- my recent posts on my political blog:
- From the news on: society, the climate crisis, environmental issues, and nuclear threats, human rights, the war in West Asia, politics & democracy, and international affairs;
- “A thought on the war in West Asia and Russia” https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-thought-on-war-in-west-asia-and-russia.html
- “An update (and an old submission) on tiny homes” https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2023/12/an-update-and-old-submission-on-tiny.html
- from YouTube:
- “Gary Mannion in trance with Jimmy - answers questions 3rd December 2023” https://youtu.be/dZXNyTcJD74?si=UzZsvrFqgLwwnc41 These are usually good, but the following was part of that session, in my opinion, outstanding, and I will be making a greater effort to follow this particular medium-spirit combination: At ~3:55 Q.: “They say the current average belief in spirit is about 3%, how long before it is over 5%, and they can they be very effective, can ... can ... how then can they be very effective?” A: “So to change your question slightly there so it can apply to everyone who may not understand percentages there, and I was never really good at maths, and still not. What I will tell you, the limitation you have with your earth side life is, you have a physical mind and you’re in a physical world, which is very limited. Now if you were to able to see my side of life right now, and then return to the physical sphere, your mind would have to interpret what you experienced. And it would be limited in its understanding, so it would change a lot of the information, of what you experience from my side to make it fit with your side. And this is why you have people who have near-death experiences: one may see a church on my side, the other will see a synagogue. Indeed it’s their own interpretation, their own belief systems which changes the information to make sense to fit into the limitations of the physical world. So indeed, trying to explain my side of life we always have to limit it to what the mind will understand. So the spirit world is actually very different to the physical sphere, but it’s also very similar in certain aspects, but whenever we give you a description of the spirit side of life, it’s always a watered down version that the physical mind can understand. As your mind progresses, as your awareness progresses, the veil between your side of life and my side of life goes thinner, then you'll have a better understanding.”
- on neurodivergence:
- from NeurodiverJENNt:
- “Everyone wants a label” https://youtu.be/qQ-OvNJZwl4?si=h_jTkpyVvnaOL2bX Very interesting
- “AuDHD - Autism and ADHD: Sameness, Routine, and Sensory issues?” https://youtu.be/m6YTx3S2iPI?si=OyG-si9e4yG8dutG Very interesting, informative, and, for me, relatable
- from Autistamatic:
- “What Is Autism? Autism & Society” https://youtu.be/-RSkFB2vLak?si=X3w-OyPI3gL4blrG
- “The TRUTH Behind #ActuallyAutistic” https://youtu.be/ZZFPiqxIVWw?si=G14A9R0MftJv2nPQ This includes a useful, informative, and interesting (and sometimes a bit saddening) history of usage of the Internet by what is now encompassed - in my opinion - by the term neurodivergent community, but is ultimately hopeful.
- “Autistic Black & White Thinking... Autism & Relationships 9 * Morality & Justice *” https://youtu.be/uPRa6G2a48E?si=1Gs4DJpDxnII_OUC I related to this quite strongly
- ““Mind Reading” - (Theory of Mind & Double Empathy) Autism & Relationships 3” https://youtu.be/IAH9aGb4Gwg?si=Fxn7z0zCX3_YutHl Except for a criticism at scam artists that comes across as a denial of psychism/ESP (see Dean I Radin's “The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena” [Harper One (2010), first pub. Harper Collins (2009), ISBN 978 0062029096, Amazon] for a rebuttal of that denial, but I SUPPORT criticising and appropriate legal action against scam artists), this is, as usual for this channel, excellent
- from other channels:
- “The Hidden Rules of Conversation” https://youtu.be/IJEaMtNN_dM?si=97gJH4xj3m9Df-xx This was surprisingly interesting - and likely to be useful to all people, but particularly autists
- on angry advocates: “Words matter, but practical change matters more” https://youtube.com/shorts/kOjiSa-UfX8?si=30XODjYfK9u8rvP3
- “What Happened To Google Search?” https://youtu.be/48AOOynnmqU?si=WQAetjiUebsYgzCa (has some excellent insight into history, and a credible answer to the question {there are other opinions])
- from Medium and similar:
- “I hate work” https://joanwestenberg.medium.com/i-hate-work-7d51197cd662 “This isn’t just burnout. It’s deeper than that. This statement may seem blasphemous in a society obsessed with hustle culture and endless motivation, but let me be honest — I loathe the act of working. I hate it. It doesn’t fulfil my purpose or ignite any passion within me.” Materialism satisfies few, and harms many if not most or all. Things like connection and purpose are what matter, not dollars or things.
- “The block button is the ultimate source of dopamine. Use it” https://joanwestenberg.medium.com/the-block-button-is-the-ultimate-source-of-dopamine-use-it-78d019dcafea “But let me be clear. It’s perfectly okay to use the block function on any and every single platform. Block whoever you want. Block liberally. Block joyously. It’s not rude; it’s not an act of censorship, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation” Another excellent article from a very thoughtful author
- “Don’t look down on TikTok creators. Learn from them” https://joanwestenberg.medium.com/dont-look-down-on-tiktok-creators-learn-from-them-23be505a4fc7 “As a 34-year-old writer, I’ve seen the evolution of storytelling from physical print to digital media to the dazzling, and fast-paced world of social video. ... It’s been a test of adaptability but it’s also an opportunity to embrace a newfound sense of creativity” More good advice and thoughtful reflection
- “We've Got The Mental Health Crisis All Wrong” https://www.okdoomer.io/weve-got-mental-health-all-wrong/ “Most
people don't really know what the phrase "mental health" even means.
They think they do. They think it boils down to smiling around everyone
and keeping your negative thoughts to yourself. ... Psychologists have
a name for that. It's called surface acting.
Our jobs place enormous demands on us to fake attitudes and emotions
that align with social norms, no matter what we're actually feeling on
the inside. It's bad for everyone. The lower your place in the
hierarchy, the worse it gets.” I agree whole heartedly with this article - some of my personal experience of this and the consequences can be found at https://gnwmythr.blogspot.com/p/recovering-from-corporate-life.html
- “10 Reasons Why Societies Fail to Respond to Their Greatest Threats” https://www.okdoomer.io/you-arent-the-one-panicking-they-are/ These reasons are real, and important to know so they can be countered
- a rebuttal of a sloppily constructed, simplistic, and clueless claim that free will does not exist https://theconversation.com/a-stanford-professor-says-science-shows-free-will-doesnt-exist-heres-why-hes-mistaken-218525
- “Dust In The Wind | John Beckett” https://www.patheos.com/blogs/johnbeckett/2023/12/dust-in-the-wind.html An interesting reflection on change, particularly over a lifetime
- “Beacons of Civilisation” https://www.juancole.com/2023/12/beacons-of-civilization.html
- this week’s “afterlife report” by the Zammits (see here for zoom meeting opportunities): https://www.victorzammit.com/December8th2023/
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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk.