OK, so let's get controversial, shall we? Well, I will, at any rate, so ... hold onto your socks lest they get blown off :D
Now, we often fail to acknowledge or face up to things like personal flaws or faults. This denial, along with whatever the reason for such denial was (often guilt, or fear of others' disapproval), creates shields or barriers - some psychological, some psychic.
I will leave the psychological blocks to the shrinks, but the psychic ones are my area of expertise :)
These barriers - actually, I'll just stick to calling them shields, as that is how they are usually sensed by me - are capable of being perceived by a psychic
(actually, maybe I should use a broader term: a "sensitive", often used in this context to mean one who is sensitive to psychic energies, but may have the advantage of dodging round the baggage that many people hang on the term "psychic" - baggage such as "oh I'm not psychic" [often said due to false pride, or a desire to manipulate others into giving praise, as well as the more common simple disbelief]). In my case, I sense these literally as shields in the person's aura (including my own, if I find that I have any such shields).
Now, I am in favour, in most circumstances, of combining methods of working. Hence, for instance, I most often tell (if I am asked for my opinion!) people to combine
alternative medicine with conventional. They work in different ways on the same problem, and are often complementary. If we go back to one of my favourite sayings - "truth is a multi-faceted jewel" - for an analogy, one type of medicine works on the problem through one facet, the other works through another facet. Perhaps a better analogy would be to consider raising a load: one form of medicine takes part of the load, the other takes the rest. If you try to use only one form of medicine, perhaps it will be overloaded?
So, going back to shields, I consider the ONLY way they can be removed is by both:
(a) addressing the psychology that led to their creation (whether through counselling or GOOD personal growth work);
(b) dissolving the energy that is there.
Now, the good news about the second point is that you don't have to be psychic to do that: much of it can be done from the astral - i.e., when you are
astral travelling during your sleep state. It is, however, dealt with more quickly and efficiently if you do it consciously. That means, learn and APPLY the techniques I write about in my blogs.
Now, there are some circumstances where I will deal with the shields and barriers of other people. Those circumstances are:
(i) where they are actively harming other people to a significant extent,
(ii) where those shields have been inserted by other people (often discarnate) as a means of controlling the victim.
I have posted about this attitude of mine towards people deliberately harming others previously (see
here). As I have commented elsewhere, if someone has a gun and is shooting other people, you don't say "it is the shooter's free will". Well, much of the behaviour in society is akin to that shooting, but on a nonphysical level, where people who are not sensitive do not see or notice that someone is metaphorically bleeding to death or in pain not of their own choosing.
I personally consider that to be fairly obvious as a principle, although I freely admit not everyone is sensitive enough to perceive the reality of it.
Shields are capable of actively harming someone by:
- restricting their growth (e.g. by cutting of access to guides, or stopping the flow of ideas, etc);
- by contributing to sense of guilt or fear (e.g. fear of being unloved); or
- by stopping them understanding themselves.
These are not just passive blocks that interfere with interactions with other people (as the word perhaps suggests): they are much more sinister than that.
The second point is less obvious: creating doubts, guilts and fears within other people to enable them to be controlled. Ah, but then ... I suppose there has been a fairly extensive history of such behaviour, and that might help people to understand the effect of these negative psychic units. Probably the most recent and spectacular examples from history would be the
Stalinist Russian and African/Middle East
dictators' (such as
Mugabe and
Idi Amin) controls over people, and quite a few people regard varioius forms of religion as controlling people, but I understand that
Robert Menzies once said something to the effect that he didn't need to
ban the Communist party in Australia (possibly after he had lost the referendum?) because the controls exerted in suburban living rooms over other people were far more stringent than anything he could come up with. Which, of course, is why we needed the
flower-power 60s - to start breaking down that sort of
socialisation/social control of other people. I dread the prospect of having been alive as the adult I now am during the 50s and 60s - particularly being
trans (not to mention lesbian, pagan and - shock! horror! - a woman). I think I would have knocked myself off rather than try to live that way ... (or try to change it ... *shrugs* who knows? :) ).
There are earthbound entities who enjoy exerting power and control over people. maybe they see this as getting even for wrongs they did or thought they experienced while alive ... maybe it is just the nasty personality they had while alive still continuing as a result of them having failed to pass over properly.
There are even networks of such entities - much in the same way as a gang of (incarnate) youths may band together to go bullying or attacking people they perceive as weak, or people who are different and therefore threatening to their insecure sense of self.
In those cases, some of the motivation is the desire to belong, or to get assurance from people they consider their peers. It's more or less a variation of the sad old "any attention, even negative attention, is better than no attention".
Now, one of the aims of my proposed "Rangers of the Inner Plane" who I have mentioned previously (see, for instance,
here [which also has some relevant comments on other aspects of this post, as the title - “Honour, Mistakes and Forgiveness” - may suggest],
here, and
here), is finding situations where people are being psychically controlled, and breaking that control to re-establish the free will of the victim.
