Saturday, 1 February 2025

Post No. 3,013 - Reflections on the past week, and some interesting reading/viewing [Note: Content Warning - links to reports on/discussion of oppression/bigotry/hate, violence/abuse/war. Reader discretion is advised]

Note: CONTENT WARNING - some of this content is about upsetting, disturbing or triggering events & attitudes. Seek competent help - including professional - if you need it. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that linked articles may contains names and/or images of deceased people. READER CAUTION IS RECOMMENDED! For anyone distressed by anything in this post, or for any other reason considering seeking support, resources are available in Australia here, here, and here. In other nations, you will have to do an Internet search using terms such as mental health support - <your nation>(which, for instance, may lead to this, this, and this, in the USA, or this, this, and this, in France [biased towards English-language - my apologies]), or perhaps try


The purposes of this post are:   

(1) to provide information, including news, which may be of interest, value, or use to Readers;   

(2) to identify both BPM and nonBPM opportunities to do the work of this blog (particularly clearing nonBPM nonphysical  units,   BPM  healing,   and   BPM  strengthening of BPM units);   and   

(3) to help engage and frame my emotional, mental, and other nonphysical (psychic, spiritual, Higher Self, BPM  Guides, etc) aspects both for doing my weekly PWR and for doing the work that flows from the PWR - which may also occur for some others. 

Some of the news information will likely be distressing - hence the content warning, to allow people to choose times they have high energy and/or are in a good state to view these, or to ensure they have access to support resources if they may be triggered, or to choose to either temporarily or permanently skip viewing this post or the News and/or “On the resistance to the reign of Tr_ mp 2.Ø” sections, as is best for their health and wellbeing. 

Within the news section, I generally try to identify what is considered “good” news in green, possibly also with green background, but owing to time, energy, and health limitations, may not always be able to do so. 

URLs of sources of news and/or information are included as in-text hyperlinks.  


On the existential climate crisis this week,      the Doomsday Clock has been reduced by one second  to 89 seconds before midnight, which is closer to midnightthan ever, to stress the global catastrophe risks of nuclear risk, AI and the climate crisis;      heatwaves will likely kill 50% more Europeans (another 8-80,000) by the year 2100 - far offsetting any reductions of deaths in winter;      the withdrawal of the US may be better all round (especially given the denialism of the Tr_ mp regime).

In the global war against the radical right/f_s c_sm this week (and note this, from 2015),      the risk of the USA invading Greenland, much as H_t l_r invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938 as a key step towards World War (part) Two, has grown substantially. From the report on that call:    “The Financial Times reports that according to five current and former senior European officials who were briefed on the call, the conversation “was horrendous”. One person said: “He was very firm. It was a cold shower. Before, it was hard to take it seriously. But I do think it is serious and potentially very dangerous.”   Another person who was briefed on the call told the outlet: “The intent was very clear. They want it. The Danes are now in crisis mode.” Someone else said: “The Danes are utterly freaked out by this.”   The Danish reaction has also been described as furious - and a military attack would trigger the involvement of NATO, and thus constitutes a major risk of a global calamity.      “OMG! Denmark PREPARES for POSSIBLE INVASION by USA”   by the Meidas Touch Network   - actions by Denmark also include building a EU coalition/unity, and France - which has an active interventionist history somewhat like that of the USA - has responded, but I also note this call for Europe to do more.

