Saturday 27 February 2021

Post No. 1,783 - Dowsing The World’s Psychic Weather - Earth: Lesson Four - Interferences

I’d now like to build on the topic of interferences, or causes of error.

The first, and most obvious problem is not practicing, or not practicing well enough. This is the one that I find is most common - people are so insecure about their ability to dowse, that they fear any setbacks or indication of inaccuracy is a definitive indication that cannot/should not even try to dowse.

It is utterly illogical and wrong in every way, often because of the “overnight success” myth.

People sometimes look at a musician or band who are popular and successful, and see them as utterly removed from that sort of success. However, the reality is that the people being admired have probably worked long and hard to develop their talent - one suggestion is that people need to practice for 10,000 hours to master their talent. The specifics of that, as with all such guides, is generic and thus subject to variation from case to case, but the notion that one has to practice, including the people being admired, is an important one.

Unfortunately, this often requires people to experience problems, and overcoming those problems, before they can start to feel comfortable about the idea of practicing with some seriousness.

We’ll get into some of the specifics of that in future lessons, but for now, other possible interferences.

The next is personal bias.

As an example, a racist/sexist/other bigot may get an answer to a question that supports their racism/sexism/other bigotry: that is obviously utter rubbish. Attempting to be objective, but so too does framing questions in a way that is open (again, a technique to be covered in future lessons) and using checking. I’ve written about checking elsewhere (e.g., here), but one of the best ways is to get others to seek an answer to the same question.

The wording has to be clear, and it can help to have enough people asking the question, but the benefits can be profound - and that is why I want hundreds of people doing this psychic weather assessment work, to minimise the chance of error that can happen when one person only is doing this.

This is NEVER a case of just one person being perfectly accurate - that doesn’t exist in any area of life, and anyone who thinks it does is a fool, and a dangerous one at that. Disbelieve them on everything unless there is independent verification of what they are saying.

In the fact, the attitude of being prepared to admit that you could be wrong, is one of the best defences against the effects of being wrong, and against the chances of being wrong. When one is humble, one is, for instance, prepared to ask the question again, as a minimal check, or possible arrange for other checks.

I read, fairly early on, a comment that there is a 2 hour period of the day that one never gets a correct answer while dowsing. Now, four decades later, I happen to disagree with that, but it I a useful caution against arrogance.

Now, some additional possible interferences:

  • being casual about establishing protection and a proper place to work, somewhere free of scepticism or other forms of hostility and without interruption or distraction;
  • if you are working in the field, physical safety (check weather, have water, let others who will escalate the matter know where you are & when you will return, etc), permission to access (do NOT trespass);
  • possible psychic influences from ley lines/power spots, groups of people, etc;
  • not getting into the right frame of mind;
  • poor health or being tired, hungry or thirsty;
  • not cleansing your dowsing tools (see the section on looking after crystals here as a starting point for considering that topic);
  • familiarity with dowsing tools;
  • other points to consider that vary from person to person (i.e., these matter for some people, but not others - so if they’re significant for you, attend to them, but DON’T ram them down other people’s throats):

o   extent of contact with the natural world (some people need their feet to be free of shoes, or pointing down, or to be standing on soil/grass; others’ don’t);

o   which hand you use;

o   the type of pendulum (I have one crystal pendulum that is only used for divining psychic weather and NEVER for anything else; other crystals may have a container to place a sample of what you’re looking for);

o   length of cord to pendulum (this can be a little like an antenna);

o   different specialisations in dowsing (similar to this);

o   making sure your chakras are balanced, or using shiatsu or similar on your arms (when teaching healing, one of the exercises involves people sounding tuning forks of various frequencies on their hands to see if any stimulate better healing);

o   other influences of significance for you - for instance, maybe the right aromatherapy, dealing with astrological influences, background music, etc.

Keep a journal and record these various aspects, and what you do to try to overcome them, and how your efforts have worked. Repeat each idea a few times to make sure you didn’t just try it “on a bad day”.


Past Lessons

Earth: First principles:

·         Lesson 01: Introduction, and the reality of psychic sensing;

·         Lesson 02: Overcoming Personal Blocks;

·         Lesson 03: Considerations around Tools;