Monday 17 June 2024

Post No. 2,812 - Some thoughts on being bait

In general, there is a principle that you should know your opposition. As a peace activist, that means that I should have at least some basic understanding of the military mindset (Paul K Chappell writes about this quite well - and the need to study peace). To accomplish that involves a fair bit of research and understanding, and one aspect that’s relevant to this particular post is the change of tactics of the US Air Force in Europe during World War (part) Two once they had long range fighters.

At that point, they changed the mission from bombing to attempt to destroy the enemy’s capabilities to using the bombers as bait - to entice German Air Force up into the air so that it could be destroyed by the US fighters

This actually worked - it meant that there was very little German Air Force influence on D Day, and it apparently also reduce the amount of opposition that Russia experienced on the Eastern Front.

This is something that was touched on in the streaming series “Masters of the Air”, and described in reasonable depth in the book that series is based on. 

Now, in terms of my psychic work, early in my career there was one group where we were regarded in a very dismissive, harmful, brutalist manner as … cannon fodder. 

I think the person concerned was actually trying to describe us as pawns, but cannon fodder, the phrase that he “accidentally” stumbled on, was actually a more accurate term for the way he thought of us. 

But since then, just recently, I’ve come to realise that there can be a function that’s similar a little bit to the changed function of the US Air Force. 

In my life, I come across situations where I get a lot of nonBPM energy/units directed my way. Now, if I can handle that - which means clear it (and the measure of doing so successfully is to maintain a positive state of being myself), then effectively what I am doing is: 

I am drawing nonBPM energy, objects, links, and other units away from others who would like to use them, and destroying them so that they can no longer be used - which means I am not only being bait like the US bombers, but I am also being the psychic equivalent of the US fighter planes. 

In essence, I’m basically weakening the opposition to a more decent world - much as the US Air Force weakened the opposition to Allies in World War (part) Two. 

There are a few implications for me to think about with that, and I will do so and post more about it in due course.

In the meantime, I want to absolutely emphasise that if you attempt to do anything like this and fail to maintain a positive state of being, you have actually LOST, and become an agent for the nonBPM.

This is very much akin to Form 07 clearing techniques - see   (especially the cautionary notes)  

Here are a few links which may be of interest and/or use. 

  • You can find information on the USA’s change of air warfare strategy in Europe during World War Two at , and in the sub-section “Mass against Mass” of Chapter Nine: The Turning, p. 253 of my e-book version of “Masters of the Air”, by Donald L Miller (2006, first Pub. Simon & Schuster 2007, Ebury Publishing, London, 2020, ISBN 9781473583160; Amazon)  

Also, see: 

Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider:

  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking” 
  • I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.


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Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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