Meanwhile,         Sweden has arrested a ship for damaging subsea infrastructure (this report includes an assessment of a US report as “utter BS” - which assessment I consider correct);         France’s new PM is using fascist terminology regarding migration;         Mexico is rejecting Tr_ mp’s actions including refusing permission for deportation flights to land (although deportation flights have landed in Guatemala) - and Tr_ mp needs Mexico, although he is rapidly turning them into an opponent,   Brazil is angered by the USA’s brutal treatment of deportees,   Colombia has also rejected deportation flights - leading to retaliatory US action (that harms US citizens) and a strong counter response from Colombia - although Colombia subsequently backed down (for context, under Biden in 2024, 271,000 people were deported, but that was done with human decency).   Tr_ mp’s actions have led to South and Central America meeting to plan a response which will likely include turning to China;         the Governor of the US state of California has shut down an attempted stunt by Tr_ mp (and that state has also strongly criticised a bizarre claim by Tr_ mp),   the US Air Force will continue using training films about black and female pilots from WW2,   legal action has launched against the trans ban,   and,   as ICE “conducts made-for-TV raids”,   arrests Native Americans(!),   an   prepares to ship  prepares to ship 30,000 human beings to the notorious Guantanamo Bay,   US cities are resisting Tr_ mp’s immigration crackdown and church groups are taking legal action,   the Democrats have finally shown some strength and speed in opposition,   a major TV platform news anchor has quit, live on TV, in protest at that network obeying Tr_ mp,   and the Chair of the US Federal Reserve has refused to obey Tr_ mp;         thousands have protested against the far right/radical right/f_s c_m in Germany;         n__-n_z_s/fascists in the USA are feeling “energised”   and an expert has warned of the dangers of pardoning the insurrectionists;         and the US Department of Labor has implemented USSR-style policies of spying on and reporting (snitching) co-workers;         and         a religion expert has sounded an alarm on Tr_ mp’s christo-fascism (including “... I think it will go beyond rhetoric to - and I mean scholars of authoritarianism and scholars of genocide are very clear to point out that language of dehumanisation precedes violence, it always does   ...   these conservative Christians have arguably never had as much power as they do in this moment, and what we are not seeing is a softening of that rhetoric - we’re seeing the exact opposite we’re seeing more of this demonisation, more of these pile-ons, more of these attacks, and the language is vicious. And I think that is something worth noting and it should be a cause for concern ”) - and note also this and this

Tr_ mp is also likely to cost the USA over $20 billion in weapons sales as Europe stands up and starts relying on its own, possibly better/less expensive equipment - which would be better in many ways - in response to Tr_ mp’s threats. 

Tr_ mp attempted to shut down  trillions in US Federal spending (see also “buyer’s regret” reports here - and see also this analysis),   although HIV treatment programmes were exempted,   Democrats responded forcefully,   and subsequently the order was  rescinded,   but a credible warning is made that this may be re-attempted once Tr_ mp’s nominee for the Office of Management and Budget is in place.

And M_ sk, whose family’s links to H_t l_r were recently discussed online and whose use of a fascist salute may spur violence, made an unscheduled (I question the article’s use of the word unexpected) video appearance at a radical right event in Germany,      and   “Bill Gates calls Elon Musk’s embrace of far-right politicians abroad ‘insane shit’.      

And in Australia,      an appalling antisemitic mass casualty t_rr_r_st plot has been uncovered, with further antisemitic attacks;      n__-n_ z_s have tried to block a protest march, leading to arrests and condemnation;      long-term Jewish residents are now feeling unsafe because of the growing antisemitism;      the opposition has made a grotesque attempt to politicise antisemitism - and is trying to imitate Tr_ mp, which raises concerns about the risk of possible misinformation given the lack of policies/inadequate detail;      security staff from the notorious G4S company at a court in my home state ordered more than a dozen people to remove keffiyehs.

See also:   “When Peter Dutton and the Coalition use the Jewish community as political footballs it makes all of us less safe”   “They have created an imaginary caricature of Jewish people to push their political agenda”       and   “Human Rights Commission considers discrimination complaint against Peter Dutton over Gaza comments”   “Complaint lists numerous public comments by the Liberal leader, a staunch supporter of Israel, which it alleges show discriminatory behaviour towards Palestinians, Muslims and Jews”     

Regarding Tr_ mp this week, there are      concerns about a “confused, unhinged meltdown - and see also this assessment by two psychologists and a journalist, and this, this, this, and this;      his continuing use of distraction to cover his transformation of the USA into an undemocratic oligarchy;      an admission that he does not care about his voters - whose lives he is now destroying;      he has gagged any US involvement in any debate on abortion (which is often imposed and lifted depending on which party is in power) and pardoned anti-abortion activists ahead of an annual anti-abortion march;      another security detail (for Dr Fauci) has been removed - and also that for General Milley, together with a revenge demotion and revocation of security clearance;      the US Department of “Justice” has abandoned its prosecution of Tr_ mp’s co-defendants in the Florida classified documents case;      threats of legal action against the sackings of Inspectors-General;      the shut down of the agricultural sector as scared foreign workers stay home;      one of those pardoned by Tr_ mp has been killed by police for allegedly resisting arrest during a traffic stop;      and   a correction of one of Tr_ mp’s claims: 33 other nations also have some form of birthright citizenship.

