Sunday 3 September 2023

Post No. 2,575 - Autism

So ... Ive been making a few discoveries about myself of late - which I have written about, for instance, here (which also led to information about one of my partners past lives), and here - and that post is interesting, among other reasons, for the fact that my adoptive sister had suspected it for many years. 

I have another one to add to that list: being neurodivergent - specifically, probably autistic.

It turns out that my partner, who is a counsellor, had suspected it for some years anyway, and in retrospect, I can see it in things such  as: 

  • some personal stims such as chewing my finger nails and, for much of my life, plastic; 
  • sensitivity to noise and crowds - although that is also connected to being introverted and HSP; 
  • some of the ways I studied and learned when I was younger (such as, when my adoptive parents bought me my own boat when I was a teenager and I was learning to be a skipper, asking other sailors questions about tuning etc and writing the answers in a little notepad - until one said “everything you say will be taken down and used against you” [which came after my adoptive father suggested I ask questions/challenge the info - I had to learn boundaries & gratitude]);
  • having a rich inner life - but that may be tied up with my creativity ... although I do practice conversations - sometimes as part of dealing with past trauma;
  • my intense dislike of small talk - but some of this may be connected to my spiritual perspectives ... 

Then again, maybe it is the other way round: 

In any case, techniques such as meditation (and use of mood-appropriate music that I like) have helped with all of these sundry issues. 

I feel that this also is partly a reward for outlasting corporate work, and partly one of the benefits of simply getting out of the excessive stress of modern working life ...

One resource I have found quite useful with this is Orion Kelly - see and

I also still recommend  Jessica  Wildfires Unlikable: A Guide for Different Minds”, which I mentioned here (and, Dear Reader, you now know why I wrote that I was researching autism).

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Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.