Sunday 20 September 2020

Post No. 1,664 - Magickal Battle of the World - Weekly Meditation - Week No. 23 - Tradition

Black Lives Matter!

Stay safe - wash your hands, practice social distancing and wear a face mask in public, and follow informed medical advice - and be considerate towards those at risk or in situations of vulnerability (including economic) while the COVID-19 pandemic is a problem.

I have been writing about improving the world through a range of means on my blogs: this blog has been focused on spiritual and psychic means, including strengthening  BPM  units and clearing nonBPM units, and meditation to generate BPM energy (and units, if you know enough).

This has been done before - particularly during times of crisis.

The climate crisis has been our World War III for some time (with the denialists being, at the very least, the WW3 equivalents of Quisling, Vichy France, etc), and we now have the COVID-19  pandemic, caused by the zoonotic  SARS-CoV-2  novel coronavirus (there are other novel coronaviruses), on top of that.

World War II was probably the biggest global crisis before our current dual crises, and during those terrible events, there were a number of people undertaking magickal work, including  the work by Dion Fortune (there were others) outlined in the Gareth Knight edited book "The Magical Battle of Britain" (my copy pub. Skylight Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-908011-45-9), which I reviewed here. Ms Fortune directed her team through a series of 136 weekly and (I think) 19 monthly meditations (I originally intended to publish a list at some stage, but it’s so long and comprehensive that I’m concerned about breaching copyright, so I may either see if I can find an online list, or publish something listing the broad themes only). At the end of this, she was exhausted, and that work is considered to have contributed to her death, but a change for the better had been accomplished.

We already have a lot of people doing a lot of work on making the world a better place (including before the current crises), but I would like to extend my contribution to also include a series of weekly - or near weekly - meditations along the line of those directed by Ms Fortune.

I am proposing this be added to the Sunday meditations which are part of my regular psychic work. For convenience, an outline of the meditation is provided at the end of this post.

The notes on each week’s meditation will probably be brief to the point of being terse.

This Week: No. 23 - Tradition 

As a first note: I have changed the meditation sequence to start building up a group visualisation of a place to work.

The advantages and disadvantages of Tradition, and how to discern which is which

I find the healthiest attitude to have towards “tradition” is to view it as a social version of individual habits - something that has become routine and thus has its own internal, self-sustaining momentum.

That can make it easier to do things, but harder to change. Thus, if the habit /. tradition becomes unhelpful or a hindrance because of changes, or was always harmful but hadn’t perhaps been recognised as such, changing towards something better is difficult.

In terms of making the change, persistent and organised effort is necessary - the same sort of persistent and organised effort required to change personal habits (whether diet, exercise, meditation, etc - the blog Zen  Habits has excellent guidance on that), as illustrated by the long (centuries and sometimes millennia long) campaigns required to overcome problems such as slavery, racism, sexism, and all other bigotry, or to introduce good changes such as breath testing, seat belts, democracy, and so forth.

Now, in assessing whether a tradition (or an individual’s habit) is beneficial or harmful, the first thing to do is ensure one’s perspective is not rigid.

Most people have a “worldview(the cultural map at that link is useful), which will be a set of values, preconceptions, and so forth (including politics, sports, limits on caring, pecking order of caring, points of fixedness [e.g., “if they prove X the sky will fall down” attitudes, with X often being things like the reality of psychism {actually proven long ago}, that TGD people are who we say we are {also proven long ago}, scientific blocks {as some used to have around the world being a globe, or the structure of the solar system}]); that can be a filter through which everything is interpreted - which, in fact, is one of the reasons lyin’ 45 still has such a strong following in the USA. Some people see evidence as proof of lyin’ 45’s unfitness, other see the same data as “proof” that “the system” is out to get lyin’ 45 and the voter being considered in that example.

You MUSTKnow Thyself”, and be prepared for the answer to a question to be what you don’t want or like (something for every time you ask a question - and you should ask such questions in such as way as avoid influencing the result) - you must equally not be biased towards that unpleasantness happening, the aim is to be objective.

