Thursday 21 September 2023

Post No. 2,593 - Interim update: working with chakras and colours

PS - I am now formally listing the posts in my “colours and chakras” project at   “On line “courses” (on this blog) and practice exercises”   (and these and other posts which touch on the topic under the label )  

I mentioned recently that I was working on a project to assess the nature/actions of specific colours in each of the chakras in my 13 chakra system. 

Now ... I still have a long way to go with that - including repeating the meditation cycle at least once more, and preferably twice (and each cycle is nine colours x 13 chakras = 117 meditations), but I have decided to make an interim and temporary post on some results so far. 

Now, first: a caution. 

If anyone claims they have determined a universal system of colours and associations that applies to everyone, LEAVE ASAP:

  • there are individual differences which mean that is impossible; 
  • there are different perceptions of colour (including colour blindness) in the physical, different eyesight variations, and colours in the nonphysical that simply do not exist in the physical; 
  • the preceding points means the claimant is either: 
    • lying maliciously - i.e., to commit a scam - which may be illegal, and definitely IS immoral, unethical, and unspiritual; 
    • lying out of incompetence - either: 
      • out of a desperate desire for attention, indicating an immature/unbalanced character and/or a need for healing; or 
      • to try to impress someone - which is a cautionary warning; or 
      • incompetence, ignorance, and arrogance.

Going back to what I have found for myself - and keep in mind that, for past life reasons, I do not need any more red in my life and so minimise use of that colour, as examples: 

  • I have found visualising a combination of blue from both the base and second chakras through my lymphatic and other non-blood circulation systems eases any cravings I may be having for salt;
  • visualising pink from the second chakra to particular locations eases my tendency to pick at any skin irritation or wound (which is quite possibly an autistic trait).

That's good for me, but not enough to justify making this post at this early stage of the project ... but what is, is discovering that I can use silver from my base chakra (visualised as a tree root into the Earth [as done for grounding] and then to a place of ice [which, combined with the specific colour, is the variation that makes it differ from standard grounding exercises] ... or just visualise the colour in that chakra and the place of ice and feel a connection - almost like a quantum entanglement ... ) to create an impenetrable sense of calm when being subjected to a civility trap or other similar attacks. 

As I wrote above, everyone has personal variations which means that may or may not work for them, but it may be a clue to start looking for what IS of use to you, Dear Reader. 

Ive provided an extract from my work to date below FYI. Kee in mind I may change this on the next cycles - and there is more detail to add. 

PS - I have fixed the typo in the original :)


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Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.