Determining this is not always simple or clear cut, and I am proposing quite extensive training (the course is currently at about 3 to 4 years length, based on weekly "lectures" and ongoing practice and exercises) on this aspect - particularly around some of the self destructive behaviour that people may indulge in as a result of their own free will. Such behaviour is actually VERY RARELY due to external control ...
Given all that, however, there are things which can be done about this. They include:
- learning to ground, shield and centre yourself (closing your aura is particularly important - far more so, in my opinion, than shutting down chakras [we never REALLY shut down our chakras: if we did, we would suffer serious harm, possibly even death; what most people REALLY mean when they say "close your chakras" is "desensitise your chakras" - and my experience is that closing the aura is more essential, although it is best if you do both);
- developing your psychic health and strength; and
- reducing your vulnerability by undertaking personal growth or increasing your awareness (e.g. by studying sociology or becoming an activist).
I've posted elsewhere about these skills. I also consider the alternate nostril
breathing technique
Lobsang Rampa describes to be absolutely invaluable. It strengthens and balances your mind. At first, I didn't notice the bit about "balancing", and was afraid that it would lead only to a stronger mind that would be possibly more locked into negativity, but that doesn't seem to be the case - certainly it hasn't for me.
I've also posted elsewhere about learning to do things like clearing and spirit rescue (e.g.,
here). Those skills are where one can start to actively work on those discarnates who are controlling others.
Just remember free will! If someone actually chooses to let themselves be controlled, you cannot do anything about it unless they are in turn harming others against the others' will: then you can, in my opinion, take action to stop the harm being done to the others.
Now, a big caution here: if you threaten or attack something that is important to other people, they will usually defend that. In this particular case, if you attempt to reduce the power of an egomaniac, as many of these controlling earthbound entities are, they will be less than pleased. It's a bit like walking up to a dictator (think
Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin,
Saddam Hussein, Robert Mugabe) and saying "I am going to take away your secret police and the other ways you use to control and keep subservient people". They're likely to try and do something to you. So ... don't try this unless you have very well developed skills of psychic self defence, PARTICULARLY around dealing with indirect psychic attack. (Indirect psychic attack is where someone gets at you by attacking someone close to you.)
When you start doing this sort of work, you become a threat to quite a few earthbound dictators, and they tend to take you on, including sending astral thugs round to try coming the heavy with you and/or your loved ones. So, you need to be very alert, very switched on. In my case, I sometimes astrally broadcast a warning that I will take on anyone who tries to come and have a go at me and clear their negative units (such as the shields and defences I've mentioned) "against their will". This is a bit like having a big, astral "Beware! The dog bites!" sign.
This is particularly so for people who want to try and take me on on the basis of me being trans - and I include other trans people in that: if they want to get at me by having other trans people attacked, I will regard it as an attack upon myself. In effect, I am saying
"if you do that, I will remove your shields and defences without your permission and enact the most terrible, cruel "curse" that I can possibly think of: forcing you to learn to be a better human being".
That "curse" of forcing someone to learn
not to do something, or learning to be a better human being, really IS far worse than just trying to return pain or misery, as it does force them (IF it is effective) to change who they are, and thus directly undermines what led to the behaviour and thereby denies them the "reward" they sought for that behaviour in the first place (because it is no longer something of any value to them). Having been through quite a bit of personal growth myself, I know just how difficult and demanding that can be, at times. So don't underestimate my approach just because it sounds "soft".
Now, there are two qualifiers to this approach.
Firstly, karma. In general, whatever you give out, or fail to give out, will come back to you. That means if you aim to cause someone else pain - even if they have done so to you first - that is potentially what you are creating for yourself. (Does the force 'em to learn to be better sound more appealing now? :) ) HOWEVER, if you have the capacity to take action to help others, and YOU DO NOT, then that failure to be helped when you need it is also something that you are potentially creating for yourself.
There was a recent article about karma on the
Witch's Voice website which I thought was mostly poor, but it covers this issue of failing to take action: if I can find the link for it, I'll post it (sorry!).
What I have been teaching people for 20 years is, when they embark on this work, specifically ask their DLF guides to immediately do to them whatever it is that they are doing to others during (and after) a clearing circle. This helps sitters become aware of things they are doing unconsciously, but it also helps set the scene for keeping a check on your motivation and actions. Are you comfortable having your own negative shields and barriers ripped out of you?
(I still make this request, by the way: it is a very important part of making sure I am ethical - of course, I am trying to be "positive" with the energies in my aura and life generally, so I actually quite enjoy having negative units removed.)
This leads to the second point: never leave a vacuum. Now, if you remove a negative psychic unit, such as a shield of emotional denial, that unit is likely to be recreated by the person unless they are given something else to hold to.