If you know you can’t be objective, depersonalise the method of asking. As an example, if you want to find out if a tradition is helpful, a hindrance, or something in-between, after setting up psychic protection, doing some meditation to ground and clear yourself and your aura, write the possible answers on pieces of paper, crumple them up, put them into a bowl that you cannot see into, jiggle it, and then while thinking on the issue, draw the answer out.

I personally would try to do this several times, in different circumstances, to minimise the chance of my mood/biases influencing the result.

(If the question has a yes/no or only a few option, I may enlist others with appropriate psychic training by posing the question to their BPM  Guides, and choosing meaningless answers - e.g., “do you get a purple donkey, a pink fish or a mountain?” I avoid red and green because many people have strong associations with those - and even more so with ticks and crosses. The limit to that is it measures accurately what the collected BPM  Guides know: that isn’t always ideal - follow the link I gave.)

Then I THINK about the answers, and, if they don’t make sense, go on a spiritual explanation for an understanding - which, for significant issues, could take months or even years.

I don’t act on something important just because I got some psychic guidance saying to do so, no matter how well the guidance is confirmed: I want to understand it, or otherwise I’m just being a puppet, rather than an active co-creator of my life.

Sometimes, very rarely, I don’t have time to do that, or am unable to do so. In that case, I make a decision based on my BPM principles - particularly the principle of BPM caring. This is a case of when one must be prepared to embrace uncertainty.

The possibilities that could apply are that the Tradition is:

  • harmful, and has always been so, for all or almost all people and in all circumstances;
  • harmful now, but hasn’t always been;
  • harmful in some circumstances or to some people;
  • completely neutral or of no significant effect;
  • sometimes harmful, sometimes helpful, depending on the people and/or the circumstances;
  • changing or about to change -the question should be asked again and monitored closely over time;
  • helpful in some circumstances or to some people;
  • helpful now, but hasn’t always been;
  • helpful, and has always been so, for all or almost all people and in all circumstances.

You may be able to think of other possibilities, but these give a framework for starting to analyse the Tradition.

Be wary of either/or approaches. One that annoys me is when educators argue about whether reading should be taught using phonics, whole word or language experience: the correct answer is whatever works best For That Child. I have friends who learned best using one method, but I learned better another way: that doesn’t make one way right and the other wrong, it means they have different applicability.

The following issues may help clarify whether the Tradition of harmful or helpful:

  • who benefits from the Tradition, and in what ways?
  • who doesn’t benefit from the Tradition, and in what ways?
  • could there be people, groups, or situations that one is unaware who are influenced or affected by this Tradition?
  • what is the history of the tradition? What has changed for the better or the worse?
  • what do/would people I respect consider of this matter? What do my BPM  Guides and my Higher Self consider of this? What would Gandhi, Mandela, and Martin Luther King, or other people with authentic presence, make of the matter? When and how would those opinions change?

When you ask those questions about something important, don’t merely answer them on the basis of what you currently know and what psychic guidance you get, do some research - treat it as a spiritual quest for knowledge - read both sides of opinions, see what data exists, check philosophical  pointers  about  fallacies, do your own factchecks to the best of your ability. Be prepared for the answers to be a little of this and a little of that.

And then be prepared to change your mind when new data or arguments are found, maybe decades in the future, maybe centuries or millennia.

This world came into existence, in my opinion, for a few reasons - including coming into contact with that which is disharmonious to us (not evil, just different and sometimes possibly uncomfortable or unsettling - “evil” came into existence when people failed to cope with that and started trying to suppress difference/uncertainty by controlling others, see here), and also so we could perfect our ability to learn - not to know everything or to be perfect, but to perfect our ability to continue down the path of eternal life, which is a path of eternal growth, and thus improving (perfecting is a little arrogant, and denies the possibility of change, which means the best way to learn/grow today may not be the best way to do so tomorrow).

Discussions I’ve read where people are debating the pros and cons of arguments are also useful to this topic, I’ve found.

I’m not going to state, in this post, which traditions are good and which are bad - I’ve written about that elsewhere (actually, I’ve shown my biases above anyway - I hope you noticed them: if not, please go back and re-read this, the term “lyin’ 45 is an obvious giveaway). No, the purpose of this post is to promote you thinking a little more effectively about this.

