Thursday 28 December 2023

Post No. 2,675 - Recovering from a corporate life - Episode 24: more on recovery of joy, with side notes on neurodivergence and empathy

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PS - expect these to be edited fairly often. Writing these is part of the healing process, and will bring up more insights,etc.

My wise partner (who is a counsellor, by the way) made a very insightfful comment to me recently: after so many years of doing things I hated, it was important now to pursue doing things I like. 

Part of the context for that was my struggles to shift from a weekday planned schedule of activities (meditation, exercise, recreation, sleep, work, etc) + a weekend planned schedule (meditation, exercise, recreation, other activities sleep, etc) to a week-long planned schedule to better suit my reduced energy levels. 

The ideal now is, for example, to have a two day cycle of exercise, rather than trying to get every type of exercise in on the one day, and to plan to do a certain amount of study sessions per week rather than one every day. 

I haven’t yet found quite the right weekly schedule - although some aspects of my previous schedule continue, or I am attempting to continue, such as doing news posts on Saturday and - if I can - my psychic weather reports on Sundays. 

That latter one may change, as it hasn’t been working for me for some time now ... 

One other detail here is that, when I refer to a schedule, I don’t mean a detailed timeline of do X at time Y every Thursday - that wouldn’t sit well with my ADHD, so it is broader than that, along the lines of do A, D, and M on Monday, and P, Q, and X on Tuesday, etc - perhaps with a broad classification into daylight and evening, or daylight before the rest of the household gets up (I am still an early riser), daylight, and evening. 

But I do want to get that broad schedule sorted - my autism would like that: the combinations I’ve tried so far just ... aren’t quite right ... 

On my neurodivergence journey (which is progressing well - and I am ... not so much blunt, as I used to be and thought I wanted to recover, but more direct in an empathy and trauma informed way when being crushed by neoliberalism/corporatism), one thing I have realised is that one part of what I enjoyed about living on a small boat (in a marina, so I could use their facilities and receive mail) in the 90s was that my bunk was, effectively, a nest.

I’ve often referred to the boat as being a bit like a Cancerian shell, referring to parts of my astrology, or a warm, snug, and welcoming cave, but the nesting aspects of my bunk fir perfectly on that.

Since Ive started exploring that aspect of myself, I’ve wondered briefly about using my teddy bears (I have collected them for decades - they, and playing with stereotypically female dolls were some of the early signs of being trans) as part of my nest, but ... prepare to laugh ... I feel like they deserve to retire and rest as well ... 😂 (remember this is being written by the woman who doesnt like to take small crystals into difficult energetic situations out of concern for the wellbeing of the crystals ... sigh)  

That reminds me: something else I have been thinking about is psychic protection and empathy. Personal psychic protection, mainly against disharmony, is something that is obviously needed in public, but a slightly lower form is also needed when at home. My partner noted that, in a household of three empaths, moods can be transferred around between us. 

Obviously we don't want barriers between the three of us, but some form of protection is still necessary ... a new psychic and personal growth project to get my teeth into ...

A final comment: a lot of this is emotional healing from the psychopathic work conditions that neoliberalism creates. When that is defeated and no longer exists, not only will fewer people be damaged by work, but our creativity will flourish and society will benefit.

Blessed be.

I am writing this series in the hope that it will contribute to a better understanding - or at least better research into the effects of - the so-called developed world’s economic systems - which are based on the world-destroying amathia of perpetual growth, and patriarchal oligarchical capitalism expressed as often expressed corporatism and neoliberalism.


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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our MÓ•gan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk.

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