Sunday 3 September 2023

Post No. 2,574 - Recovering from a corporate life - Episode 13: the first post-work week


Posts in this series are now listed at

PS - expect these to be edited fairly often. Writing these is part of the healing process, and will bring up more insights,etc.

This is going to be a very short post, and comes after my first week post retirement. 

The thing that struck me is it took me most of that week to learn (re-learn?) how to have a proper day off ... 

I think the last proper holiday I had was before the pandemic - actually ... maybe as long ago as 2008 for a good holiday - but at least five years ago since I had a good week off (would I have needed to retire if I had been getting the breaks I needed? Probably not)

There were lots of work multiple coincident/overlapping deadlines (one of the inherent problems of being a technical specialist, as opposed to a project manager) and personal (multiple family illnesses, etc) reasons for that, but, be that as it may, I had forgotten how to stop - which is something I touched on earlier in this series

Relaxing is probably not helped by knowing I will likely have to get some additional income, and some coming health issues to resolve, but at least Ive had one day off ... and this day today may also be a good, proper day off.

And on health issues, I have known for some years there were a few to deal with, and I am not looking forward to trying to fix as many of those as I can - and it is frustrating not being well enough to get back into the exercise and housework that I want to do, which is, in itself, another lesson in patience. Im going to be writing about a new issue after this post (now done - see here).

So ... as the juggler juggling multiple sharp objects said: “now for my next trick ... stopping.” 

It aint easy for that hypothetical juggler nor for the post-corporates ...

Blessed be.

I am writing this series in the hope that it will contribute to a better understanding - or at least better research into the effects of - the so-called developed world’s economic systems - which are based on the world-destroying amathia of perpetual growth, and patriarchal oligarchical capitalism expressed as often expressed corporatism and neoliberalism.


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Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.