Tuesday 23 July 2024

Post No. 2,840 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1G - Form 07

Further to   “Post No. 2,712 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1”   https://gnwmythr.blogspot.com/2024/02/post-no-2712-coming-formalisation-and.html   I have some additional details on Form 07 below. I’ll start with the information from the above-mentioned post. 

Ultimately I will aim to do this for each Form so I can, at the very least, create a separate link for each Form. All posts in this series are now being listed at   “On line “courses” (on this blog) and practice exercises”   https://gnwmythr.blogspot.com/p/on-line-courses-on-this-blog.html   as they are completed. 

Form 07 - Absorption

This is a difficult and dangerous technique: if it is not done correctly, one risks setting oneself back spiritually – and one may harm those one loves.  

The technique is used by some Yogis / eastern adepts and some shamans/shamanesses, and consists of drawing into oneself energy that is nonBPM – energy that is, in a healing context, causing or contributing to illness/dis-ease, for instance, and then dissolving that energy by overwhelming it with one’s own BPM energy. 

In a sense, one is drawing the problem into oneself, and then applying Form 09 to oneself. 

And, if you do not adequately apply Form 09 to yourself, you risk taking a massive leap backwards on your spiritual path by making that problem (if it is spiritual) a part of your being. 

If the problem you have absorbed is emotional or mental, you have taken on a problem that could result in self harm – or, depending on the type of energies you have taken on, result in you having problems where you harm others, perhaps your loved ones. 

So I repeat: this is a difficult and dangerous technique

For that reason, I will not post any details of this technique: it is one you must find a good, ethical and BPM physical world teacher to be able to use safely and effectively – and, in my experience, Form 09 is far safer, more likely to be effective, and better suited to wide use. I have only used this technique around half a dozen times in half a century, and those occasions could also have been met by using Form 09 over a longer period.  

However, what I will post for now, is that the best preparation for this (which is also of benefit for one’s being generally) is:

(1) Know Thyself - including Lesson Three here, and master the art of checking (including these) – including having someone you trust to keep an eye on how your are going, watching for any changes of character, etc, someone who is unafraid to call you out, and who you will listen to when they do; 

(2) Be as free of the nonBPM energy you are going to absorb as is possible. If you have freed yourself of that nonBPM energy once before, it will be easier to free yourself of it again; 

(3) Be as good in your nonphysical strength, health and wellbeing as you possibly can: it is better that the energy you are absorbing is comparable to your strength as a fly is to an elephant than the other way round;

(4) Be scrupulous in your application of BPM   ethics on all levels – preferably, also unconsciously, so that if there is a risk (such as you lacking adequate relative strength to do this without impact while also meeting your life obligations without problem) such that you should not do this, you will not; and 

(5) practise and MASTER the breathing exercise Tonglen – which is best written about (in my opinion) by Pema  Chödrön.

See “Post No. 326 - Tonglen”   https://gnwmythr.blogspot.com/2011/10/tonglen.html   

“OK, the second point is that, when one finds oneself resisting the exercise of tonglen for others, one then focuses of doing that practice for oneself - take out your weariness, compassion fatigue, etc, and send yourself whatever you need, whether that is appreciation, gratitude, healing, a hug, etc. So ... one also learns to be gentle (compassionate) towards oneself.” 

There is also a variation of this, which has SLIGHTLY less risk: absorb the nonBPM energy only to the extent that you can move it, and then take to a stronger place/Unit for that place to deal with – which requires the pre-arrangements and consent of that place/Unit as per Form 03

This technique is well suited to Æther  and Earth  (working together) elemental  energy/units / magick/magickal techniques.


Living on the edge
Am I really as good
As I think I am?
If not
I lose – and so do those
Who rely on
Or are near
Do I wish to gamble
My and others wellbeing
On the strength of my arrogance, ego, and pride?

If I do,
Can my love be strong enough?
Can I resist the call of old ways?
Can I have
The terrifying cold fire
Of the Goddess’ absolute
Expectation of loving compassion
With no excuses, deceptions, or lies?


Technical details

First off, a lot of what was written in the technical details section of Form 01 applies here – certainly, at least, principles such as intention, passive vs. active techniques, relative strength, tools such as ritual to increase the strength of your units, using units you are familiar and/or comfortable with (and know to be BPM, by the way), use of multiple and/or overlapping units, anchoring your units, using multiple senses if possible, safe location/positioning so you do not harm others accidentally, and exceptionally good self-care skills and habits. 

I won’t repeat those common comments for this or the other forms, other than repeating the preceding paragraph. 

For this Form the first additional technical comments I want to make is about excess BPM strength / quantity of energy / whatever term you want to use. 

As a first point, your daily life requires a certain amount of energy – more, if you are deliberately doing the work of this blog. 

The energy you need for those tasks over the period you do any absorption INCLUDING THE COMPLETE TIME TO FULL RECOVERY are a fixed base, and cannot be used without breaking the principles outlined above. 

The amount of excess energy must be sufficient to completely overwhelm and heal and/or clear the energy/unit(s) you are seeking to manage by this technique.  

The best guide to how much to use, I have found (over decades of experience) is actually from military guides: 

the ratio of your BPM energy to that which is wish to manage by absorption needs to be at least 3:1, and preferably 10:1

If it is less than that, the technique will take longer, and there is an increased risk of harm to bystanders (this is one of the reasons I prefer the slower by safer Form 09)

This requires you to pre-check – accurately - the relative strengths/energies.

(If this is somehow a joint project, with others perhaps providing some of their energy, there is typically a loss of efficiency [often due to just the need to coordinate/harmonise], so you should never allow more than 70 - 80% of each individual capacity in the total mix.) 

The second comment is the greatest danger to the safe and effective use of this technique: 


Now, typically when I write ego, people assume that means getting the assessment of relative strengths wrong – and that is an all too common and valid problem. 

However, this bigger problem is ego that manifests as bigotry, and results in people assuming something needs to be “managed” when the truth is that those making the assumption are simply uncomfortable with people being different. 

To manage this, you must seek the opinion of three more experienced, capable, and genuinely independent (NOT FRIENDS!) people as to whether you (a) should, and (b) can, do this technique in this particular situation. 

If any of them say “no” to either aspect, DO  NOT  PROCEED

You can always pass the matter to stronger BPM powers (such as BPM  Guides / Tutelary (Matron/Patron/Non Binary) Deities / Higher Self / other BPM sources).



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Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here

(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)  

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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