Please note also my use of the word “significance”. If you’re considering changing the way you have “always” stored things in your pantry, that does not merit the comprehensive level of analysis I’ve advocated for in this post. If, on the other hand, you are considering changing your religion, job, place of residence, or friends, that does merit a cautious, comprehensive and thoughtful examination - always with the proviso of being prepared to change your mind in the future, even if that involves admitting to error.

Previous meditations in this sequence are:

1.       Introduction, definition of the problem(s), and Realisation;

2.        Determination;

3.       Together;

4.       Caution, respect and integrity (aka cunning);

5.       Momentum;

6.       Insight;

7.       Preciseness;

8.       Progress;

9.       Learning;

10.   Purposefulness;

11.   Conciseness;

12.   Measurement;

13.   Faith;

14.   Proficiency;

15.   Alliances;

16.   Countering adaptations;

17.   Motivations of the nonBPM;

18.   The humanness of the flaws that underlay opposition;

19.   Undetectability;

20.   Evolution;

21.   Perspective;

22.   Wisdom.

The Meditation (see here, here, and here) consists of:

 - appropriate and responsible protection (see here, here, here), prayer and ritual (e.g., here) to establish and check protection (re-do the protection, or re-schedule the meditation, if you don’t feel safe and secure);

 - establish a personal connection to your Higher BPM influences;

 - visualise the sigil (see above) for this work. Think of what this work means for you as you do so, then, when you feel you have fully tuned in to the meaning of the sigil, see it as a portal or doorway (you could open it like a door [close it behind you], simply pass through it, visualise yourself shrinking and passing through the centre, or whatever else works best for you), and travel through to to a place created by the visualisation of yourself and others for this work. That place should have:
     (a) a visualisation of the workplace you personally prefer - something you can change, if you wish, as you yourself change;   and
     (b) a shared visualisation of a device to astrally share our knowledge, something developed in a previous project (still active astrally): a visualisation of a large, green, multifaceted emerald. Large: around half the size of the Moon; multifaceted - billions, for all people who wish to be part of this at any time; green - largely tied up with the previous project, but has connotations of nature and growth. One of those facets is yours - choose whatever location and shape you wish (and you may change that as you change [grow] over time), but in the interest of humility and sharing, see it at around human - or human aura - size;

 - flush one's aura with green (R0, G102, B0), blue (R0, G0, B204) and purple (R153 G0, B204);

 - fill one’s Heart Chakra (and maybe one’s Earth Star, Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown Chakras) with green, blue and purple; send a weave of three streams of this colour from the Chakra(s) to a visualisation of a gigantic, multi-faceted emerald (which has been created to facilitate networking of BPM workers) through your facet until you see your energy enlivening other areas of the emerald and can feel similar energies flowing back to you;

 - visualise the rune / bindrune (if given - or, on Sunday, the group of symbols provided);

 - generate  feelings of love, peace, joy and respect;

 - strengthen those feelings (energies);

 - radiate those energies to the world for nine to eighteen minutes;

 - then, on Sunday, also perform the additional meditation work for around 15 minutes or so: contemplate the topic, and the spiritual (i.e., nonphysical) implications of it, and seek insights and understanding. Do not be distracted by thoughts of physical actions - those are necessary also, but this exercise is about the nonphysical, in the broadest possible sense, and the focus should be on nonphysical actions, energy flows, symbols, and the like, all with the intention of bringing about a change for the better. As a second stage, if you wish, you can meditate on any physical actions which may be necessary, but get the spiritually focused work done first;

 - when you have finished your work:
     (i) send the thought of any knowledge you wish to store or share through your portal into the group visualised emerald;
     (ii) return back through the sigil; and
     (iii) close your chakras, centre and ground yourself and close your aura, use the banishing version of the LBRP to open circle, ground and release all excess energy; and make sure you are grounded and closed down – eat, if you need to, or seek help from someone capable and trusted.


Black Lives Matter!