has been created to facilitate networking of BPM workers) through your facet until you see your energy enlivening other areas of the emerald and can feel similar energies flowing back to you;

 - visualise the rune / bindrune (if given - or, on Sunday, the group of symbols provided);

 - generate  feelings of love, peace, joy and respect;

 - strengthen those feelings (energies);

 - radiate those energies to the world for nine to eighteen minutes;

 - then, on Sunday, also perform the additional meditation work for around 15 minutes or so: contemplate the topic, and the spiritual (i.e., nonphysical) implications of it, and seek insights and understanding. Do not be distracted by thoughts of physical actions - those are necessary also, but this exercise is about the nonphysical, in the broadest possible sense, and the focus should be on nonphysical actions, energy flows, symbols, and the like, all with the intention of bringing about a change for the better. As a second stage, if you wish, you can meditate on any physical actions which may be necessary, but get the spiritually focused work done first;

 - when finished, close your chakras, centre and ground yourself and close your aura, use the banishing version of the LBRP to open circle, ground and release all excess energy; and make sure you are grounded and closed down – eat, if you need to, or seek help from someone capable and trusted.


Black Lives Matter!