This is going to be one of those very quick, rough and ready posts so I can get a thought out into the world.
This has been spurred by listening to a macho IPOC bewailing that he had a relationship with a woman that was a disaster because she was more masculine than him (which he clearly would have known about when he go into it, so ... spite? Vindicativeness? narcissism? Sub-clinical psychopathy?)
What this behaviour focused on was a mythology that everything is driven by polarity - by extremes, such as (in western society) the now thoroughly discredited notion that gender exists only on two polar, opposed extremes.
This sort of amathia crops up in so many other areas of life as well - particularly outdated, outmoded metaphysics.
The TRUTH is that it is the dynamism - the change, flow, and energy - that occasionally goes all the way out to one or other of an outlier that is important - the fact of change, dance, and vitality is important, not that occasionally that change and vitality reaches a point that the unnuanced can recognise and label easily.
Life is dynamic.
Stop building meaningless fantasies because they are easy to impose control over with labels, descriptions, and bullying.
If I get time and energy, I may come back to this, but world events are taking an even worse turn ...
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Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here.
(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)
Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).#PsychicABetterWorld and candles for Viva La Résistance à Tr_ mp! and may all that I do be of value and actively BPM used for and by the nonphysical BPM
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