For this week, I am also collating “buyer’s regret” reports here, and reports on the air collision tragedy, and Tr_ mp’s possible role in that, here.  

Above all else, as he “floods the zone” with material that needs to be addressed, King Tr_ mp is continuing to concentrate power in his hands, thereby replacing democracy with oligarchy.

Also in the USA this week, we have      an ICE raid has involved the arrests of US citizens - including a US military veteran - as well as undocumented immigrants, as Tr_ mp gives ICE powers to deport immigrants who came legally under the Biden administration;      key parts of the US government have ceased to function under the barrage of Tr_ mp executive orders;      Tr_ mp has ordered an illegal  freeze on all government assistance, which led to legal action and a temporary block imposed by a judge

This week the Israel-Palestine war has seen      Tr_ mp proposes the deportation (“clean out”) of all Gazans - which has been rejected by Egypt and Jordan, would likely strengthen H___s, and reveals Tr_ mp’s “lack of joined up thinking;      an opinion that the Palestinians need to be free to choose their own leader(s);      questions about scholars & organisations who, after condemning H___s following 7th October, remained silent as Israel’s assault on Gaza continued and worsened for 15 months;      fears as the 60 day ceasefire period came close to its end date, but Israel said it will extend its troop withdrawal from Lebanon beyond the ceasefire deadline (see also this concerning analysis by ACLED);      the next exchange of four Israeli hostages for 200 Palestinian prisoners led to Palestinian and Israeli joy - and more swaps, including Thai hostages, are being planned as the ceasefire continues to largely hold (these have now happened, and were chaotic - and what struck me was the sense of fear shown by female hostages surrounded by much taller, masked H___s men);      a warning that Israel’s ban on UNRWA will undermine the ceasefire;      the risk of unexploded munitions in Gaza;      and   criticism of Israel by a Jewish Holocaust survivor.

In other international news,      as Rwandan army troops  and  M23 “rebels”  appear to capture (see this analysis by ACLED), as feared, the major eastern DRC city of Goma, thereby creating a risk of an overt regional war (and a risk that samples of Ebola and other viruses could be released from a lab) and/or an overthrow of the DRC government, France, which, along with other western nations, ordered its nationals to leave that city, seeks a UN resolution declaring Rwanda the backers of the M23 (this conflict goes back to the aftermath of the Rwandan  genocide, and has subsequently included conflict minerals);      another conflict that involves economic gain is the war in Sudan, with the UAE standing to potentially gain economically by backing the RSF, as well as strengthening their military ties, with benefits such as RSF backing the UAE in Yemen;      Ukraine warns that Russia is planning on manipulating Tr_ mp (and a Russian state TV host has referred to two of Tr_ mp’s nominees as Russia’s “boy” and “girl”), and a major newspaper warns that “the west risks a far worse conflict if it fails Ukraine now”;      four years after the coup, Burma/Myanmar remains in a state of polycrisis;      and the rulers of Nicaragua have just changed that nation into an official dictatorship.

