Sunday 24 September 2023

Post No. 2,597 - Reintroduction of labels

PS - my apologies, but it seems Blogger doesnt make labels available in the mobile view, which is unfortunately beyond my control :( 

PPS - back in 2010, I created a list of posts under each label, which can be found at At that stage I had fewer than 200 posts: with well over 2,000 posts now, although I would love to be able to, I will not be attempting to create an updated list (I still have to allocate labels to well over 1,000 posts, apart from anything else - such as there being better uses of my time and energy).

One of the things I have become more familiar and comfortable with as a result of my intermittent and often brief forays into social media, is the concept and use of hashtags.

Blogger doesnt have hashtags per se, but it does have labels.

I used to use labels when I first started blogging, but improved search engines made that less useful, and I stopped using them. 

I now consider, however, that there is a fair argument for reintroducing labels, and will do so. 

One important caution: 

there is a gap of many years in the use of labels, and I am not proposing to add reintroducing labels to posts during those years to my already not inconsiderable to do list - which means you may need to combine labels and searches to find articles. My apologies.

One other note: 

I am going to tweak the labels I have/use and list in the footer widget - mostly the less used labels. I have, for example, discontinued the label label, which means this post about labels has no label ... 😁

(I probably will slowly work at adding labels to those posts without them - and editing existing labels ... but that is a massive task, and will take some time - probably years.) 


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Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.