Something I have written about before, and include in the “Routine explanation/commentary” section of my near weekly Psychic Weather Report (PWR) posts, is the concept of a struggle for balance against those trying to unbalance us - and the later have predominated in this world for millennia.
In fact, that is often described as a battle, although the word campaign is probably more appropriate.
My first exposure to the concept of such a battle probably came from the book “The Magical Battle of Britain” (Skylight Press, UK - and I wish they would make this ACCESSIBLE by creating a ebook version, which would open it up to a whole new audience!!!), which is a collation of Dion Fortune’s writing to unite and direct her students in cooperative psychic work against the n_ z_ / fascist forces threatening to invade the UK (“Britain”) in the early stages of World War (part) Two.
Others were doing such work as well, at least according to Gerald Gardner (see here, here, here, and here), and, as I wrote in one of my posts (copied below), Muktananada (but note also this).
I also was part of a group doing such work in an intense - too intense - way in the 1980s.
The intention of coordinating a cooperative effort is why I started doing the PWRs.
I consider that has been successful, as I routinely detect astral indications of others joining in such work, and am told by my BPM Guides that more do so than I detect (I detect typically around eight to twenty or so, which may be a limitation of timing/technique/ability of my sensing).
Of course, whether the actual number, whatever it is, is sufficient is arguable: the state of world suggests either more people are needed, or a better way of working (which will be up to others, given my stage of life).
The important point is:
we are back where the world was in the 1930s, and a SUSTAINED, cooperative effort is needed to overcome the forces of evil acting through fascism and oligarchy, and all the associated expressions of hate.
That does not have to be my PWRs - John Beckett writes about such work on his blog (or, perhaps more precisely, his newsletter, to which I subscribed many years ago) and on Patheos, and there are a few other links in the previously mentioned “Routine explanation/commentary” section of my PWRs.
In addition, there is the work Stuart Holroyd wrote about in “Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth” - see my post here.
What is important is that we all contribute to the extent that we can, and in the manner we best can without damaging ourselves. If you are not a part of the PWR work of this blog, I gently suggest you consider finding a way to contribute - the world needs you.
And, as I have been showing, you do not necessarily have to be in physical contact with others, but if you aren’t (or even if you are), you MUST take extra care to maintain your balance and wellbeing.
My earliest posts on this include:
- “Post No. 069 - Boundaries: the shades of grey between peace and violence” “As another example, I think it was Muktananada who claimed to have strengthened to resolve of the Russian forces at the Battle of Stalingrad, which was a major turning point in the war against [N_ z_ sm], through meditation. This theme of using meditation to promote peace (in the more “traditional” sense) is also a key theme in the events described in Stuart Holroyd’s book “Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth”. I've alluded to something significant there: that there are more than one way of using “peaceful” skills such as meditation to achieve peace. Using such skills to cause a deep, abiding peace in oneself, or to inspire growth and a non-violent way of resolving problems in others is one thing, but there are also battles and conflicts going on everyday in this lawless world that need active intervention so the world can get those over and done with, and then get on to moving to being a better world. Those battles are the emotional, mental and psychic battles that happen everyday over things like control - in the sense of controlling others.”
- “Post No. 385 - Encouragement, and the “magical battle of Britain”” “Moral aspects are also something that crops up quite a bit in Dion Fortune’s book “The Magical Battle of Britain”. In brief, [that] book is about the psychic effort that some people put into helping those who fought against the evils of [N_ z_ sm]. The effort is claimed to have contributed to Dion Fortune’s relatively early death, and having personal experience of the wear and tear such work can have, I’m not surprised. The work I do, however, is somewhat different to that which Ms Fortune and her group undertook: they were interested in establishing connections to higher forces, and then bringing through energies which they would release to do their work on this physical plane. My work is more interventionist: I get directly involved in clearing uncooperatives and fighting against their influence. However, I can relate to the struggle to bring something from the astral and higher worlds into this one (which is described in some of Lobsang Rampa’s books), and much of my work and writing is aimed at helping that to happen. Once a concept has established a foothold in this reality, a breach in the resistance of those who dislike change and those who actively, deliberately and maliciously oppose anything which could help others, it is easier for others to start getting the idea - a bit like Darwin and Russell both independently came up with the scientific theory of evolution, or perhaps like Lyall Watson’s story about the Hundredth Monkey.”
- “Post No. 440 - The Magical Battle of Melbourne, Australia and Humanity”
Possible flaws
Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider:
- there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking”;
- I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.
If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below, and there’s also other options.
Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here.
(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)
Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).#PsychicABetterWorld and candles for Viva La Résistance à Tr_ mp! and may all that I do be of value and actively BPM used for and by the nonphysical BPM
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