In human rights news,      a warning that Queensland must listen to medical experts on its harmful (and likely life threatening) puberty blockers ban (and, IMO, much of this comes from the personal insecurity around matters of gender/sex/adequacy of gender flat earthers);      as changes are mismanaged, leaving people fearful, there is a possibility of a better conversation about the NDIS in Australia;      Cambodia will criminalise Khmer Rouge genocide denial;      recent school shooters in the USA appear to have crossed paths in online extremist groups;      an electricity retailer has been fined $1.6 million for disclosing the “confidential information of 16 family violence-affected customers without their consent 21 times”, and taking “debt recovery action against another 38 without considering the potential impact”;      an opinion that rape has been effectively decriminalised in Australia, as “The probability of a rape victim seeing her abuser convicted and punished is less than 1%” - and this perpetrator-focused decision does not help that, let alone the non-consenting victim (as of July 2024, 2.8 million Australians aged 18 and over have experienced sexual violence since the age of 15;   7.7% [56,500] of women who experienced sexual assault by a male in the 10 years before 2021–22 contacted police about the most recent incident;   78,300 of 99,900 criminal trial defendants in 2022-23 were found guilty. The data sets are inconsistent, but clearly - as has been well known for a long time - the numbers of those committing sexual assault and being punished is far lower [~2.8%] than the numbers who are committing sexual assault - based on older data. The lawyer’s comment would be based on current data);     a call for older patients to get sympathetic oversight, rather than a blind eye or rubbish which ignores that, “For every vigorous elderly person, there are many others whose decline could be addressed with a pragmatic approach”;      in Australia, 83 per cent of female and 67 per cent of male employees would consider leaving a job that did not take sexual harassment seriously - which is around a $3.8 billion problem.

In societal and governance matters,      caution is being urged over the new, much less expensive AI from China, on the basis of it likely being a source of misinformation (e.g., on the Tiananmen  Square  massacre, and Taiwan);   the Australian neolibs are becoming more hardline right wing;      a call for the RBA to cut interest rates, as not doing so would be wrong and HIGHLY POLITICAL.


From a spiritual perspective, the most significant aspect of the last couple of weeks is how overwhelming they have been - which is a quite deliberate decision by the nonBPM. Under such circumstances, enduring is of great importance - vital importance, and that means self care - protection (probably Form 01, maybe defence in depth, or being part of a hedgehog defence), healing, nonphysical wellbeing, and taking time to recharge - to do the things we love (which for me, this week, has been listening to music)

And remember that doing so is a direct challenge to the nonBPM, who are seeking to control and limit us by fear. 

We also do need to resist, and that is where working with BPM  Guides or Deities is a particular advantage: they have the perspective we lack, so we can channel our love, healing and general BPM energy to them, and THEY will sort out the priorities, and get that energy to where it is most important that it be (which may not be the most immediate need).



On the resistance to the reign of Tr_ mp 2.Ø the global war against the radical right:

  • “Building Community Projects - Midday With Rev Don”   A useful reminder of the breadth of damage being done, and that many people saw what was coming, and tried to warn others (and others  did  NOT ... or even tried to deny/minimise the warnings)      and   “Building Our Own - Midday With Rev Don”      Along a similar vein, but from a different channel, is:   “The Path of a Witch in Troubling Times (Note: Not a Funny Video at ALL)”     
  • “Tr_ mp WH in PANIC MODE as he causes INSTANT DISASTER”   This includes some quite damning statistics on the numbers of deportations, and who was being netted, by the Biden administration vs. the Tr_ mp monarchy      and   “ALERT: Tr_ mp Pushes NIGHTMARE “Quota” Deportation Plan”   (this includes some excellent points [such as the massive extra cost of the abusive military flights] - and good, strong commentary)     

Here are some llinks that might also be of interest or value:

  • “Medieval Nights: The Lost Tradition of Two Sleeps”   The comments about insomnia and the industrial revolution’s artificial light are well worth noting     
  • “Therapist Explains Why Therapy Isn't Working (And What To Do About It)”   “I get this question all the time- "I’ve been in therapy and nothing’s changed- what am I supposed to do now?" Like all things related to therapy and mental health it’s complicated and there’s a lot of nuance here but I’m gonna do my best to give you some of my top recommendations about how to fix this issue!”      
  • also from YouTube:
    • from YouTube and elsewhere on neurodivergence: 
      • “Meltdowns Unmasked : The Flood (autism)”   This is another excellent video from Autistamatic     

If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below, and theres also other options

Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here

(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)   

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

#PsychicABetterWorld   and  

Copyright © Kayleen White 2007-2025     NO AI   I do not consent to any machine learning aka Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI, large language model, machine learning, chatbot, or other automated analysis, generative process, or replication program to reproduce, mimic, remix, summarise, or otherwise  replicate any part of this post or other posts on this blog via any means. Typos may be inserrted deliberately to demonstrate this is not an AI product.     Otherwise, fair and reasonable use is accepted under Creative Commons 4.0 on an Attribution-ShareAlike basis