Thursday 4 January 2024

Post No. 2,681 - Personal: a refocusing of my life

Since I retired, I have been and will continue to undergo some very necessary healing, as I discuss here

As part of that, at one stage I cut back my news blogging - and I have resumed more creative blogging and writing on this blog. 

I resumed some of my political study and spiritual reading, but ... after a while the common themes become apparent, and there is a limit to how beneficial those activities can be. In fact, as I once read, spiritual indigestion can be a risk, but as I have long advocated, application of what one knows is a key matter.

I have also tried to establish a larger physical community, with no more success than I have had in any of the rest of my life. 

I haven’t even been able to make connections with/explore my Indigenous heritage. 

And then today, I was able to have a more significant interaction with a blackbird, harbinger spiritually of connection with the other world (and death)

I think the message has got through. 

I will now be using my retirement to focus more strongly on my spiritual/psychic work, including strengthening myself, and improving my conscious communication with my BPM  Guides, etc. (Some of what I have done in the past is of little value or relevance [e.g., mudras], so I will not waste time/energy on that.)

Through much of my life I have wanted to be a hermit. Life effectively took me down that path in many ways, now I just need to make the final step of acknowledgement.

I'll still do my political writing, although I will cut down on the news posts, and I may not do more more output here ... but then again, I might ... 

Any way, I have now found the direction of whatever is left of my life. 

PS - thinking of the time and energy required to write even one book, compared to the time and energy (and probable remaining life) I have, I am unlikely to get any book completed - certainly not to the standard I wish, so I will de-prioritise those goals. If I get anything done, great; if not, blame our corporate world, hyper-materialistic culture, and the small-minded, FBU expectations of far too many people ...

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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering”.

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