Sunday 31 December 2023

Post No. 2,678 - Rangers of the Inner Plane: an update

Back in 2010 I attempted to launch an organisation referred to as the Rangers of the Inner Plane. It never took off in the physical, but it did in the nonphysical, and a significant part of my nonphysical work involves liaising with those people who loosely allied themselves under that banner.

I may one day finish writing up the training notes I proposed for that organisation, but that’s not my highest priority. 

However, the astral Rangers of the Inner Plane does exist as an organised group, with “Brigades” being used as the basic organising unit. Of late, in my Psychic Weather Report sections on some of my candles on my candles blog, I have been referring to some of those Brigades with regard to areas of the world that are being worked on - and, as of this week, I have decided to add that in to the PWRs on this blog.

The reason for that is so any of you who are interested can ask your BPM  Guides to be assisted, during your sleep state work, to join in any Ranger work in your area - or areas you are interested in. 

You can also ask your BPM  Guides to arrange for you to receive astral training in the techniques being used (much of which is already covered on this blog)

To aid that, I’ve also prepared a map of the areas the Brigades work in - which has been updated recently. 

I won’t provide any additional information, such as the names of the astral leaders - partly because trying to transcribe some of those names into the physical is more effort than I am interested in doing, but mainly because you should be working through your BPM  Guides and whoever your local contact is, rather than (arrogantly) presuming you have a need or even a right to go right to the top.

I also want to make it clear that I have too many years and too little energy, health & time to be interested in trying again to establish this organisation as a physical body - and I do NOT endorse anyone else trying to do so (and definitely not under that name)

However, the organisation has been existing and working since 2010 on the astral, and is a viable option for you to choose - although you may not recall all of the work you did during your sleep state work.

So ... here’s that map: 

Here are a few posts I mention the Rangers or Ranger techniques in: 

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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering”.

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