(One of my former students and I removed several earthbound entities and thought forms from one woman in particular, and each time she just unconsciously went out and dragged in another one.) So, when I work on my attackers this way, I also try to strengthen their links to their Higher Selves and their DLF Guides (including doing this for earthbound entities, if I cannot rescue them for some reason). I may try to stimulate their higher chakras (crown and those above - see my posts on chakras
here and
Think about this from the point of view of being in that situation (and I can guarantee that most of you will have, in some long distant past life ... waaaay back there!). Would you prefer to:
(a) have your values ripped away and be left totally exposed and vulnerable; or
(b) have your values ripped away and be given a glimmer of hope and teaching about a better way to think or be?
(Don't think about this from the point of view of being back there in that horrible past as you are now, with all your enlightenment an' all, but as you were then: fearful of being isolated or socially unconnected, perhaps, fearful that you would be "contaminated" by contact with people who were different, or fearful that anyone who was different would stop the world being the way you wanted it to be ... )
So, having got this perspective on the situation, one other bit of advice: never lose.
If you take on someone and they get the better of you, then you are telling all the earthbound entities and others around (in the nonphysical sense) that this is the measure of the strength that they have to get to in order to get some control over you. If something doesn't go the way you think it should, then ...
heal, learn, win.
This sometimes requires sessions to go for longer than anticipated, if you are working at a major level of intensity. It can be useful to be in a life situation that is a little flexible.
It would be useful at this stage to look at the flow charts is this
post from my other blog.
Of course, you don't
have to work at that level of intensity. By doing anything to make the world a better place you will still be contributing constructively, in a worthwhile and valuable way. It's a little like raising the Kundalini: you don't necessarily HAVE to do any special exercises to raise the Kundalini. When you have spiritually evolved enough, it will rise of its own accord.
On that issue of spiritually evolving, I've learned the hard way, the same as others have. One issue I have had to work through that others may not have is being trans. It may be useful to cover some of the spiritual lessons I have personally had from that, but it needs to kept in mind that these lessons are unlikely to apply to any other trans person. Everyone is unique, and we all have our own reasons for being in a particular situation.
So ... in no particular order, the lessons I've learned from being trans include (and this is by no means a complete list!) the following:
- Things are not always as others say they are. The fairly obvious lesson here is that what I was taught by society about gender and sexuality was wrong: one is not "born a (physical) sex and that's it", and one does not grow up, get married, have kids and then die. Life has far greater richness, far more variety - on very fundamental levels - than that. I was, in my opinion, born female: my physical shell, the outermost, least important part of me didn't match that - but that doesn't change the REALITY that I am, and always have been in this life, female. Of course, my idea of "what is female" is now rather radical to some (maybe even, dare I whisper it ... feminist. There are women who do not consider me female for all sorts of spurious reasons (e.g., I don't have periods: so what? What about the cisgendered women who don't have periods?).
- I am becoming better at standing up for myself, others and what is "right". There is a staggering amount of prejudice and discrimination that trans people encounter - it is enough for some to get tired of it all and choose to end their lives. That does NOT mean surgery is wrong, it means that SOCIETY is wrong to be bigoted. This process starts fairly early on for those trans people who wish to have surgery, as it is not one's own choice to have surgery: you have to live in the desired gender role, get examined by a panel of shrinks every three months, and then, finally, after two years, if they all agree you're transsexual, and you haven't developed any crucial problems along the way, you can get put on the waiting list (so long as you have the money [difficult when many get sacked at transition] and no physical problems preventing surgery). I actually favour having a thorough assessment procedure, but it could include a little support (which I understand has started in the last decade or so ... ).
- Associated with the previous point, I have developed greater understanding, sensitivity and empathy for other minority groups (it was always there to some extent, mind, but it has been refined and developed as a result of the hassles I have gone through). I am also (slightly) less conservative: my spiritual beliefs actually tend towards me being fairly conservative, but I've eased up a little. This is also helped by the first point, and both of those points were things that I had to go through because of the mistakes I made in my most recently previous life.
- One thing I am struggling with is not hating wrongdoers. When I have to bury someone who has committed suicide, or hear of another trans person murdered because they were "different", not hating is hard. I try to manifest my anger in a positive way (for instance, I spent several rewarding but exhausting years involved in activism, which is better than letting myself spiral down into hate. Still, I feel better about not hating the bigots when I see them learning or growing. One point that is very related to this is being aware that we train others how to treat us, so I don't just freely forgive or let others off the hook: if they are indulging in behaviour that I know can kill others, or cripple them emotionally, I will fight them (nonphysically - which means psychically, legally and socially) to the utmost of my ability: they HAVE to change, or they will kill, cripple or main some other human being, maybe not one of my trans siblings, but someone else who may have something the small-minded bigot perceives as "a difference".
I had a few other points when I first meditated on this: I'll add them as I rcall them, if I can.
So ... enjoy your thinking about all this :)
Love, light, hugs and blessings
This post's photo is yet to be posted.
Tags: denial, personal responsibility, psychism, guilt, fear, discrimination, earthbound,
First published: Wodansdagr, 26th January, 2011
Last edited: Wednesday, 26th January, 2011