Saturday 8 June 2024

Post No. 2,803 - Some interesting reading/viewing

Here are some llinks that might of interest or value:
  • “Answering ACCUSATIONS about My Palestine Activism.. (I am so done with this sh*t.)”   The comment to the effect that one cannot be spiritual and ignore massive human rights abuses resonated strongly with me - but the whole video is, in my opinion, excellent (especially the passion - I have subscribed)      
  • “‘Sliding doors’: the groundbreaking study charting the lives of 167 Australians over 34 years | Australia news | The Guardian”   “...   the erosion of the postwar social contract, and the fraying of public services and the social safety net hit some people harder than others.   ...   “the odds are stacked against those who can’t seem to break free of poverty and disadvantage, no matter how hard they try.”   Many of the policy recommendations the researchers made still remain: fair and adequate income support; accessible and responsive health and support services for parents from non-English speaking backgrounds; reinvestments in safe, secure public housing, accessible public transport infrastructure, and more.”   This has been known by those living it (especially here in Victoria, where Kennett savaged society in the 90s) and advocates ever since it started happening, but this evidence will greatly aid the understanding of many and the efforts to accomplish to change for the better    
  • “Autistic Anger”   I consider she was correct to call out the man in the park - and for the reasons she stated. Yes, he may have had problems, as pointed out in the comments, but that does not give him the right to interfere with other people’s valid life activities. This has wider application, which I why I have included it here, rather than in the neurodivergent section     
  • this weeks videos from the revised archetype character arc being developed here are:    “Love is not enough: how to empower the next generation”      “True, empowering parents, bosses and other leaders know how to trust, inspire and strengthen others. But can they resist the darker draw of their shadow rulers?   ...   Do you have what it takes to be an empowering leader, or have you been unknowingly captured by the inner Figurehead or the inner Vampire?”      “Do you have this surprising skill shared by all true leaders?”   “Whether you're a parent, CEO, team leader or simply the boss of your own head, there's one skill you need to develop. But be warned: it's not going to be easy.”     
  • also from YouTube:

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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).
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